
  • 网络Space Shuttle Endeavour;HMS Endeavour;endeavor;The Endeavour
  1. “奋进号”航天飞机上全体机组人员的任务基本上已经完成了。

    The mission for the crew of the space shuttle Endeavour is essentially over

  2. 周一早上,奋进号宇宙飞船发射升空,NASA再次展示了自己的魅力。

    AZUZ : The second time was the charm for NASA as the space shuttle Endeavour took off early Monday morning .

  3. 在奋进号发射不到2个小时,参议员批准了前航天飞机指挥官CharlesBolden。

    Former shuttle commander Charles Bolden was confirmed by the Senate less than two hours after Endeavour 's liftoff .

  4. 这枚火箭是猎鹰9号,协议在今年最后两架航空飞机——奋进号和亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机退役之后达成。1.capacityn.才能,能力

    The rocket is the Falcon 9 , and the deal is for after the two last shuttles -- Endeavour and Atlantis -- are retired this year .

  5. MaeJemison以前曾经搭乘奋进号。在那次任务中,她成为飞往太空的首名非裔美国女子。

    Mae Jemison has flown on Endeavour before . On that mission , she became the first African-American woman to travel into space .

  6. NASA表示,奋进号发射的时候,国际空间站正在罗马尼亚西部340千米的高空,以每秒8千米的速度运行。

    At the time of Endeavour 's launch , NASA says the International Space Station was traveling at a speed of about eight kilometers-per-second , 340 kilometers above western Romania .

  7. 主引擎启动……二……一……零……助推器点火……奋进号航天飞机启动,NASA最后一个太空站太空舱将把了望窗拍摄到的太空镜像传送回来。

    two ... one ... zero ... booster ignition .... and of Shuttle Endeavour with NASA 's final space station crew compartment to bring the bay window view to our backyard .

  8. 通过对15万吨南海奋进号浮式生产储油船分析表明,该FPSO营运过程中装/卸载风险对船体梁纵向强度和安全性具有显著影响。

    Taking " Nanhai fenjin " FPSO as example , the analyses show that the loading / unloading courses of the FPSO have marked effects on the longitudinal strength of hull girder and safety .

  9. 在一次新闻发布会上,Gerstenmaier指出,奋进号航天飞机机组成员在航天飞机上有修复的工具。

    At a news conference , Gerstenmaier noted that the Endeavour crew has shuttle repair kits on board .

  10. 奋进号航天飞机发射升空,执行最后一次任务。

    The space shuttle Endeavour taking off on its final endeavor .

  11. 奋进号宇航飞机飞抵拉斯维加斯。

    The space shuttle Endeavor is crawling its way through LA .

  12. 奋进号航天飞机将把宇航员送上哈勃。

    The shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble .

  13. 奋进号航天飞机上个月返回了地球。

    The Space Shuttle Endeavour returned to Earth last month .

  14. 这是被背在747飞机上的奋进号。

    This is Endeavour piggybacking on a 747 jet .

  15. 据说奋进号将会在星期五最终降落在洛杉矶。

    Endeavour is said to make its final landing in L.A. on Friday .

  16. 奋进号航天飞机已抵达加利福尼亚州。

    The space shuttle Endeavor has arrived in California .

  17. 奋进号将会在它穿越全国时停下来几次。

    Endeavour is making some stops , as it travels across the country .

  18. 周一黎明前的几个小时,奋进号最后一次任务的发射工作顺利进行。

    Endeavour 's last scheduled night launch went smoothly in the pre-dawn hours Monday .

  19. 由于作息安排不同,“奋进号”和国际空间站上的人员通常不能一起吃饭。

    Differing schedules and chores usually prevent shuttle and station crews to eat together .

  20. 奋进号航天飞机将在近2周的时间停泊在太空站。

    The shuttle will remain docked at the space station for nearly two weeks .

  21. 奋进号预计于周五返回佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心。

    Endeavour is due back at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Friday .

  22. 如果第六次奋进号航天飞机发射失败,它可能创了一个记录。

    If the shuttle 's sixth launch attempt failed , it would set the record .

  23. 由于雷电天气,美国奋进号推迟发射。

    Lightning delays space shuttle Endeavour launch .

  24. 被选中的名字是奋进号,它是根据詹姆斯?库克指挥的第一艘船只而命名的。

    The name chosen was Endeavor , after the first ship commanded by James Cook .

  25. 奋进号将和机组人员一起前往国际空间站,进行为期两周的任务。

    The shuttle and its crew are on a two-week mission to the international space station .

  26. 2010年他第一次进入太空,那时他驾驶奋进号航天飞机。

    His first trip to space was in 2010 , when he piloted the shuttle Endeavor .

  27. 奋进号宇航员对航天飞机腹部一个3英寸的裂缝做近距离观察。

    Endeavor astronauts worked for a close look at the three-inch gash in the shuttle 's underside .

  28. 预期奋进号将在周三早在西班牙北部海岸与国际空间站对接。

    Endeavour is scheduled to dock with the station early Wednesday over the northern coast of Spain .

  29. 由于这次航天飞机计划的时间所剩无几,美国航天局对奋进号起飞十分焦急。

    NASA was anxious to get Endeavour flying , given time is running out on the shuttle program .

  30. 亚特兰提斯号执行了最后一个航天飞机飞行任务,但奋进号才是美国国家航空航天局建造的最后一艘太空飞船。

    Atlantis flew the final space shuttle mission , but Endeavour was the last shuttle built by NASA .