
  1. 介绍了高寒区隧道防排水施工技术及奎山隧道采用地下中心深埋水沟、衬砌背后竖向保温、盲沟结合隧道等常用防排水措施,形成了一整套防排水系统;

    The paper introduces the construction technology of tunnel waterproof and water drainage in high cold region .

  2. 人们到处建神庙,特别是在广场地区、在阿文蒂尼山、卡皮托利尼山和奎里纳尔山等处。

    Temples were built everywhere , but especially in the forum and on the Aventine , Capitoline and Quirinal hills .

  3. 现居美国新墨西哥州阿布奎基,是山迪亚国家实验室的科学记者。他很喜欢自己的眼镜。

    Neal Singer , based in Albuquerque , writes about science for Sandia National Laboratories . He is quite fond of his glasses .