
  • 网络bagging
  1. GA3和套袋对红肉脐橙果实品质的影响

    Effects of GA_3 and Bagging on Fruit Quality of Cara Cara Navel Orange

  2. 对苹果套袋能够有效地降低果实中的Pb含量,最高可降低80%左右。

    Bagging apple fruit could effectively decrease the Pb concentration , by 80 % in maximum .

  3. 套袋机械手及其PLC控制

    Robot for Sheathing Bags and PLC Control

  4. 介绍了套袋机械手的工作原理及采用的PLC控制系统。

    This paper introduces working principle of the robot for sheathing bags and the adopted programmable logical control system .

  5. 套袋与苹果果实中Pb、Cd、Cr含量关系的研究

    Studies on Relations of Pb , Cd , Cr Content in Apple Fruits of Bagged and Unbagged

  6. 沟藏温度下,通过套袋使CO2浓度升高、O2浓度下降,可致使鸭梨褐变溃烂。

    High CO_2 and low O_2 could induce browning of ' Yali ' pears under ditch storage tem - perature .

  7. 套袋提高了果实中Vc和氨基酸含量且越早套袋,含量越高。

    Bagging improved the content of amino acid and Vc , bagging sooner , the higher content .

  8. 套袋对莱阳茌梨果皮结构和PPO、POD活性的影响

    Effect of Bagging on the Peel Structure and PPO , POD activity of

  9. 苹果套袋技术是保护苹果生长的新技术,本文主要设计开发GD-180果袋成型机生产线,对主要部件、机构进行了详细设计。

    This paper gives detail design for GD-180 apple package bag processing machine .

  10. 苹果套袋技术及GD-180果袋成型机的研制开发

    The apple protect technique and design of gd-180 Apple package bag processing machine

  11. 开花至花败后1~2d及花前至开花期分别为摘花和套袋防治黄瓜灰霉病最佳时期。

    The best stages of taking the measures are from blooming to 1 ~ 2d after withering and before blooming to florescence .

  12. 套袋对枇杷果实PAL、PPO、POD活性和可溶性蛋白质含量的影响

    Effect of bagging on PAL , PPO and POD activities and soluble protein contents in loquat fruits

  13. (Tommy)果实进行套袋处理,研究不同套袋材料对果实品质的影响,同时对果实贴字效果进行了比较。

    The effect of different bagging materials on fruit quality and sticking was studied .

  14. 与未套袋果实相比,套袋3个月的富士苹果果皮UV吸收物、芦丁、花青苷、槲皮素葡萄糖苷含量降低。

    The contents of UV absorbing compounds , rutin , anthocyanins and quercetin glucoside were decreased in the fruits after bagged for three months .

  15. 套袋贮藏、低温贮藏、适宜浓度壳聚糖处理均降低了杨桃果实POD的活性。

    The POD activity was lowered after Bagging , low temperature storage and chitosan coating on peroxidase in the postharvest Carambola Fruits .

  16. 果实套袋后贮藏期间果实的硬度和TA明显比未套袋果实高;

    Firmness and TA in bagged pear fruit was higher , but SSC and sugar content was lower than the un-bagged control fruit .

  17. 覆盖膜:取代传统农业塑胶(PE)膜,适用短期蔬果农作物,并也适用于水果套袋。

    As cover or protection : the traditional agricultural plastic ( PE ) substitute , is suitable for short term use for apple products , and is also suitable as fruit bag .

  18. 结果表明,套袋后,果实中的PAL、PPO、POD活性提高,可溶性蛋白质含量下降;

    The results showed that , the PAL , PPO and POD activities increased while the soluble protein contents decreased in the loquat bagging fruits .

  19. 结果表明:PE套袋有一定的保鲜效果,但1个月后完好率下降很快;

    The results indicated PE bags definite could keep fresh in some degree , but the rate of intactness drop fast after a month , this was related to the hydrocele in bag .

  20. 套袋显著降低果皮和果肉Ca含量及Ca/Mg与Ca/K比值,增加果皮的K含量,对果皮和果肉中Mg含量无显著影响。

    The fruit-bagging reduced the Ca content , Ca / Mg and Ca / K of skin and flesh , increased the K content of skin , and had not significant effect on Mg content .

  21. 若采取喷钙后套袋,同单纯套袋相比,上述各项指标含量,均有明显提高,甚至接近或略超过CK处理的含量。

    Com-pared to the fruit-bagging treatment , the parameters mentioned above increased obviously or even higher than that of CK un-der the treatment of bagging and after calcium spraying .

  22. 主要研究西瓜在冰温和冰温套袋保鲜过程中可溶性固形物、总酸含量、Vc含量、硬度等的变化规律。

    In this paper , changes of watermelons during ice temperature and ice temperature + modified atmosphere package preservation are studied including soluble solid content , acid content , Vc content and firmness .

  23. 但套袋果实的可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、维生素C含量和糖酸比值均低于对照,说明套袋影响了果实营养品质,降低了果实风味。

    However , the fruit soluble solid , soluble sugar , and vitamine C contents and the sugar / acid ratio in all bagging treatments were lower than those of the control , suggesting that bagging debased the nutritive quality and the tastiness of tomato fruit .

  24. 与不套袋梨比较,太谷和运城酥梨在套袋后可滴定酸含量、可溶性糖含量和Vc含量均有所降低,降低了酸甜口感的风味指标。

    Compared with the non-bagging , pear of bagging titrable acidity , soluble sugar content and Vc content were decreased in Tai Gu and Yun cheng , bagging reduce the flavor index of sweet and sour taste .

  25. 葡萄果皮花青苷含量与果皮PAL活性二者并非呈简单的正相关关系,套袋处理明显降低了二者的相关系数;

    It was not simple positive correlativity between the activity of PAL and the anthocyanin content in grape skin , and the related coefficients of them was greatly decreased after bagging .

  26. 套袋时间以落花后50d(即以6月20日左右)为宜。

    The best time of bagging was at 50 days after withering ( about 20th June ) .

  27. 利用GC/MS/DC联用仪测定了未套袋鸭梨和套袋鸭梨果实内的挥发性物质成份,结果表明,未套袋鸭梨含有23种挥发性物质,其中以丁酸乙酯和己酸戊酯为主。

    The volatile constituents and contents in bagged and non bagged Yali pear fruits were studied by GC / MS / DC . The fruits of non bagged Yali pear contained 23 constituents of volatile in which the esters were dominant .

  28. 我国的聚乙烯醇(PVA)产量占世界PVA产量的30%以上,而长期以来国内PVA产品的包装却一直处于人工套袋的半自动包装状态。

    The output of PVA in China accounts for over 30 % of the worldwide output , while the packing of domestic PVA products has been in a semi - automatic condition for a long term .

  29. 从套袋种类来看,以双层纸袋(J)效果最好,单层纸袋(Q)和塑膜袋(S)在高海拔地区效果很差。

    3.We could draw a conclusion that the double paper bag ( J ) was the best , the single paper bag ( Q ) and the plastic bag ( S ) is not good in high altitude area .

  30. 由于微域环境的改变,套袋后幼果生长速度减缓,套袋20~30d后幼果恢复正常生长。

    After bagged , the young fruit grew slowly because of the changed microenvironment . The development recovered normally after bagged 20-30 days later .