
  • 网络Luxury;luxury brand;Louis Vuitton
  1. 据路透社22日报道,法国奢侈品牌香奈儿在与华为的商标纠纷中败诉,欧洲法院裁定,两个标识并不相似。4月21日,法国奢侈品牌香奈儿在与华为科技的商标纠纷中败诉,欧洲法院裁定,两个标识并不相似。

    French luxury house Chanel on Wednesday lost its trademark fight with Huawei Technologies after a top European court said their logos bear no similarity to each other .

  2. 2008年,巴黎商业法庭(ParisCommercialCourt)在一起针对网上拍卖行的诉讼中,判定这家奢侈品牌胜诉。

    In 2008 , the Paris Commercial Court found in favour of the luxury brand in a suit against the online auction house .

  3. 该品牌在Facebook上已经拥有逾66万名粉丝,号称该数量超过了其它任何奢侈品牌。

    The company already has more than 660,000 fans on Facebook more than any other luxury brand , it claims .

  4. Netflix最新的剧集《7DaysOut》将会按时间顺序记录这家法国奢侈品牌2018年春季的高级定制秀。

    Netflix 's new series " 7 Days Out " will chronicle the French luxury house 's Spring 2018 Haute Couture runway show .

  5. 古琦是首家用两种而不是一种应用程序利用ipad的奢侈品牌。

    Gucci is the first luxury brand to embrace the iPad , with not one but two applications .

  6. 在曾是奢侈品牌业绩亮点的新兴市场,国际货币基金组织在《世界经济展望》(WorldEconomicOutlook)中指出,“各个新兴市场国家的经济增长前景仍然参差不齐,增长势头总体而言弱于过去二十年。”

    In emerging markets - previously bright spots for luxury brands - " prospects across countries remain uneven and generally weaker than over the past two decades , " the IMF 's World Economic Outlook reported .

  7. 淋浴隔间的喷头最多只能说水压适中,不过奢侈品牌RedFlower的卫浴用品弥补了这一点。

    The shower stall had a rain-shower head , and though the water pressure was moderate at best , the toiletries from the luxe brand Red Flower made up for it .

  8. 这个变化对路易威登(LouisVuitton)和香奈儿(Chanel)这样的奢侈品牌来说格外强烈。

    This change has been particularly acute for luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton and Chanel .

  9. 菲亚特-克莱斯勒拥有奢侈品牌阿尔法o罗密欧(AlfaRomeo),大众曾经公开承认过对菲亚特-克莱斯勒的兴趣。

    Fiat Chrysler owns the Alfa Romeo luxury brand , which VW has openly admitted coveting .

  10. 就奢侈品牌缔造者而言,很少有谁比LVMH做得更好。

    And as luxury brand builders go , few do it better than LVMH .

  11. 印度本国的奢侈品牌酒店tajhotels和oberoi,也在印度的城市和度假胜地迅速扩张。

    Luxury domestic brands Taj hotels and Oberoi are also rapidly expanding in cities and resorts across India .

  12. 这件全球最昂贵的狗夹克是DoggyArmour公司和奢侈品牌VeryFirstTo合作推出的。

    The world 's most expensive dog jacket is the result of a collaboration between Doggy Armour and VeryFirstTo .

  13. 根据DLG公司的数据,全球奢侈品牌腕表的中间价格是1.07万美元。

    The worldwide median price of a luxury watch is about $ 10,700 , according to DLG .

  14. 去年末《瑞银投资研究》(UBSInvestmentResearch)发表的一篇文章指出:宝姿已经在中国奢侈品服饰市场上具有了先入为主的优势,已经在中国建立了可能是规模最大的奢侈品牌零售网络。

    According to a UBS Investment Research note released late last year : Ports has had a first-mover advantage in China 's luxury apparel market , and has established possibly the largest retail network for a luxury brand in the country .

  15. 在这方面,意大利奢侈品牌Iceberg可谓是个中翘楚,该品牌将皮草元素添加到柔软的马海毛中,使得两者完美混搭。

    Italian luxury fashion house Iceberg has been successful in this aspect by mixing soft mohair with leather , which creates a nice contrast .

  16. 作为法国童装品牌邦布朗(Bonpoint,法国顶级童装奢侈品牌——译注)的创意总监,克丽丝汀·那莫瑞图(ChristineInnamorato)把大把的时间花费在了思考时尚这件事上。

    As the creative director of the French children 's clothing company Bonpoint , Christine Innamorato spends a lot of time thinking about fashion .

  17. 今年夏天,包括伊夫圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)和古驰在内的几家奢侈品牌对阿里巴巴提起诉讼,指责阿里巴巴在助长售假现象。

    This summer a group of luxury brands including Yves Saint Laurent and Gucci sued Alibaba , contending the company was enabling counterfeiters .

  18. 英国奢侈品牌博柏利(Burberry)在香港铜锣湾(CausewayBay)购物区的门店每月租金约为100万美元。

    Burberry , the British luxury brand , pays about $ 1m a month in rent for its store in Hong Kong 's Causeway Bay shopping district .

  19. 免税购物专营商环球蓝联的英国区经理戈登•克拉克(GordonClark)表示:今年,将有超过1亿名中国居民出国旅行,同时购买高端奢侈品牌。

    This year , more than 100m Chinese residents will travel abroad seeking high-end luxury brands , says Gordon Clark , UK manager for Global Blue , tax-free shopping specialists .

  20. Redburn写道,日本消费者喜欢喝优质威士忌,很多奢侈品牌都是专门面向日本市场推出的,尊尼获加金牌((JohnnieWalkerGoldLabel)威士忌就是其一。

    The Japanese consumer acquired a taste for premium Scotch and many deluxe brands , such as Johnnie Walker Gold Label , were launched exclusively for the Japanese market .

  21. 这家美国汽车制造商已经表示,2011年至2015年间将在中国推出15款新车型,包括奢侈品牌林肯(Lincoln)和经典的野马(Mustang)汽车。

    The U.S. car maker has said it would bring 15 new models in China between 2011 and 2015 including the luxury brand Lincoln and classic Mustang .

  22. 巴黎世家被认为是开云集团的“新兴奢侈品牌”之一,其他类似的品牌包括斯特拉·麦卡特尼(StellaMcCartney)、亚历山大·麦昆(AlexanderMcQueen)和克里斯托弗·凯恩(ChristopherKane)等。

    Balenciaga is considered one of Kering 's " emerging luxury brands , " along with Stella McCartney , Alexander McQueen , Christopher Kane and others .

  23. 从服装集团Zara到奢侈品牌博柏利(Burberry),许多企业已在天猫(Tmall)上开店。天猫是阿里巴巴旗下类似eBay、旨在吸引品牌卖家的平台。

    Companies ranging from clothing group Zara to luxury brand Burberry have opened stores on Tmall , Alibaba 's eBay-like platform aimed at attracting brand-name sellers .

  24. 她补充说,像LV和村上隆这样的合作既能提升艺术家的知名度,也能提高奢侈品牌的地位,但是在大众市场,这样的讯息传达起来更难。

    Luxury alliances like Vuitton and Mr. Murakami lift the stature of both artist and brand , but in the mass market , she added , the message can be harder to get across .

  25. 数据显示,虽然路易威登在中国的确仍是最受欢迎的奢侈品牌,但在一线城市,普拉达(Prada)正盖过其风头。

    Indeed , although LV remains the most popular luxury brand in China , Prada is eclipsing it in first tier cities , the data show .

  26. 大多数零售业分析师认同上述看法:中国消费者越来越青睐小众顶级品牌,比如爱马仕,对印有醒目logo的大众奢侈品牌热度下降,比如爱马仕的竞争对手路威酩轩集团和古驰(Gucci)。

    Most retail analysts agree : Chinese consumers are growing keener on niche top-level brands such as Herm è s and less fond of logo-laden , mass luxury rivals such as LVMH and Gucci .

  27. SALSA家纺,作为家纺领域的高端奢侈品牌,它所倡导的新奢华主义的概念正引导和改变着我们的居家生活!

    SALSA Home Textiles , as a high-end luxury brand in home textiles , is leading and changing our family lives with its new concept of luxury doctrine !

  28. 同时在演出之前米歇尔就大方承认她和卡拉迪瓦伊的关系。这位超模也刚在伦敦时装周上露脸,为奢侈品牌Burberry上台走秀。

    Meanwhile , before the show , Michelle was very open about her relationship with the supermodel who had just showed up on the Burberry catwalk for London Fashion Week .

  29. 在美国市场,别克被重定位为卡迪拉克(Cadillac)的奢侈品牌伴侣;而在中国市场,又能巧妙地利用技术领导者的地位,获取竞争优势。

    Repositioned as the luxury brand partner of Cadillac in the U.S. and smartly leveraging its status as a technology leader in China , Buick is piling triumph upon triumph .

  30. 自诩为人们可以负担得起的奢侈品牌Coach,大约95%的手袋、珠宝和鞋子面向两个市场销售:美国和日本。该公司重点通过自有店铺进行销售。

    Coach , which promotes itself as an accessible luxury brand , sells about 95 per cent of its bags , jewellery and shoes in two markets , the US and Japan , with a focus on marketing the products through its own stores .