
  1. 海德拉巴和奥兰加巴德,分别是青岛和敦煌的姊妹城市,而卡纳塔克邦和四川省建立了省级姊妹关系。

    Hyderabad and Aurangabad are sister cities of Qingdao and Dunhuang , while Karnataka has provincial relations with the government of Sichuan through a sister-state pact .

  2. 总部设在印度的报纸《高等法院》的律师苏巴斯先生说:我从奥兰加巴德法院地方法官那里得知此事。

    Speaking to the Indian based newspaper High Court advocate Mr Subhash said , ' I came to know of the above incident from the magistrate in the Aurangabad court .

  3. 在比哈尔邦,那烂陀,奥兰加巴德,罗赫达斯,布尔尼亚,芒格,加雅,瑟赫尔萨,帕戈尔布尔,邦加岛和盖穆尔山都有人员死亡事件发生。

    In Bihar , the deaths occurred in Nalanda , Aurangabad , Rohtas , Purnea , Munger , Gaya , Saharsa , Bhagalpur , Banka and Kaimur .

  4. 两个月前,这对泰卢固的年轻人在双方家庭的安排下组成了家庭,这起离婚案在奥兰加巴德法院的管辖范围内,据称这里是该妇女的居住地。

    The Telugu couple had an arranged marriage just two months ago and the case was filed in the jurisdiction of an Aurangabad court where the women is thought to live .

  5. 印度古老城市奥兰加巴德位于该国最贫困落后的比哈尔邦,这里谋杀、勒索、绑架以及阶级内部纷争等犯罪行为层出不穷。

    The ancient town of Aurangabad in Bihar one of India 's most backward and poorest states is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing , extortion , kidnapping and inter-caste wars .

  6. 由于奥兰加巴德的200万民众抱怨因犯罪行为导致的贫困生活和精神压力,当地官员已决定在10月21日的排灯节前夕将该城漆成粉红色。

    With the city 's two million residents complaining about poor quality of life and depression due to crime , officials said they had decided to paint the city pink ahead of the Hindu festival of light , Diwali , on October 21 .