
  • 网络Croisette;Marine Drive;Corniche;esplanade;Cairns Esplanade
  1. 而之后,当这对情侣乘车沿着戛纳著名的海滨大道前行时,茱丽左肩上的四部分纹身清晰可见。

    But as the couple made their way down the festival 's famous Croisette in a chauffeur-driven car afterwards , the four-part scribing on her left shoulder was plainly visible .

  2. 5月8日,147辆巴士带着客人从四或五星级酒店前往尼斯海滨大道,用人组成TIENS'DREAMISNICEINTHECOTED'AZUR(天狮梦想尼斯绽放),打破最长人体组词世界纪录。

    On Friday 147 buses took the group from their four or five-star hotels to the Promenade des Anglais in Nice , where they formed the words Tiens ' dream is Nice in the Cote d'Azur , in a record-breaking longest human-made phrase .

  3. 5月8日,147辆巴士带着客人从四或五星级酒店前往尼斯海滨大道,用人组成TIENS'DREAMISNICEINTHECOTED'AZUR(天狮梦想尼斯绽放),打破“最长人体组词”世界纪录。

    On Friday 147 buses took the group from their four or five-star hotels to the Promenade des Anglais in Nice , where they formed the words " Tiens ' dream is Nice in the Cote d'Azur , " in a record-breaking " longest human-made phrase . "

  4. 孟买警方发言人告诉BBC,警方将要求城市官员采取措施,来降低包括孟买的海滨大道在内的著名景点的自拍风险。相关措施包括部署救生员和张贴警示标志。

    A Mumbai police spokesman , Dhananjay Kulkarni , told the BBC that police would be asking city officials to take steps to reduce the risk of selfies at popular tourist spots such as the city 's famous Marine Drive , including deploying life guards and posting warning signs .

  5. 那么我想建议你不妨到海滨大道的海锚饭店。

    Then I 'd like to suggest you try anchor Inn on seaside drive .

  6. 他们带着孩子在海滨大道散步。

    They promenaded their children along the sea-front .

  7. 汕尾市海滨大道综合整治规划浅析

    Initial Analysis on the Integral Planning and Construction of the Beach Avenue , Shanwei City

  8. 饭店位于海滨大道上。

    The hotel is on the front .

  9. 我们约好在海边海滨大道上的一间咖啡馆见面。

    We arranged to meet at a caf é on the promenade , next to the sea .

  10. 大连开发区海滨大道路基强夯施工方案及加固效果评价

    Schemes for Dynamic Compaction of Seaside Thoroughfare Subgrade and Evaluation of Its Reinforcing Effects in Dalian Developing Area

  11. 以军随后关闭了连接加沙地带北部和中部的海滨大道。

    Shortly afterwards , the Israeli military closed Beach Boulevard that links the North and Central Gaza Strip .

  12. 山东胶南海滨大道绿化工程总体设计

    The Overall Plan for the Greening Project of the Seaside Avenue in the Jiaonan City of the Shandong Province

  13. 从那里向左转,过桥走第一个出口,你们就上了海滨大道了。

    Turn left there and go over the bridge , take the first exit , you 'll is on Beach Avenue .

  14. 她记得这城镇20世纪50年代时的样子,那时海滨大道两旁都是咖啡馆,而不是什么游乐中心。

    She remembers the town in the1950s when the front also seafront was lined with cafes , rather than amusement arcades .

  15. 6月28日,一名17岁女孩在孟买海滨大道试图与友人一道自拍时身亡,之后警方在推特上发出一条警告信息,内容是:“别让自拍变成自杀。”

    After a 17-year-old girl died at Marine Drive , Mumbai while trying to take a selfie with her friends on June 28 , police tweeted out a warning message . It said : " Don 't make ' taking a selfie ' mean ' taking your own life ' . "