
  • 网络osler;william osler;Sir William Osler
  1. 他的名字奥斯勒爵士。

    His name was Sir William Osler .

  2. 医生首要职责之一是教育群众不要吃药。&奥斯勒

    One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine . & William Osler

  3. 两个人的名字都不如威廉?奥斯勒那样闻名,正是他应用了临床医学的奥卡姆教学法。

    Neither name , however , is as well known as that of William osler , who is credited with applying the teaching of Occam to clinical medicine .

  4. 年轻的医生开始行医时以20种药治一种病,年老的医生结束医业以一种药治20种病。&奥斯勒

    The young physician starts life with 20 drugs for each disease , and the old physician ends life with one drug for 20 diseases . & William Osler