
  • 网络commission on the status of women;CSW;Committee on the Status of Women
  1. 中国自1974年以来先后五次当选为联合国妇女地位委员会成员国。

    Since 1974 , China has been elected five times as a member state in the UN Commission on the Status of Women .

  2. 今年的联合国妇女地位委员会年度会议关注的新焦点是全球经济衰退。

    This year , the annual meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women has a new focus : the global economic downturn .

  3. 生活质量和妇女地位委员会

    Committee on the quality of life and status of women

  4. 阿拉伯妇女地位委员会

    Commission on the Status of Arab Women

  5. 非政府组织妇女地位委员会

    NGO Committee on the Status of Women

  6. 提高秘书处妇女地位指导委员会

    Steering Committee for the Improvement of the Status of Women in the Secretariat

  7. 机构间提高妇女地位小组委员会

    Inter-Agency Subcommittee on the Advancement of Women

  8. 妇女地位皇家委员会

    Royal Commission on the Status of Women

  9. 妇女地位小组委员会

    Subcommission on the Status of Women

  10. 提高妇女地位国家行动委员会;

    National Action Committee on the status of women ;

  11. 提高农村妇女地位国际指导委员会

    International Steering Committee on the Advancement of Rural Women

  12. 妇女法律和社会地位委员会

    Committee on Juridical and Social Conditions of Women