
  • wedding ring
  1. 可以免费在你的婚戒上刻上你的题字。

    Your wedding ring can be engraved with a personal inscription at no extra cost

  2. 在他看见已是老头样的Saito在这以后,谈判接着通过我们在一着手看见的,在那时他毅然一直戴着婚戒。

    After he meets Saito as an old man , the conversation continues past what we saw in the beginning , yet even here he is wearing a WEDDING RING still .

  3. 将婚戒戴在左手的第三只手指上,意味着夫妻双方象征性地宣告他们的爱情天长地久,他们定能白头偕老。

    By wearing the ring on the third finger of the left hand , a married couple symbolically declares their eternal love for each other .

  4. 据DailyMail的报道,她与丈夫Dave遍寻婚戒无果,最终不得不重新买了戒指来替换丢失的那枚9克拉的戒指。

    She and husband Dave searched for the ring to no avail , and Dave ended up replacing the nine carat ring , according to The Daily Mail .

  5. 在屋顶和Saito说话时,没有婚戒。

    On the roof talking to Saito , NO WEDDING RING .

  6. 他们热衷于佩戴由18K金或铂金这些传统金属制成的普通婚戒,但钯金这个元素由于价格比黄金和铂金要便宜,所以或多或少会影响黄金和铂金戒指的销售。

    They tend to have plain wedding rings in the traditional metals , 18-carat gold or platinum , although palladium is making a little bit of an inroad into that situation due to price .

  7. 但在手表和婚戒的严格限制――当然偶尔还会有袖扣――和《周末夜狂热》(SaturdayNightFever)的那种肆无忌惮之间,还是有很多不同程度的配饰选择的。

    But there are many degrees of decoration between a strict limit of watch and wedding ring with the occasional cuff links , of course and the stuff of ' Saturday Night Fever . '

  8. 41年前,BrendaCaunter在修整家中花园的时候丢失了她的婚戒。

    Brenda Caunter lost her wedding band 41 years ago while gardening in her yard .

  9. 起初,婚戒是由24K纯金制成的。

    Originally , the rings were made of24 karat purest gold .

  10. 这段视频现在YouTube上疯传,成千上万的人点击观看理查德趴在冲浪板上,头套在掏空的木桶里,水里疯狂找寻婚戒的景象。

    The footage - which has gone viral on YouTube with thousands of hits - shows Richard frantically searching for the ring by lying face-down on his paddleboard and using a hollowed out bucket to scour the riverbed .

  11. KirstieKelly是这个系类订婚戒的设计师,她还设计了与戒指一系列的新娘婚纱以及配套的伴娘礼服。

    The rings were designed by Kirstie Kelly who also designs corresponding Disney Princess wedding gowns for brides as well as bridesmaid dresses to go along with each brides dress .

  12. 詹姆斯的父亲莫文(Mervyn)是吉尔福德(Guildford)的退休飞行员,他说:婚姻当天新娘丢了婚戒,这实在是太可怕了。

    James ' father Mervyn , a retired airline pilot from Guildford , said : It is just appalling to do this to a bride on her wedding day .

  13. 詹姆斯的父亲莫文(Mervyn)是吉尔福德(Guildford)的退休飞行员,他说:“婚姻当天新娘丢了婚戒,这实在是太可怕了。”

    James ' father Mervyn , a retired airline pilot from Guildford , said : " It is just appalling to do this to a bride on her wedding day .

  14. 朱莉在大儿子13岁的Maddox和11岁的Pax的陪伴下穿过长廊,9岁的Zahara和6岁的Vivienne播撒花瓣,8岁的Shiloh和6岁的Knox则托着婚戒。

    Jolie walked the aisle with her eldest sons Maddox , 13 , and Pax , 11 . Zahara , 9 , and Vivienne , 6 , threw flower petals while Shiloh , 8 , and Knox , 6 , served as ring bearers .

  15. 你上班就不戴订婚戒吗?

    You take off your ring when you go to work ?

  16. 她让人把自己的名字铭刻在先生的婚戒上。

    She had her name etched on her husband 's wedding ring .

  17. 婚姻挂点?来个婚戒棺材如何?

    Dead marriage ? How about a wedding ring coffin ?

  18. 我从未看见她手上有戴订婚戒啊。

    I 've never seen her wear an engagement ring .

  19. 我可以剖开鱼腹拿回我的婚戒…

    I could gut that fish and get my wedding ring back ...

  20. 我的婚戒,我对妻子忠贞的象征…

    My wedding ring , the symbol of fidelity to my wife ...

  21. 我拿掉婚戒打电话约潘。

    I take off my wedding ring to call Pam .

  22. 他们在工作间里醒来,没有婚戒。

    They wake up inthe workshop , NO WEDDING RING .

  23. 不,不是,是我的婚戒。

    No , no , no , my wedding ring .

  24. 还是里面大怪鱼加婚戒的夸张版…

    and an elaborate one involving a fish and a wedding ring ...

  25. 法国,建筑大学,没有婚戒。

    France , thearchitecture university , NO WEDDING RING .

  26. 貌似“某人”没有戴订婚戒而且整天跟人眉来眼去,

    Apparently someone was being awfully flirty while not wearing their engagement ring ,

  27. 它的白金环缩成个婚戒。

    Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding ring .

  28. 我把婚戒用最坚韧的钓线绑妥…

    Now , I tied my ring onto the strongest line they made ...

  29. 因此,在这些国家,最好把婚戒戴在右手无名指上。

    That 's why people tend to wear their wedding rings on this finger .

  30. 她没带婚戒

    She 's not wearing a wedding ring .