
  1. 媒介公关对我国电视媒体进入全面营销时代具有重要的意义和作用。

    The author analyzes the situation of the PR campaign management in TV media of China .

  2. 因此,针对以上不足,笔者从社会、管理、法律、技术等平台的整合研究中,提出了一条崭新的政府媒介公关的路径。

    Thus , the writer has suggested a new construction path of the government public relations media , based on the integration research on social platform , management platform , legislation platform , technology platform and so on .

  3. 参与制定年度以及各促销活动的营销、媒介、公关策略。

    Participate in the development of marketing , advertising , media and PR annual and promotional strategies .

  4. 文化资本和经济资本的联姻:媒介事件与公关广告

    The Marriage of the Culture Capital and Economic Capital : the Media-event and PR Advertisement

  5. 现代大众传播时代,利用媒介事件做公关广告,在市场营销中属于一种事件营销。

    Taking the advantages of media incidents to make public advertisements in contemporary era is called " events marketing " .

  6. 当前媒介组织危机公关中多采取保持沉默的态度,采用冷处理的手段,或者利用不对等的沟通方式等。这些被动消极的危机公关直接或间接的损害了媒介组织形象及公信力。

    They just keep silent ; use the cold treatment means or the unequal way of communication , etc. These negative behaviors will damage the image and credibility directly or indirectly .

  7. 为了让媒介参与进来,公关者首先送给食品专栏编辑一套内含有关热狗的真实情况、照片和烹饪方法的资料。

    To involve the media , the public relations people first sent newspaper food editors a kit containing hot dog facts , photographs , and recipes .