
  • 网络Media trials;trial by media;trial by newspaper
  1. “媒介审判”的产生归结于司法的缺位,新闻界的越位等。

    The birth of " Medium Justice " is due to the default of judicatory and the offside of press circle .

  2. 尤其是对法制事件的过早介入报道易形成媒介审判,失去司法公正。

    Especially for the early intervention of legal events reported easy to form the " media trial ", losing the judicial justice .

  3. 在发展过程中,也出现了不少违反法治理念的问题,例如:媒介审判,新闻侵权等。

    During this process , many problems arise inevitably , which disobeys the idea of law , such as media trial , news tort and so on .