
  • 网络Media mix;Media combination
  1. 企业广告媒体组合优化及评估研究

    Research on the Enterprise Advertising Media Mix Optimization and Evaluation

  2. 媒体组合若选用得宜,你的广告便能有效地影响目标大众。

    With the proper media mix , you can effectively reach your target audience .

  3. 同时应选择适当的媒体组合和宣传方式,实施整合传播;

    Simultaneously chooses appropriate media combination and drumbeating method to perform integrated advertising .

  4. 然而,媒体组合选用得当,我们自然会降低失败的机率。

    But with the proper mediamix we can certainly lessen the chance of failure .

  5. 网络不同媒体组合的传播效果检测分析

    The testing and discussion for communicative effects of the different media 's combining online

  6. 画法几何及工程制图课程多种媒体组合教学法探讨

    Study on the Multiple Media Instructional Method of Drawing Geometry and Engineering Drafting Course

  7. 广告媒体组合的新视点

    Fresh Views upon Media Combination of Advertisement

  8. 加强多种媒体组合教学研究,提高工程图学教学质量

    Improve the Teaching Quality of Engineering Drawing by Enhancing the Study of the Multimedia Instruction

  9. 教育技术研究坚持科学发展观&兼论多种媒体组合研究是永恒的主题

    To Insist Scientific Developing View in Educational Technology Research , multimedia combination research is the permanent theme

  10. 注重教育媒体组合使用提高课堂教学实际效果

    Pay Attention to the Application of Assembly of Educational Media and Improve Practical Effect on Classroom Instruction

  11. 在促销策略中,公司应选择适当的媒体组合和宣传方式,实施整合传播。

    In the promotion strategy , companies should select an appropriate combination of media and publicity approach , the implementation of IMC .

  12. 在促销策略上,应加强对消费者的宣传,并运用多种媒体组合进行广告宣传。

    In the respect of promotion , companies should reinforce the consumer education and utilize the combination of varied media to conduct advertising propaganda .

  13. 通过有效的媒体组合,促进房地产项目的销售,进而使企业的营销工作处于优势。

    The effective media combination , will promote the sale of real estate projects , thereby enable the corporate marketing job in a dominant position .

  14. 如果各位看一下这张图表,就可以知道,最好的媒体组合是,电视和杂志广告并用。

    If you 'll take a look at this chart , the best media mix , then , would be a combination of TV and magazine advertisements .

  15. 功能完善、特点各异的现代教育媒体组合起来融入到物理教学中去中是当前和未来物理课堂教学发展的一个重要趋势。

    It is one of the important tend in the development of physical teaching at present and in the future putting many powerful functions and different characters of the modern educational media into physical classroom .

  16. 本文讨论了广告行为及其属性,利用成本&效益分析方法对广告行为进行了评价,并通过线性规划模型给出了广告媒体组合的选择方法。

    This text discussed the advertisement behaviors and their attributes , and used the cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the advertisement behaviors , and gave out the choosing methods of advertisement medium combination through linear programming model .

  17. 教学相长,对教师而言,拓展了理论知识体系,增强了运用多种媒体组合教学的能力,提高了指导实践教学能力。

    As to teachers , it has expanded the knowledge system of the theory , has strengthen the ability of using many kinds of medias to teach , and has improved the teaching ability to guide students to do practice .

  18. 本文探讨在物理课堂教学中基于多种媒体有序组合下探究性学习的方法和途径。

    The article aims at probing the methods and ways of the inquiry learning in physical classroom based form of the multimedia assembly .

  19. 主张教育技术研究要坚持科学发展观,坚持以人为本,坚持教育技术过程研究,多种媒体优化组合是教育技术研究的永恒主题。

    It insists that educational technology research should stress scientific developing view and process research . Optimization of multimedia combination is the permanent theme of educational technology research .

  20. 学生、教师通过多种媒体的组合使用,能显示课堂效果的整体效应,充分体现了学生的主体地位和教师的主导作用。

    The teachers ' and the students ' using multimedia can show the entire effect of classroom activities and fully reflects the principal part of the students and the leading part of the teachers .

  21. 根据分析无机化学教学内容,划分各章节知识点,选择媒体,组合成课堂教学的多媒体群,进行课堂教学试验,取得了良好的效果。

    By analysing the teaching contents in inorganic chemistry , find out the knowledge points of each chapter , choosing some media to combine the multimedia mass teaching in class and making the teaching experiments in class good results are achieved .

  22. 具有QoS保证的流媒体业务服务组合算法

    QoS-based stream media service composition algorithm

  23. 它提供了一种用于集成与控制多种媒体的空间组合及时间同步机制。

    SMIL offers an integration format to represent how various multimedia objects are positioned spatially and synchronized temporally .

  24. 因此,在教学过程中,正确合理地选择使用电教媒体以及利用组合媒体进行教学,并与传统教学媒体有机地结合在一起,共同参与教学过程显得十分重要。

    In the process of teaching , it is important to select a suitable electrified education medium or group media and to combine it with traditional teaching methods .

  25. 它不是几种媒体简单的组合,而是教与学的多种媒体有机地结合起来形成一个整体。

    This teaching system is not the simple combination of several media , but an integer in which many kinds of teaching and learning media are incorporated organically .

  26. 文章以《体坛周报》为个案,分析了平面媒体深度报道组合文体的三种表现形式,揭示了其深度报道多元化的编辑特征。

    The paper , by the analysis of the successful management of the depth report in " Titan Sports ", expects to provide a helpful reference for the plane media to exploit its advantages to .

  27. 广告宣传应精心策划广告内容,注意广告媒体选择、媒体组合和选择合适的媒体时机决策;

    The advertisement propaganda should design the scheme elaborately , choose the media , media mix earnestly and grasp appropriate chance for media decision .

  28. 如果对远程教育课程进行很好的设计,它们将很可能为学习者提供多种选择方式,从而产生交互与媒体最恰当的组合。

    If distance learning courses are well designed , they will likely offer learners a wide range of choices , thereby providing the optimal combinations of interaction and media .

  29. 根据学生的认识规律,选择适合教育内容的媒体和进行媒体组合教学设计,优化教学是现代教育技术中的重要课题。

    Based on the students'learning principle , selecting appropriate media for the teaching content and making good design for the combination usage of the media to optimize teaching is the important thesis of modern teaching technology .

  30. 基于码流重组的信息伪装方法是通过修改媒体数据,将秘密数据与媒体数据重新组合在一起,并且保证得到的媒体数据仍然可用。

    Information hiding technique based on bit - stream recomposition recompose the secret stream and media stream .