
  • 网络media buying;media buy;media buyer
  1. 一些传统媒体购买企业的高管承认这种观点,但他们指出,谷歌绝不会给大牌广告主带来多大好处。

    Some executives in traditional media buying companies concede this point but argue that Google will never have much to offer big brand-name advertisers .

  2. 蓝色光标在国内发起一系列收购之后,已从公关业务扩展到广泛的营销服务领域,包括媒体购买和数字广告。

    Through a series of domestic acquisitions , the company has expanded from public relations into a range of marketing services , including media buying and digital advertising .

  3. IBM称“正在调查此事,并将与媒体购买合作伙伴一道采取一切措施防止再次发生这种情况”。

    IBM said that it was " looking into the matter and will take all measures with its agency buying partners to prevent recurrence . "

  4. 为了满足体育需要而从体育媒体购买或准备购买其提供的精神与物质产品的消费群体就是体育传媒市场;

    Sports media market can be regarded as the consumers ' groups who buy or will buy the spiritual or material products offered by the sports media for their demands on sports .

  5. 这家大型媒体购买机构的负责人表示:(谷歌)坐拥收入的简单商业现实,是它将利用其主导地位。

    The head of a large media-buying agency said : The simple commercial reality of where [ Google ] sits and generates its revenues [ is that ] it will exploit its dominant position .

  6. 微软称:“该广告是利用第三方自动化在线媒体购买流程进行投放的,现在已经被移除。我们正在与媒体购买合作伙伴一起制定额外的防护措施,以进一步减少广告被投放在不合适网站的可能性。”

    Microsoft said : " The advertisement was placed using a third-party automated online media buying process and has now been removed . We 're working with our media buying partners to identify additional safeguards to further reduce the potential for ad placement on inappropriate sites . "

  7. 优酷创建于2006年6月,比美国的YouTube晚约16个月。自那以来,优酷的经营模式已从由用户提供内容,转向自己制作内容或从大型媒体集团购买。

    Founded in June 2006 , some 16 months after YouTube of the US , Youku has since shifted from sourcing content from its users to making it itself or buying it from big media groups .

  8. 媒体空间购买公司称,许多亚洲客户正在采取观望的态度,面临来自总部压力的跨国公司将是亚洲首先减少营销预算的企业。

    Media-buying companies say many of their Asian clients are taking a ' wait and see ' approach and that multinationals facing pressure from headquarters will be the first to slash marketing budgets in Asia .

  9. 据媒体广告位购买代理机构星传媒体集团(StarcomMediaVestGroup)说,大众汽车(VolkswagenAG)、其旗下的奥迪(Audi)以及戴姆勒公司(DaimlerAG)等汽车企业都购买了央视的广告位。

    Car companies , such as Volkswagen AG , VW 's Audi arm and Daimler AG , all bought spots , according to media buying agency Starcom MediaVest Group .

  10. 运行商不用再去为去购买与其媒体控媒体购买与其制器(MGCs)支持相同版本的H.248的网络组件而担心了。

    Operators no longer need to worry about nightmar wireless protocol purchasing network elements that support the same version of H.248 as their media gateway controllers ( MGCs ) .

  11. 社会化媒体对消费者购买意愿的影响研究

    Research on the Influence of Social Media on Customers ' Purchase Intention

  12. iTunes自己会搞定一切,无论是本地媒体还是你所购买的媒体文件。

    iTunes just works , both for local and purchased media .