
  • 网络Character Functions;ctype.h;SampleApp.c;varchar;cctype
  1. 本文分别介绍了在VB中利用字符函数处理文本信息和利用Word处理文本信息的方法和技巧。

    This paper talks about several kinds of methods and techniques for processing text information in VB . Processing text information with character function and Word are introduced respectively .

  2. 由其名称可以明显看出,display是打印出参数的函数,而newline是只打印出一个回车换行字符的函数。

    As is obvious from their names , display is a function that prints out its argument and newline is a function that simply prints out an end-of-line character .

  3. 正确的后向遍历方法是使用能够识别DBCS字符的函数,使指针移动正确的字节数。

    The correct way to traverse backwards is to use functions that are aware of DBCS characters and move the pointer the correct number of bytes .

  4. 基于字符的函数可能需要将输入数据字符串转换为一个中间的UNICODE代码页,比如UTF-16或UTF-32,然后才能对它进行处理。

    The character-based functions may need to convert the input data string to an intermediate UNICODE code page , like UTF-16 or UTF-32 , before its processing can be done .

  5. 下面的条件可以帮助我们理解为何需要基于字符的函数。

    The following condition helps us to understand the need for character-based functions .

  6. 还将讨论代码单元的概念和基于字符的函数。

    It also discusses the concept of code units and character based functions .

  7. 当然,您也可以得到足够的面向字符的函数集。

    Of course , you also get a rich collection of character-oriented functions as well .

  8. 使用基于字符的函数可以解决将字节位置返回为字符位置的问题。

    The problem of byte positions being returned for the character positions can be solved using character-based functions .

  9. 在很多情形下,您需要根据代码单元计算的字符串长度,可以使用基于字符的函数来获取根据字符串单元计算的字符串长度。

    In many situations , you need the string length in terms of code units , the character-based functions could be used to find the length of the string in terms of string units .

  10. 如果未能找到指定字符,那么函数将返回False。

    If char cannot be found , this function returns FALSE .

  11. 本文向您简要地介绍了DB2数据服务器中新增的基于字符的字符串函数。

    This article provided you with an overview of the new character-based string functions in DB2 Data Server .

  12. 演示了对PHP函数echo()的调用。要在该PHP标记内包含多个函数,请用分号(;)字符将这些函数分隔开。

    To include more than one function within the PHP tag , separate the functions by a semicolon (;) character .

  13. DB2的基于字符的字符串函数引入了字符串长度单元的概念来理解字符编码,根据该概念,考虑使用输入字符串来进行字符串操作。

    The character-based string functions of DB2 introduces the concept of string length units to understand the character encoding , according to which the input string is to be considered for string operations .

  14. DB29中基于字符的字符串函数

    Character-based string functions in DB29

  15. 使用基于字符的字符串函数可以解决获取基于CODEUNITS的字符串长度时的问题。

    The character-based string functions can be used to solve the problem of getting the length of string in terms of CODEUNITS .

  16. 如果没有使用@字符,修饰符函数会对数组的每一个元素进行调用。

    Without the @ character , the modifier function would be called for each element of the array .

  17. 考虑在使用新的基于字符的字符串函数执行字符串操作时可能导致这一状况的常见情形。

    Consider some common conditions that can cause such situations while you do string manipulation using the new character-based string functions .

  18. 默认情况下,它不会检测所有函数,而只是检测确实需要保护的函数(主要是使用字符数组的函数)。

    By default , it doesn 't instrument all functions , only those that it deems as being in need of protection ( mainly functions with character arrays ) .

  19. 进而对谓词中变量的每一字符进行分支函数极小化,动态生成给定字符串谓词边界的ON-OFF测试点.实验表明:该方法是行之有效的。

    Each character of string in the predicate is processed with function minimization . Thus , ON-OFF test points of the predicate border are dynamically determined . Experimental results show that the approach is effective .

  20. 本文阐述运用WindowsAPI函数中的MCI字符集的相关函数实现在VISUALFOXPRO中播放多媒体动画。

    The article discusses the playing of the multimedia and animation in the Visual FoxPro 6.0 by using the function of the Windows API .

  21. 处理多字节字符代码序列的函数行为依赖于当前语言环境的LCCTYPE类别;它确定了依赖语言环境的多字节编码。

    The behavior of functions that deal with multi-byte character code sequences depend on the LC_CTYPE category of the current locale ; it determines locale-dependent multi-byte encoding .

  22. 并应用对输入数据的类型为字符型的聚合函数的精确计算方法实现了一种基于后缀树的骨干网络垃圾邮件检测方法。该检测方法采用通用后缀树(GST)表示邮件文本;

    And this paper realized a new spam detection method on backbone network through the exact aggregation method for input data that belong to the string type .

  23. 对输入数据的类型为字符型的聚合函数,实现了一种基于通用后缀树(GST)表示的字符串频率统计方法。

    While the data type of input data is a string type , this paper realized a statistical method based on general general suffix tree model for frequent string .

  24. 除了DB2早期版本中使用字节语义处理字符数据的字符串函数之外,DB29还引入了一组理解字符语义的基于字符的字符串函数。

    In addition to the string functions that were available with earlier versions of DB2 that handle character data using byte semantics , DB2 9 introduces a set of character-based string functions that understand character semantics .

  25. 如果不是所有的字符都能够在函数调用时排队,则最终的返回值是发送的字符数。

    If not all characters could be queued in the call , the number of characters sent is the final return value .

  26. 如果采用特殊编码的某个字符的长度跨越了多个字节,则基于字符的字符串函数可以将每个字符处理为一个单元而不是一个字节序列。

    If a character in a particular encoding spans multiple bytes , the character-based string functions can process each character as a single unit as opposed to a sequence of bytes .