
  • 网络Stock Resource
  1. 企业并购是企业进行资本扩张、促进企业间存量资源合理流动的重要途径。

    Merger & Acquisition is an important way that the enterprises carry on the capital expand and promote the stock resource rational flow among the enterprises .

  2. 企业购并作为一种社会存量资源的再配置机制,有经济学家估计其对一国GDP增长的贡献率达10&20%。

    Acquisition and merger is the redistribution mechanism of social static sources . Many economists estimate that its contribution to GDP growth is about 10 % to 20 % .

  3. 商业银行存量资源风险转化研究

    Analyzes How to Transform the Existing Resource Risk in the Commercial Banks

  4. 从宏观层面来看,并购是优化社会存量资源配置的手段。

    From a macro perspective , M & A is the tool to optimize the allocation of social resources .

  5. 快速的经济发展背景下,农村集体建设用地必须改变其低效的利用状态,以发挥其作为存量资源的重要作用。

    The context of rapid economic development , rural collective construction land must change its inefficient use of state to play its important role as the stock of resources .

  6. 上市公司股权结构不合理、二级市场监管不力,严重影响到股票市场促进存量资源优化配置功能的发挥;

    The equity structure in listed corporations is unreasonable and the regulation of the second market is not strict enough , offsetting its function of optimizing the allocation of existing assets .

  7. 只有证券市场中的价格信号发挥作用,通过股权变更、管理层选择来提高新增资源和存量资源的使用效率,才是强化证券市场功能的真正目的。

    Only when the price takes effect in the market and increasing efficiency of the resource by changing equity structure and selection of the management , can we get a more efficient security market .

  8. 如何运用好政府基础建设投资,以增量投资促进存量资源的有效配置,是提高西部基础建设投资效益的关键。

    The key to the improvement of investment efficacy in western infrastructure construction is how to make full use of government investment in infrastructure construction and how to improve the deployment of stock resources by increasing investment .

  9. 经营城市不同于传统的城市管理。它更强调充分地利用城市的现有资源,实现城市存量资源和增量资源的最大化。

    Managing the cities , which requires full use of the existing resources so as to maximize the stock and flow of the resources of the cities , is different from the traditional Administration of the cities .

  10. 企业并购是资本运营的核心内容,是企业进行对外扩张,实现规模经济的重要手段,也是实现企业经营战略,促进企业间存量资源合理流动的重要途径。

    Enterprise M & A is the core content of capital operation , the important means to extend enterprises and realize scale-economy , as well as the important way to implement business strategy and promote reasonable flowing of resources between enterprises .

  11. 宁夏区域经济增长缓慢,一个重要原因是大量稀缺的存量资源仍长期停留在旧体制的束缚下,滞留在市场化程度低下的产业中。

    One of the important reasons that caused the slow regional economic growth in Ningxia is that a large amount of rare and stored resources has long been existing in the industries of low marketing level because of the restriction of the old systems .

  12. 97年以来,众多企业通过买壳借壳上市,优质增量资源流入上市公司,不良存量资源得以有效剥离整合,借壳公司得到飞速发展,借壳上市成为壳资源的主要利用方式。

    Since 1997 , many enterprises have made a profound progress , they got listed on stock markets through buying or borrowing shell of the qualification for listing on stock markets , got quality-assets flowing into listed company and made the separation of non-performing assets .

  13. 这就直接导致耕地存量资源的迅速下降、征地问题丛生、城市房价居高不下,土地腐败泛滥等严重后果。

    This is also the direct cause of the rapid decrease of cultivated land reserve , plenty issues on land requisition , high pressure on housing price , land corruption etc. This up-downwards responsibility-shirking act by local government forces central government to bear all severe results .

  14. 存量政治资源与中国特色的权力制衡

    Existing Political Resources and Power Balance with Chinese Characteristics

  15. 提出了建立供电企业数字化档案系统的方案与措施,为企业存量信息资源的保护及利用提供了一种完整的解决方案。

    Then proposes solutions and measures on construction power supply enterprise digital archives system and provides the whole solution for utilization and protection of enterprise resource .

  16. 教育经营的实质是通过教育决策者的精心营谋,使教育资源在现实的政治、经济和文化条件下,得到最大程度的增长,使存量教育资源得到最合理的配置。

    To manage education means to guarantee educational resources to gain increase to the largest degree and to arrange the existing educational resources rationally , under the available politics , economy and culture conditions , through the elaborate planning of educational policy maker .

  17. 首先分析了江苏省地方政府债务和可支配资源现状,无论是流量经济资源,还是存量经济资源,都可以看出江苏省可用于抵御地方政府债务风险的资源是很紧张的。

    First of Jiangsu Province , local government debt and available resources of both flow of economic resources , economic resources or stock , can be seen in Jiangsu province can be used to resist the resources of local government debt risk is very tense .

  18. 整个工作基于现代边际机会成本(MarginalOpportunityCost,MOC)理论,应用绿色投入产出核算理论方法,建立与现实情况较吻合的存量流量型资源经济环境一体化绿色投入产出经济分析模型。

    On the basis of modem marginal opportunity cost theory , applying green input output accounting theory , the green input output economic analysis was conducted with the integration of resources , economy and environment .

  19. 事实上,中国的城市和乡镇,有相当数量的“极少数人生活”或“只有少数人生活在”存量的闲置资源。

    In fact , China 's cities and towns there are a considerable number of " very few people live " or " only a few people live in " the stock of idle resources .

  20. 本文探讨了进城务工农民子女义务教育存在的教育存量和增量资源均不足、教育教学体制不适应等主要问题,并提出缓解进城务工农民子女义务教育问题的对策建议。

    The problems of insufficient stock and increment resources of education , and unsuitable education and teaching system in compulsory education for farmers-turned workers ' sons and daughters are discussed , and the countermeasures are proposed .

  21. 医院集团有利于扩大规模效应、降低医疗成本、提高工作效率、盘活存量、优化资源和提高市场竞争能力。

    The establishment of hospital group will be conducive to enlarge the benefit or the scale of economy , cut down medical cost , improve work efficiency , reduce the inventory , optimizing the resource utilization and enhance the competitiveness .

  22. 矛盾的解决关键在于促进对矿业存量用地资源流动、产权流转、资本激活,实现为矿业准入腾指标,为矿城发展拓空间,为土地复垦找资金的三赢。

    The solution of contradiction is to promote for mining stock flow activation , transfer of property right and capital activation , realizing the triple-win of saving mining access indicators , expanding the space for the development of mining city and finding money for land reclamation .

  23. 同时,FTTH无法利用电信网络中存量巨大的铜线资源,无疑是一种巨大的浪费。

    Meanwhile , FTTH can not reuse the huge copper resource in current telecom networks . It is also a huge waste .

  24. 企业并购是促进产权流动、盘活资产存量,优化社会资源配置的一项重要手段。

    Merger and Acquisition , an important means to promote the circulation of property , to act asset quantity and to improve the disposition of social resource .

  25. 要盘活国有存量资产、优化资源的配置,当务之急是要解决国家股和法人股上市问题。

    To liven state - owned stock assets , the most important thing is to solve the problem of state - owned and corporate share to go to the stock market .