
jì jié xìng
  • seasonal;seasonality;seasonal characteristic
季节性[jì jié xìng]
  1. 需要考虑到季节性变化。

    Seasonal variations need to be taken into account .

  2. 大部分季节性招聘在10月初进行。

    Most seasonal hiring is done in early October

  3. 这个城镇依靠季节性旅游业提供就业机会。

    The town relies on the seasonal tourist industry for jobs .

  4. 农活有季节性,必须抢时间。

    Farm work is seasonal , so we must race against time .

  5. 对海洋的挚念,似乎是一种无可抑止的季节性疾病。

    Longing for the sea , is a seasonal symptom , and can 't be restrained .

  6. 我们的咖啡厅除了提供季节性特色菜外,还提供各式午餐和小吃。

    Our caf é offers a complete menu of lunch and snack options , in addition to seasonal specials .

  7. 季节性情绪紊乱(seasonalaffectivedisorder,SAD)指多发于冬季的一种抑郁症,也称“冬季抑郁症”。

    Seasonal1 affective disorder2 ( SAD ) is a type of depression that sets in or starts in the winter months .

  8. 总体来说,季节性时序模型的模拟和预测精度较高。

    The time sequence model synthetically reflects trends of groundwater level .

  9. 大部分季节性招聘在10月初进行

    Most seasonal hiring is done in early October .

  10. 与其它类型的抑郁症不同的是,这种季节性抑郁症会在春天到来时有所好转。

    Unlike other types of depression , it may improve as spring comes on .

  11. 明显的季节性气候变化

    a high degree of climatic seasonality

  12. 季节性情绪紊乱在北方气候地区更常见,北方冬季的白天都很短。

    Seasonal affective disorder is far more common in northern climates , where days can be very short in winter .

  13. “快闪商店”通常卖季节性物品,如万圣节的服饰和装饰品、圣诞礼物、圣诞树,或烟花之类。

    They are often used by marketers for seasonal items such as Halloween costumes and decorations , Christmas gifts and Christmas trees , or fireworks .

  14. 俄勒冈健康与科学大学的阿尔弗雷德•洛威所做的一项研究发现,季节性情绪紊乱的大部分症状是由身体节律与太阳不同步导致的。

    A study by Alfred Lewy at the Oregon Health and Science University found that most of the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder are caused by body rhythms that are not in sync with the sun .

  15. 利用GPS监测电离层总电子含量的季节性变化

    Monitoring Seasonal Variations of Ionospheric TEC Using GPS Measurements

  16. 应用Z指数方法判断南方季节性干旱的结果分析

    Analysis of Seasonal Drought Applying Z - index Method in South China

  17. 在时间尺度上,HFRS发病人数存在明显的季节性变化。

    On time scale , HFRS incidence varied seasonally .

  18. 主要出水理化指标TN、TP、BOD呈季节性波动变化。

    The main physical and chemical indexes such as TN , TP and BOD varied seasonally .

  19. MLT、LH和FSH对绵羊季节性发情的调控作用研究

    The Regulation of Melatonin 、 LH and FSH on the Seasonal Oestrus of Sheep

  20. 结论:统计方法目前仅适用于没有季节性波动的ARIMA模型。

    Conclusions : The statistical test method is only suit for nonseasonal ARIMA model .

  21. 由EdwardBelongia医生领导的美国一份新的研究将这种大流行流感与季节性流感的特点进行了对比。

    A new U.S. study led by Dr. Edward Belongia compares the s of the pandemic flu to the seasonal flu .

  22. 流感病毒是一种RNA病毒,它能够引发季节性流感甚至全球大范围的流感,造成人类和动物的急性呼吸道感染。

    Influenza virus is an RNA virus which can lead to seasonal influenza or even worldwide pandemic . It can cause acute respiratory infections in human and animals .

  23. 人类感染H5N1病毒的病死率远远高于感染季节性流感。

    The case fatality rate for H5N1 virus infections in people is much higher compared to that of seasonal influenza infections .

  24. 结论测定血清花粉抗原sIgE敏感、安全、简便易行,可作为季节性哮喘花粉过敏的特异性病因诊断方法。

    Conclusion sIgE detected by BSA-ELISA appeared to be a safe and simple method for etiological diagnosis in patients with seasonal asthma .

  25. 所有品种花后Pa季节性变化可分为三种类型:渐降型、中段稳定型和剧降型。

    The seasonal vari-ations of Pa after anthesis in all of the varieties examined may be divi-ded into three types : slowly declining , middle stable and rapidly dec-lining .

  26. 研究结果表明,天然草场牧草中13种矿物元素含量呈明显的季节性变化,牧草含P量从夏草场的0.12μg/g降至早春草场的0.04μg/g;

    Results showed that content of 13 mineral elements in herbage grown in natural Pasture changed apparently seasonally . P content reduced from 0.12 μ g / g in summer pasture grasses to 0.04 μ g / g in early spring pasture grasses ;

  27. 目的:利用SAS程序实现ARIMA模型,探讨ARIMA预测模型在季节性时间序列资料分析中的应用。

    Objective : To establishment the SAS procedure of ARIMA Model and to investigate the application of ARIMA predictive model in seasonal time series .

  28. 结果表明:地磁低点位移异常与地磁z分量的季节性变化有关,与地磁场的日变幅度有关。

    The result shows that the abnormity displacement of the low points of geomagnetic record is related to the seasonal changes of geomagnetic Z component and the daily changes of the geomagnetic field .

  29. 根据芝加哥再就业行业巨头挑战者公司(ChallengerGray&Christmas)预测,在未来三个月内,季节性新增职位将达到620000个。

    Altogether , predicts Chicago outplacement giant Challenger Gray & Christmas , seasonal payrolls will swell by about 620,000 over the next three months .

  30. 近期有研究报道称,早些年对一些季节性流感的抗体可能也可以对抗目前流行全球的甲型H1N1流感。

    Antibodies against some seasonal flu strains from prior years may be active against the new H1N1 swine flu currently circulating the globe , a recent study reports .