
ɡū lì xì tǒnɡ
  • isolated system
  1. 对孤立系统,熵的变化是大于零的。

    Change in entropy is greater than zero for an isolated system .

  2. 孤立系统平衡稳定条件的简洁求法

    A simple method of the balance and steady condition of the isolated system

  3. 但DCS系统和ERP系统是两个孤立系统,它们之间的信息无法进行实时传递,它们中间需要一个桥梁即生产执行系统(MES)。

    But the DCS and the ERP are two isolated systems , and their information cannot communicate and transfer timely . So they need a bridge called manufacturing execution system ( MES ) .

  4. 这样系统近似可以看成孤立系统。

    And so , the system behaves as if it 's isolated .

  5. 孤立系统中熵减的必要条件和化学反应

    Necessary Condition of Decrease of Entropy in Isolated Systems and Chemical Reactions

  6. 对孤立系统,大家从前可能见过这个公式。

    For an isolated system . You 've seen this before , probably .

  7. 孤立系统与环境既没有硬资源交换、也没有软资源交换;

    For isolated economic system , there is neither hard nor soft resource exchanges ;

  8. 基于分布式电源的孤立系统规划初探

    Isolated power system planning based on distributed generation

  9. 一种制订孤立系统和辐射形互联系统机组检修计划的新方法

    A New Method of Generating Unit Maintenance Scheduling for Isolated and Radially Interconnected Systems

  10. 但是大部分的化学反应,并不是发生在孤立系统中的。

    Most chemical changes , most physical changes don 't happen in isolated systems .

  11. 这样一来,孤立系统热质守恒的学说只好完全放弃了。

    Thus the conservation of caloric for an isolated system had to be entirely abandoned .

  12. 非孤立系统的陀螺镇定

    Gyro stabilization of Non isolated System

  13. 掌握孤立系统墒增原理及其在能量损耗计算上的应用。

    Grasp the Entropy Increase Principle of Isolated System and its application in energy losses calculation .

  14. 宇观孤立系统的熵

    Entropy of Cosmoscopic isolated system

  15. 一个孤立系统的物质不生不灭的基本经典物理原理。

    A fundamental principle of classical physics that matter cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system .

  16. 对一个孤立系统,它的能量是守恒的,它是有壁的。

    If you have an isolated system , that means that the energy You 've got your boundary .

  17. 一个孤立系统即使内部改变,其总能量保持不变的基本物理原理。

    The fundamental principle of physics that the total energy of an isolated system is constant despite internal changes .

  18. 根据热力学第二定律,它却是一个孤立系统不可避免的结局。

    It is , according to the second law of thermodynamics , the inevitable destination of an isolated system .

  19. 按照经济系统与环境之间的关系可以把经济系统划分为孤立系统、封闭系统与开放系统。

    In view of the relationship with environments , they may be classified into isolated , closed and open systems .

  20. 对于孤立系统,决定一个过程是否自发发生的判据为:,熵必须增加。

    When we have an isolated system , the criterion that determineswhether something happens spontaneously is the entropy has to increase .

  21. 国有企业拉斯天然气公司和沙特阿美表示,病毒仅影响到办公室电脑,未影响到运行油气生产的孤立系统。

    State-owned RasGas and Saudi Aramco said the virus affected only office computers , not isolated systems that run hydrocarbon production .

  22. 就像我们前面看到的,孤立系统的熵一样,现在我们有一些可以计算的东西。

    And just like we saw before for the case of entropy in an isolated system , now we have something we can calculate .

  23. 在孤立系统内,能量从一种形式(力学的、热学的、化学的等等)转变为另一种形式,一切形式的能量的总和保持不变。

    When energy is changed from one form to another in an isolated system , there is no change in the total amount of energy .

  24. 好,我们过一会,会看到,这将导致孤立系统的熵,永远不会减小。

    OK , what we 'll see shortly is that this will allow us to see that for an isolated system the entropy never decreases .

  25. 对于小型孤立系统,风能是柴油燃料有效的替代能源,但对系统可靠性会产生一定的影响。

    Wind energy is an effective substitute energy source for diesel fuel according to small isolated power systems , but it will affect the system reliability .

  26. 我们不讨论,这是隐含条件,因为我们讨论的是孤立系统,因此系统没有物质流失。

    We don 't say anything about implicitly here , we 're talking about a closed system , so there 's no mass leaving the system .

  27. 这样,对孤立系统,能量的简并度是,粒子位置可能的状态数。

    So , if the system is isolated , then the degeneracy of your energy is just a number of waysthat you can flip the positions around .

  28. 陀螺相关非孤立系统的研究工作,不仅是在理论上而且在航空和航天科学的应用上,都具有重要的作用。

    The research work relating to the unisolated mechanical systems with gyroscopic terms plays an important role in theory and in the applications to aeronautical and astronautical sciences .

  29. 寿命变量的四种比较方法及其基本性质一个孤立系统即使内部改变,其总能量保持不变的基本物理原理。

    Four Comparisions of Life Variances and Their Properties ; the fundamental principle of physics that the total energy of an isolated system is constant despite internal changes .

  30. 本章分别在孤立系统假设和开放系统假设下讨论了长江三角洲地区的工业分工问题,然后进行了必要的比较分析。

    In this chapter , we discuss the industrial specialization in the Yangtze Delta Area both from isolated system and from open system suppose , and provide some necessary comparative analysis .