
  • 网络The Learning Society
  1. 随着当今信息技术和Internet技术的迅猛发展和广泛应用,时时可学、处处可学和人人可学的学习型社会正在形成。

    With the rapid development and wide application of information technology and Internet technology , everyone can learn everywhere and learning society is taking shape .

  2. 图书馆在建设学习型社会中导入CIS理论塑造品牌

    Library Creates CIS Theory Brand in the Construction of a Learning Society

  3. 知识经济的到来,学习型社会的形成,我国加入WTO,经济全球化以及高等教育的大众化等因素为广州市属高等教育的发展带来了新的发展机遇。

    The factors such as Chinas entry to WTO , the arrival of knowledge economy , economical globalization and the popularization of higher education create new chances for the development of Guangzhous higher education .

  4. 在CAS理论视野中,学习型社会的构建应该遵循如下四个基本原则:主体性原则、整体涌现原则、活力性原则、标识性原则。

    In the sight of the theory of CAS , four principles should be followed : the principle of main body , the principle of whole emergence , the principle of activity , the principle of tagging .

  5. 文章从学习型社会是知识型经济的必然结果、E-Learning为学习型社会提供了良好环境等方面论述了E-Learning这一新的学习方式是建构学习型社会的重要保障。

    The article discusses that E-learning is the important guarantee of building up a learning society in angles of some sides , such as a learning society is the must of knowledge economy and E-learning provides good surroundings for a learning society .

  6. 学习型社会图书馆馆员的社会角色与职业理念

    The Social Roles and Professional Concepts of Librarians in Learning-oriented Society

  7. 开发图书馆人力资源服务于学习型社会

    Developing Human Resources of the Library , Serving the Studying Society

  8. 学习型社会对教师教育提出了专业化的要求。

    Teachers ' education is professionally demanded in the studying-type society .

  9. 构建学习型社会以及大学在其中应发挥的作用

    Building A Studying - Type Society and the Utility of Universities

  10. 学习型社会与现代大学教育理念

    Society of studying type and the educational concept for modern universities

  11. 学习型社会背景下现代远程开放教育研究

    A Research on Modern Distance Opening Education in a Learning-Orientated Society

  12. 发展成人高等体育教育积极构筑学习型社会

    Developing sports adult higher education , establishing a society of learning

  13. 浅论学习型社会的构建与图书馆服务创新

    Creation of the Society of Study and innovation of Library Services

  14. 学习型社会下图书馆信息咨询工作研究

    Thinking about information counseling in the library of the learning society

  15. 树立终身教育理念,建立学习型社会;

    Establish the life-long education idea , build the studying type society .

  16. 然森的学习型社会理论及其启示

    Stewart Ranson 's Learning Society Theory and Its Inspiration On Wang Sen

  17. 图书馆在学习型社会中所占的位置;

    The position of library in the study style society .

  18. 建设学习型社会从教育的角度看是一项宏观教育政策。

    Constructing learning society is a macro educational policy of the nation .

  19. 学习型社会强调人人学习、终身学习。

    Learning society emphasizes that everyone learns and life learning .

  20. 论数字图书馆与学习型社会的同构

    Discussion on the Isomorphism of the Digital Library and the Learning-type Society

  21. 构建学习型社会进程中的高等教育

    The Higher Education in the Process of Construction of the Learning Society

  22. 图书馆伦理:学习型社会图书馆发展的道德基础

    Library Ethics : Moral Basis for Library Development in Learning Style Society

  23. 建设学习型社会的内在动力

    On the Internal Motive Force of the Construction of the Learning-oriented Society

  24. 现代学习型社会凸显学习主题,如何有效促进学生学习、帮助学生确立终身学习理念,是教育理论界和实践界关注的焦点,也是教育心理学研究领域的热点。

    Theme of learning is the protruding characteristic in modern learning society .

  25. 加大图书馆宣传力度为学习型社会营造最佳场所

    Improving Propaganda for Library to Build Ideal Arena to Like Learned Society

  26. 现代远程教育在建设学习型社会中的历史地位

    The Historical Position of Modern Distance Education in Learning Society

  27. 创建学习型社会的教育社会学思考

    The Educational-Sociological Consideration of Setting Up a Society of the Study Type

  28. 论大众传媒对学习型社会建设的影响

    On the Function of the Mass Media in Constructing the Learning Society

  29. 广播电视大学如何服务于学习型社会建设?

    What should the television university do for the Learning-Model society construction ?

  30. 学习型社会形成中的社会考试

    Study the Social Examination that Type Society become the inside