
  • 网络Learning School;School of learning
  1. 学习学派强调学习,强调对变化的管理及通过变化来管理,认为战略是在学习的过程中形成的。

    The learning school puts emphasis on learning , emphasizes to management that change and manage through the change , thinks strategy taking shape in the course of learning .

  2. 麦克库姆斯是自主学习的现象学派的代表人物之一。

    McCombs is one of the representative figures of phenomenologist school of Self-regulated Leaning .

  3. 务实派认为当中可能有很多经验供其学习借鉴。这个学派通常从实例获得经验,用以分析管理。

    Pragmatism suggests that there might be a lesson in there somewhere . This approach analyzes management by studying experience usually through cases .