
xué lì zhènɡ shū
  • Diploma;academic certificate;documentation of academic credentials;formal schooling documents
  1. 基于VFP改进学历证书图像采集工作

    Improve the Image Acquisition of Academic Certificate Based on VFP

  2. 文本图像例如一些政府文件,学历证书,病历等等一些比较重要的文本信息在网络上的存储和传播也日益广泛,它们有时更加的需要保护,防止被恶意篡改。

    The text images , such as the public document , the academic certificate and the medical record , are also spread over and stored in the internet , which needs to be protected for the information security .

  3. 他没有获得任何学历证书便离开了学校。

    He left school with no qualifications

  4. 第八十条违反本法规定,颁发学位证书、学历证书或者其他学业证书的,由教育行政部门宣布证书无效,责令收回或者予以没收;

    Article 80 The relevant administrative department of education shall nullify the academic degree certificates , educational qualification certificates or other education certificates that are issued in violation of the provisions of this Law , and shall order their return or confiscation ;

  5. 尽管学历证书很重要,但TeachFirst也希望培养谦逊、尊敬他人和同理心等个人品质。

    While academic credentials are important , Teach First also looks for personal skills such as humility , respect and empathy .

  6. 我读的学校不是秘密。萨内蒂对此解释,她已经在个人LinkedIn简历页面列出了自己的学历证书。

    My school is not a secret , says Zanetti , who lists her diploma on her LinkedIn profile .

  7. 大学将于选聘期间要求应徵者出示有关第II,III及IV部份所申报之学历证书及工作经验证明文件以供核对。

    Applicants will be required to produce documentary evidence pertaining to the qualifications and working experience ( where appropriate ) in Sections II , III & IV for verification .

  8. 在沃伦?巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)位于内布拉斯加州奥马哈(Omaha,Nebraska)市中心的办公室里,他只展示了一份学历证书。

    In his office in downtown Omaha , Nebraska , Warren Buffett displays only one certificate of his education .

  9. 英国BTEC高级职业教育学历证书课程已有20年的历史,并且形成了科学、规范的体系。

    The BTEC Higher National Diploma Program has been running for 20 years in UK and has formed a scientific and standard system .

  10. 我国非学历证书考试现状与发展策略探讨

    The Status quo of Non-academic Certificate Examination and Its Development Strategy

  11. 学历证书所要求得学习时间比获得学位证书的时间短。

    A certificate offers a shorter course of study than a degree .

  12. 学历证书与职业资格证书教育融通的探讨

    Introduction of Experience to the Education for Diploma and Professional Qualification Certificate

  13. 完善学历证书电子注册规范高校证书文凭管理

    Perfect Electronic Registration of Certificate and Normalize Diploma Administration of Colleges and Universities

  14. 浅谈高校电子注册管理技术高校学历证书电子注册与学籍管理改革

    On-line Registration for Documentation of Academic Credentials and Reform in College Enrollment Management

  15. 升学就业辅导教师证书高职院校职业资格证书与学历证书教学的融合

    Certificate in Careers Teachers Training On the diploma-and-certificate-based teaching in higher vocational colleges

  16. 注:请务必交验英文学历证书和英文成绩单复印件,高中毕业证书。

    Note : copies of diploma and transcripts in English must be submitted .

  17. 感谢收看“没有学历证书怎样求职”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching How To Apply For A Job Without A Degree .

  18. 浅谈高校学历证书管理

    An Elementary Introduction to College Academic Diploma Administration

  19. 我国高等教育学历证书认证制度初探

    The Preliminary Exploration of the Our Country Higher Education Educational Background Certificate Attestation System

  20. 搞好电子注册,加强高等教育学历证书管理

    E-registration-A Better Academic Certificate Management of Higher Education

  21. 学习型社会非学历证书考试创新

    Innovations in Non-certificate-oriented Examination in the Study-oriented Society

  22. 非学历证书考试是中外考试事业发展的必然趋势。

    The development of non-diploma-based testing is an inevitable trend both at home and abroad .

  23. 她取得了市场开发方面的学历证书。

    She gained a qualification in marketing .

  24. 在那里没有人会说:让我看看你的高中学历证书。

    Where no one says things like : Let 's see your high school equivalency certificate .

  25. 职业资格证书与学历证书相互沟通与衔接研究

    A Study about the Relation between the High Vocational Education and the System of Vocational Qualification Certificate

  26. 注:请务必交验中、英、法文的学历证书和成绩单复印件。

    Note : copies of last degree and transcripts in chinese , English or French must be submitted .

  27. 为加强高等教育毕业证书管理,我国已建立和实施了高校学历证书电子注册制度。

    Electronic registering system of academic certificates in colleges and universities has been established and implemented these years .

  28. 艺术管理专业授予以下学位与学历证书:学士、硕士。

    Arts administration programs award a range of credentials , including certificates and diplomas , Bachelor 's degrees , and Master 's degrees .

  29. 老板将30多本员工的学历证书送来鉴定,结果发现有10本是假的。

    The boss has sent in the credentials of more than 30 employees for verification and it was found that ten of them were forgeries .

  30. 通过对生产过程自动化技术专业学历证书教育与职业资格证书教育进行对比分析,找出结合点,设计教学方案。

    Find out the combination order between the education of certificate of automate profession educational background and the occupation qualifications certificate to design the teaching project .