
xué qī lùn wén
  • term paper
  1. 他的学期论文得了个不及格分数。

    He received a falling grade on the term paper .

  2. 我给它取名“学期论文”。

    A : I named it Term Paper .

  3. LSP文件加载外部命令;LSP语料库的设计标准问题&兼谈英语专业高年级专业课学期论文动态语料库设计

    On the Criteria Required to Design LSP Corpora in the Context of Term Paper Writing for English Majors

  4. 这篇文章是关于不正当下载学期论文的情况。

    The essay is about the improper downloading of term papers .

  5. 我告诉了她,我已写完学期论文了。

    I told her that I had finished my term paper .

  6. 我宁愿写一篇学期论文,也不愿意参加考试。

    I prefer writing a term paper to taking an examination .

  7. 你能告诉我我的学期论文的要求吗?

    Could you tell me the requirement for my term paper ?

  8. 下周我就得交几篇学期论文。

    I 've got a couple of term papers due next week .

  9. 有几位教授说,他们已经放弃要求写学期论文的传统作法。

    Several professors say they 've dropped the traditional term paper requirement .

  10. 我希望你们能在最后限期之前交上你们的学期论文。

    I hope you can submit you term papers before the deadline .

  11. 学期论文使他终日厌案。

    The term papers kept him bound to his desk .

  12. 汤姆,你完成为写学期论文而做的研究了吗?

    Tom , have you finished the research for your term paper ?

  13. 我为了写学期论文,钻研了三十卷的美国史。

    For my term paper I worked over 30 volumes of American history .

  14. 学期论文可以由两人完成(推荐)也可以单独完成。

    Term paper to be written in pairs ( preferable ) or individually .

  15. 我的学期论文是关于你的。

    I 'm writing a term paper on you .

  16. 今天我必须要完成我的学期论文。

    I have to finish my term paper today .

  17. 那学生用因特网查找参考资料撰写学期论文。

    That student used the Internet as a reference for his term paper .

  18. 我也在为学期论文的事而烦恼。

    The term papers are bothering me , too .

  19. 她正在努力撰写学期论文。

    She 's working hard at her term paper .

  20. 我把学期论文塞到她手里。

    I thrust my term paper into her hands .

  21. 专题学期论文(不包括附录)不要超过2500字。

    The project term paper ( excluding appendices ) shall not exceed 2,500 words .

  22. 许多学生购买预先写好的学期论文。

    Many students buy prewritten term papers .

  23. 她正在写学期论文。

    She is writing her term paper .

  24. 我们更希望是两个人一组来完成学期论文,但是单独完成也可以。

    Completing the term paper in pairs is preferable but individually submitted papers are acceptable .

  25. 我的学期论文写得相当顺手。

    My term paper is shaping up .

  26. 你的学期论文的分数在期末总分中占相当的比例。

    The grade you earn on the term paper may count heavily toward your final grade .

  27. 本课程也通过学期论文的形式让学生体验主要第一手文献研究。

    The class also gives students experience with primary documentation research through a term paper assignment .

  28. 学期论文给你更详细地探索某一个领域的机会。

    The term paper is an opportunity for you to explore one area in more detail .

  29. 要求研究和撰写一篇学期论文或两篇短论文。

    You are required to research and write either a single term paper or two short papers .

  30. 男士说:我很想去,但是我必须写我的学期论文。

    M : I wish I could , but I have to work on my term paper .