
xué xiào dǒnɡ shì huì
  • school board
  1. 那一周的周三,她熬了个通宵,创建了一个Facebook页面和一个Twitter帐户,提醒数百名学生关注学校董事会的会议:“如果你对所在学区的上课时间决策有自己的看法,请出席会议并发言!”

    That Wednesday , she pulled an all-nighter . She created a Facebook page and set up a Twitter account , alerting hundreds of students about the school board meeting : " Be there to have a say in your school district 's decisions on school start times ! "

  2. 学校董事会将考虑聘任新校长。

    The school board will consider applications for the new principal .

  3. AnnBryant是全国学校董事会协会(NationalSchoolBoardsAssociation)执行主任。

    Ann Bryant is executive director of the National School Boards Association .

  4. 但当天晚些时候,学校董事会理事投票决定解雇他。

    But later in the day the trustees voted to fire him .

  5. 联合国国际学校董事会办公室;

    Office of the board of Trustees of the United Nations school ;

  6. 学校董事会能不能根据这个生物学上的事实重新调整预备铃的时间?

    Could the board realign the first bell with that biological reality ?

  7. 对有些人来说,可以应用在学校董事会演讲时。

    For some people it 's speaking at a school board meeting .

  8. 那个周一,学校董事会会议座无虚席。

    The testy school board meeting that Monday was packed .

  9. 学校董事会称开除是最后的手段,

    The school board says the firings were last resort ,

  10. 我八岁时我妈竞选学校董事会

    My mom ran for the school board when I was eight .

  11. 学校董事会同意任命一名新校长。

    The board of governors has approved the appointment of a new head teacher .

  12. 学校董事会将于五天内召开听证会对这一提议进行讨论。

    The issue would be discussed at a school board hearing in five days .

  13. 学校董事会展开了激烈的辩论,最后决定反对提前上课时间。

    The board heatedly debated the issue and decided against the earlier start time .

  14. 校长和老师都受学校董事会的领导。

    The principal and the teachers of a school are subject to the school board .

  15. 去年2月,哥伦比亚学区的学校董事会召开会议,考虑推迟上课时间。

    Last February , the school board in Columbia met to consider later start times .

  16. 西雅图的学校董事会这个月将就是否跟进该议题进行投票。

    The Seattle school board will vote this month on whether to pursue the issue .

  17. 我们要和老师,家长,学校董事会成员和政治家对话。

    We need to talk to teachers and parents and school board members and politicians .

  18. 学校董事会在讨论

    I guess the school board is debating

  19. 我没有做错任何违反学校董事会规章的事情,但被开除了。

    It was cleared up that I had done nothing wrong to violate the school board .

  20. 学校董事会表示许肯。

    The school board agreed .

  21. 每一届学校董事会,每一次立法会议,都是你们该关心的。

    What happens at every school board meeting , every legislative session -- that is your concern .

  22. 本文目的是帮助有关学校董事会成员和家长选择有效的禁欲课程。

    This paper is designed to help concerned school board members and parents choose a solid abstinence curriculum .

  23. 现在,学校董事会已经投票决定学会在明年7月停学。

    Now , the university Board of Trustees has voted to suspend operations at Antioch College next July .

  24. 然后她听说,学校董事会正准备将上课时间提前到7:20。

    Then she heard that the school board was about to make the day start even earlier , at 7:20 a.m.

  25. 奥奇表示在二十世纪九十年代学校董事会和管理者采用这个方案时,休斯敦和西雅图都发生了很大变化。

    Ouchi says that Houston and Seattle had impressive results when their school boards and superintendents adopted this approach in the1990s .

  26. 值得庆幸的是,芭芭拉支持女儿的同性恋行为,并向学校董事会投诉这两个教练。

    Thankfully , Barbara was supportive of her daughter , and she filed complaints with the school board against the coaches .

  27. 你们当地的学校董事会是不是正在制定一项课程计划,而你们或许觉得并不十分适合你的孩子?

    Is your local school board devising a curriculum plan that you might think is not the best thing for your kids ?

  28. 这起事件最早可能发生在星期三,对峙的是芝加哥教师工会和学校董事会,双方的争端还没有被解决。

    The earliest that could happen is Wednesday , and the standoff between the Chicago Teachers Union and the school board has not been resolved .

  29. 一天早晨,老师们提到学校董事会的委员会建议提前上课时间,以解决调度公交线路的后勤问题。

    One morning , the teachers mentioned that a school board committee had recommended an earlier start time to solve logistical problems in scheduling bus routes .

  30. 获奖者的数目和获奖金额将由学校董事会根据学校当年财务状况决定。

    The number of recipients and the amount of each award will be decided by the board based on the current year 's school finance situation .