
  • 网络sports meeting;school sports meeting;school sports;school sport day
  1. A:你在学校运动会上参加哪项运动?B:还没定。我想和我的体育老师讨论后再决定。

    A : Which sport are you in at the school sports meeting ? B : No decision yet . I think it will be decided after discussing with my PE teacher .

  2. 小明在学校运动会上夺得了短跑金牌

    Xiaoming won the gold medal for sprinting in the school sports meeting .

  3. 学校运动会结束后,将由布朗夫人颁奖。

    Lady Browne will present the prize after the school sports .

  4. 学校运动会的现状及发展对策

    The Current Situation of University Games and Countermeasures for Development

  5. 学校运动会是在操场上举行的。

    It was in the playground that our school meeting was held .

  6. 去年你参加学校运动会了吗?

    Did you take part in the school sports meeting last year ?

  7. 在我们学校运动会上,他创造了跳高新纪录。

    He created a new record in high-jump at our school sports .

  8. 学校运动会模式的探讨与实践

    Some Probe and Practice about the Patterns of the Bodybuilding-type Sports Meeting

  9. 学校运动会五分钟后将开始。

    The school sports meeting will start in five minutes .

  10. 市长在学校运动会上颁发奖品。

    The mayor gave away the prizes at the school sports meeting .

  11. 学校运动会延至下星期六。

    The school sports were postponed till next Saturday .

  12. 她在为参加学校运动会进行锻炼。

    She is training for the school sports meet .

  13. 走出学校运动会的误区构建体育节

    Piling out the Faulty Zone of School Sports Meet and Constructing School Sports Festival

  14. 试论学校运动会的改革与对策

    Reformation and Countermeasure of Sports Meeting at Schools

  15. 用体育(与健康)课程标准新理念指导学校运动会

    Guide the School Athletic Meeting Under the New Standard Idea of health in PE

  16. 对中国早期学校运动会的历史考察

    A historical review of the Chinese school sports meetings in the 20th century China

  17. 把学校运动会和奥林匹克教育结合起来。

    Olympic education will also be conducted in conjunction with the sports events on campus .

  18. 部分学校运动会基金将用来整修足球场。

    Part of the school sports fund will be used to improve the football pitch .

  19. 这场雨把学校运动会弄得一团糟。

    The rain spoiled the school sports .

  20. 我参加学校运动会。

    We join in the school sports .

  21. 他对学校运动会进行了实况报道。

    He commentated on the school sports .

  22. 学校运动会改革之我见

    The Reform of School Sports Meeting

  23. 学校运动会曾经就意味着家长们需要请一个上午或者一个下午的假。

    School sports days used to mean that parents take a morning or an afternoon off .

  24. 如果小李不生病,他一定会去参加学校运动会。

    Had Xiao Li not been ill , he would have taken part in the school sports meet .

  25. 特殊教育学校运动会不能定期召开,体育比赛太少;

    The sports meeting of special education school can 't be held regularly and sports match is very few .

  26. 云南省中学学校运动会的改革优化了体育教学资源,让体育场地得到充分的运用。

    Yunnan middle school sports physical education reform optimize resources , allowing the stadium to get fully used . 3 .

  27. 一群小学生兴高采烈地来到草坪上,庆祝刚获得的学校运动会足球赛冠军。

    A group of pupils were celebrating in the field jubilantly after emerging as the champion of the school 's Sports'Day Soccer Competition .

  28. 我变得讨厌杰拉尔德了,他老是对我们说他是如何赢得学校运动会奖杯的。他变得爱吹牛了。

    I 'm getting tired of Gerald telling us how he won his school 's sports cup ; he 's becoming a big head .

  29. 阐述改革学校运动会的理论、实际意义和向体育节转轨的必要和必然。

    The theoretical and practical significances and the necessity and inevitability of reforming school sports meets and changing school sports meets into school sports festival are narrated .

  30. 如果你有足够的空间,你可以组织一场包含好玩的游戏项目和活动在内的迷你学校运动会,比如鸡蛋和勺子赛跑、三脚跑或麻袋比赛等。

    If you have enough space you can organise a mini school sports day with fun games and events such as egg and spoon races , three-legged races , or sack races .