
  • 网络Xueheng;the critical review
  1. 《学衡》论学者精神与责任

    Critical Review 's viewpoints about scholar spirit and responsibilities

  2. 其次,学衡派的文化实践是融化新知。

    Secondly , the cultural practices of Critical Review school was ' absorbing new knowledge ' .

  3. 欧文·白璧德与《学衡》知识分子群研究

    A Study of Irving Babbitt and Intellectual Group of Critical Review

  4. 20世纪初国粹派与学衡派之异同比较

    Contrast Between Guo Cui Pai and Xue Heng Pai in the Early 20th Century

  5. 论学衡派的学术文化理念

    Academic and Cultural Ideas of Xue Heng School

  6. 第二部分重点论述学衡派如何直接地反思科学主义。

    The second part focuses on Xue Heng how to reflect the scientism directly .

  7. 被遮蔽的另面景观&论学衡派与西方现代诗歌

    Another Sight in the Shade : On Xue Heng School and Modern Western Poetry

  8. 最后一章将学衡的文化理想和其文化保守主义倾向。

    In the last chapter we will analyze the cultural ideal and conservatism tendency of .

  9. 对峙的意义:从理解《学衡》到反思五四文化激进主义

    Culture The Significance of Confrontation : Introspecting Cultural Radicalism of May 4th through Understanding Xue Heng

  10. 第三部分即是论述学衡派从间接的角度反思科学主义的文艺思想。

    The third part is to discuss the reflection of Xue Heng School for scientism from the indirect perspective .

  11. 所以说,学衡派在中国学术史上占有重要的一席之地。

    Therefore , the academic thought of Critical Review school occupies an important position in the academic history in China .

  12. 二十世纪九十年代开始,学衡派的思想观点逐渐得到了学术界的肯定,研究的人也不断增加。

    1990s Xue Heng School ideas gradually get the affirmation of academia , so the people who research it will continue to increase .

  13. 围绕它形成的学衡派是近现代中国文化保守主义的翘楚。

    The School of XueHeng , centering on it , played an outstanding role in the culture conservatism in the modem and contemporary China .

  14. 本文旨在探讨五四时期学衡派的传统文化批评观。

    The aim of this article is to examine the period of May Fouth Study and Judge faction 's critical outlook on traditional culture .

  15. 在文化的继承与发展中,学衡派强调智识阶级的重要作用。

    Regarding inheriting and developing the culture , the School of XueHeng placed emphasis on the importance of the class of the gifted and intellectual .

  16. 《学衡》杂志是我国近现代期刊史上极重要的文史哲综合性学术期刊之一。

    Xueheng was one of the most important comprehensive academic journal on literature , history and philosophy in modern and contemporary history of journals of China .

  17. 吴宓及其所代表的学衡派是新文化运动遭遇的最大反对势力之一。

    Wu Mi , as the outstanding representative of the Culture Review School , is the strongest opposition that the New Culture Movement has ever encountered .

  18. 本文还探究了学衡派政治观念与西方保守主义的关系,指出他们受西方保守主义的影响很大,但对西方保守主义着重保守的自由却并不强调。

    They were influenced deeply by the Western conservatism , but they did not pay much emphasis on the conservative liberty which the western conservatives hold .

  19. 学衡派对新诗的批评,是与五四新文化派论争交锋的火力点,这种批评常与西方现代诗歌特别是意象主义和象征主义关联。

    The focus of contest between the May 4th new culture school and Xue Heng School is the criticism by Xue Heng School on New Chinese Poetry .

  20. 在本章中我们可以了解新人文主义的内涵,充分体会出学衡派对传统文化的尊崇。

    In this chapter , we can understand the connotation of the new humanism , and fully appreciate respect of Xue Heng School for the traditional culture .

  21. 《学衡》是二、三十年代文化保守主义的代表性刊物,是世界范围内反现代化思潮在中国的具体表现。

    The Critical Review is the representative journal of the Cultural Conservatism in the1920s and the1930s.It is the concrete demonstration of the worldwide antimodernization ideas in China .

  22. 而体现在译诗中的这一新型文化样式,又是吴宓等学衡同人所孜孜以求力图建构的文化理念。

    But the new cultural style manifested in the poem translation is also Wu Mi 's cultural idea and so on , which he tried hard to construct .

  23. 五四时期东方文化派和学衡派等文化保守主义者,对中国文化的生存和延续之道进行了积极的探索。

    In the May 4 period , cultural conservatives like the Oriental culture School made active explorations of the ways of the survival and continuance of Chinese culture .

  24. 同时他担任《学衡》文学杂志的主编,宣传白璧德和莫尔的新人文主义思想。

    In the meantime he was editor of a literary journal Shue Heng ( The Criterion ) in which he propagated Babbitt 's and Morels ideas of New Humanism .

  25. 在学术文化思想方面,学衡派突出学术研究的价值在指导社会“上达”,学术研究为新文化建设之先导;

    Anent the thought on academic culture , the School of XueHeng gave prominence to the importance of values of academic research in guiding social development and new culture construction .

  26. 对比《学衡》的稳重理智,《新青年》的偏激,是其成功的要点,也是其最大的不足。

    Rational comparison the steady of the " Xue Heng ", the extreme of the " New Youth " is the points to success , is also its biggest inadequate .

  27. 学衡派新人文主义视野寻际的反思诗歌形式秩序的寻求&新月诗派新论(下)

    The Reflection of Humanistic Thoughts about Xue Heng School ; In Search of the Order in Poetic Modes & A New Study of " the New Moon Verse School " (ⅱ);

  28. 南方学术重镇东南大学的学者们除了以《学衡》与《史地学报》为阵地之外,以国文系师生为主成立了国学研究会创办刊物、展开演讲、编辑从书,进行了一系列的活动。

    The scholars at Southeast University , an academic post in the south of China , founded " the Society of Sinology " , establishing journals , conducting lectures and compiling books .

  29. 作为学衡派主要组织者和思想家的吴宓,始终无法改变其在中国现代历史进程中的悲剧性。

    Wu Mi , as the primary organizer and thinker of the school of Xue Heng , can 't change the tragic fortune in the process of modern Chinese history from beginning to end .

  30. 因此,本文将重点从学衡派对科学主义反思的角度出发来论述,对学衡派的文艺思想加以论述。

    Therefore , this article will focus on the angle of reflection from the scientism Xue Heng School , the same time will discusses the concept of Xue Heng School of literary and artistic ideas .