
  • 网络Incubation fund;Incubator Fund;hatch fund
  1. 一些颇有名气的公司(这些公司通常来自TechStars或YCombinator创立的新创企业孵化基金)有实力不买TechCrunch的帐。

    The buzzy firms usually ones coming out of startup incubators , like techstars or Y combinator have a bit more power to ignore the blog .

  2. 该基金旨在将初创期孵化与种子基金结合起来,中国目前尚不存在这种商业模式。

    The fund intends to combine early-stage incubation and seed money a business model that does not yet exist in China .

  3. 孵化器是为创业企业提供有形或无形的孵化服务和种子基金的公司。

    Companies that offer physical or virtual incubation services and some seed financing to start-up companies .