
  • 网络Origins of the Universe;the origin of the universe;The Origin of Universe;cosmogony
  1. 它将帮助我们寻找银河系以外的智慧生命,探索宇宙的起源。

    It will help us to search for intelligent life outside of the Galaxy and explore the origins of the universe .

  2. 这些发现会有助于理解宇宙的起源。

    These discoveries may shed light on the origins of the universe .

  3. 我们还不能满意地解释宇宙的起源。

    We can 't yet satisfactorily explain the genesis of the universe .

  4. 我们仍不能令人满意地解释宇宙的起源。

    We cannot yet satisfactorily explain the genesis of the universe .

  5. 天文学家相信,我们正处于宇宙学新革命的开端,这将使我们更全面地了解宇宙的起源,以及它将如何演变下去。

    Astronomers believe that we are at the start of a new revolution in cosmology that will give us a fuller understanding of how the Universe began – and how it will evolve .

  6. 宇宙的起源必须无可避免地诉诸超自然。

    The beginning of the universe unavoidably resort to the supernatural .

  7. 宇宙的起源大概永远不会有答案。

    The origin of the universe will probably never be explained .

  8. 关于宇宙的起源的问题是个永恒的论题。

    The origin of the universe is an ageless topic .

  9. 宇宙的起源仍然是个谜。

    The origin of the universe is still a mystery .

  10. 宇宙的起源肯定有某种首要因素。

    There must be a first cause of the universe .

  11. 对宇宙的起源和本质的哲学研究。

    The metaphysical study of the origin and nature of the universe .

  12. 宇宙的起源对我们来说仍然是不可知的。

    The origin of the universe is still a sealed book to us .

  13. 第一,论述了宇宙的起源和宇宙的结构。

    First , Ling Xian discusses the origin and structure of the cosmos .

  14. 科学家们猜测宇宙的起源。

    Scientists speculate on the origin of the universe .

  15. 大爆炸是宇宙的起源也是时间的起点。

    The Big Bang is the origin of space and the origin of time itself .

  16. 解读宇宙的起源&2006年诺贝尔物理学奖简介

    Unveiling Mystery of the Newborn Universe & Brief Introduction to the Nobel Prize in Physics 2006

  17. 二十年来哈勃望远镜一直在为我们探索宇宙的起源之谜,它被称为是人类所进行的最具科学意义的太空项目。

    It 's already being called the most scientifically significant space project we ever embarked on .

  18. 尽管他们的文化背景不同,他们对宇宙的起源却有完全一致的看法。

    Despite their different cultural background they see eye to eye on the origin of the universe .

  19. 伊苏尔火山,它被当地的塔纳人认为是宇宙的起源。

    The Yasur volcano , believed to be the originator of the universe amongst the local Tannese .

  20. 他的主要工作一直是在研究黑洞和宇宙的起源与扩张。

    His main work has been on black holes and the origin and expansion of the universe .

  21. 美国航空航天局正在建设一个新的太空望远镜研究宇宙的起源更深。

    NASA is building a new space telescope to look even deeper into the beginnings of the universe .

  22. 是否存在宇宙的起源?在大爆炸之前,时间是连续的吗?宇宙从何而来?

    Was there a beginning ? Did time continue before the Big Bang ? Where did the universe come from ?

  23. 当我们提到宇宙的起源问题,你知道这语句不适用。

    When we come to the question of the origin of the universe , you know this statement does not apply .

  24. 而且他们的哲学和宗教信仰和支撑着这种对宇宙的起源和构架的认知。

    And this view is also supported by their philosophical and religious beliefs about the origin and structure of the universe .

  25. 我真正感兴趣的是宇宙的起源,时空的形状和黑洞的本质。

    What I do find interesting is the origin of the universe , the shape of space-time and the nature of black holes .

  26. 我们还可以追寻得更远,上溯到形成我们这个星球的几乎不可想象的沧桑巨变,甚至可以追溯到宇宙的起源。

    We can go back further still , to almost unimaginable upheavals which formed this planet and even to the origins of the universe .

  27. 宇宙的起源,永远都是宇宙学家进行星球和星系研究的永恒主题。

    The origins of the universe had always been a special subject of the cosmologists who studied the big world of stars and galaxies .

  28. 宇宙的起源-大爆炸会在瞬间结束,但是宇宙却差不多永远存在。

    The birth of the universe , the big bang was over in a flash , but the death of our universe will take almost forever .

  29. 本文就当代科学与宗教在宇宙的起源和人类起源的问题上的对话进行了初浅地探讨。

    The thesis makes a tentative exploration on the dialogue between contemporary science and religion upon the issues of the origins of the universe and human-beings .

  30. 它既关系到微观粒子结构及粒子间相互作用,又关系到宏观宇宙的起源演化。

    It not only relates to the structure of microscopic particle , the interactions among particles , but also the origin and evolution of the universe .