
ān mián yào
  • sleeping pill;hypnotic;soporific;somnifacient
安眠药 [ān mián yào]
  • [hypnotic;soporific;somnificant;sleeping pill] 能起镇静催眠作用的一类药物

  1. “安眠药会对大脑的一片区域产生作用,但是永远不会有完美的安眠药,因为在睡眠的各阶段进入和离开大脑不同部位的不同化学物质是没有办法复制的。”埃默里大学睡眠中心主任南希·科洛普博士说。

    " A sleeping pill will target one area of the brain , but there 's never going to be a perfect sleeping pill , because you couldn 't really replicate the different chemicals moving in and out of different parts of the brain to go through the different stages of sleep , " says Dr. Nancy Collop , director of the Emory University Sleep Center .

  2. 她服用了过量的安眠药。

    She took a massive overdose of sleeping pills .

  3. 他试图服安眠药自杀。

    He tried to kill himself with sleeping pills .

  4. 安眠药虽然对某些人有帮助,但并不是一种有效的治疗方法。

    Sleeping pills , while helpful for some , are not caters an effective remedy either .

  5. 传统上,旅行者用安眠药或酒精来解决这个问题。

    Travelers have traditionally fought this problem with sleeping pills or alcohol .

  6. 配合应用UV与GC鉴定15种安眠镇静药

    Identifications of fifteen hypnotic - sedative drugs by UV and GC