
  • 网络anshun city
  1. 本文主要介绍了基于GIS的水土流失定量评价模型的组成、各参数因子的算式算法,以及该模型在贵州省(原)安顺市的应用结果。

    A quantitative remote sensing method for soil erosion losses based on GIS , the formula and algorithms for model factors , and its application in the karst areas of Anshun City , Guizhou Province are described in this paper .

  2. 贵州省安顺市阿片类药物滥用情况调查

    A survey of opioids abuse in anshun , Guizhou Province

  3. 社会公共空间与西部农村的发展&以贵州省安顺市J村的调查为主的社会学分析

    Social Public Space and Rural Development in Western China & An Sociological Analysis with Stress on the Investigation into Village J , An shun City , Guizhou Province

  4. 区域水环境与旅游经济发展关系分析&以贵州省安顺市为例

    Analysis on the Relationship between Regional Water Environment and Tourism Economic Development

  5. 2003~2004年安顺市月饼卫生质量分析

    Analysis on Hygienic Quality of Mooncakes in Anshun City from 2003 to 2004

  6. 安顺市1997~2007年艾滋病疫情分析

    Analysis of epidemic situation of hiv / aids in Anshun City in 1997-2007

  7. 安顺市旅游业发展现状分析

    On Analysis of Current situation of Anshun Tourism Industry

  8. 耕地资源利用的区域差异及可持续利用研究&以安顺市为例

    Regional analysis on the sustainable arable land use & a case of Anshun City

  9. 安顺市地方性氟中毒健康教育试点村传播策略及可行性初探

    Analysis of propagation tactics of health education of endemic fluorosis in the pilot area of Anshun City

  10. 2004~2005年安顺市传染病报告卡及时率分析

    Analysis on the promptness of report cards of infections diseases in Anshun city from 2004 to 2005

  11. 从区域旅游增长体概念出发,探讨安顺市区域旅游增长体开发现状。

    On the base of the concept about regional tourism growth body , we explore the present situation of the developmen !

  12. 分析了安顺市园林绿化植物应用存在的3个问题,并提出了开发利用建议。

    Meanwhile , the paper identifies the 3 problems existed in the application of the plants and puts forward the corresponding advice on the exploration and utilization .

  13. 定量评价结果表明,(原)安顺市年平均土壤流失总量为86777吨,平均侵蚀模数为409.4t/km2·a;

    The result shows that the annual total soil loss in Anshun adds up to 86,777 tons , and the average soil erosion loss reaches 409.4 ton / km 2 · a.

  14. 3月21日,中国西南部的贵州省安顺市宋旗镇消防大队接到一个电话,称一名男子正在当地高寨小学的一棵梧桐树上睡觉。

    A local fire brigade received a call on March 21 saying that a man was sleeping in a parasol tree near Gaozhai Primary School in the town of Songqi in Anshun , southwest China 's Guizhou province .

  15. 目的了解安顺市2000年以来碘缺乏病防治进展和现状,分析2000-2004年全市碘缺乏病监测结果。

    Objective To explore the prevention and control as well as the prevalence of iodine deficiency disorders in Anshun city by analyzing the result of iodine deficiency disorders surveillance since 2000 . Methods by using sampling investigation , pupils ' thyroids were examined by palpation .

  16. 安顺地戏,俗称“跳神”,是流行于贵州省安顺市的地方戏。

    Anshun local drama , also known as Tiaoshen ( dancing to the god ), is popular in Anshun , Anhui Province .