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  • 网络Song Capital;Capital of the Song Dynasty
  1. 宋都开封城内的东部与西部

    Eastern and Western Parts of Kaifeng City Proper , the Capital of Song Dynasty

  2. 公元1126年中国北部被女真人侵人,宋都开封沦陷。

    In 1126 , North China was overrun by the nomadic Juchen and the Song capital at Kai-feng taken .

  3. 宋都开封分为数厢,每厢各有特点。

    Kaifeng , the capital of Song Dynasty , was divided into several compartments , each with its own characteristics .

  4. 历史在七朝古都河南开封留下了痕迹,宋都御街至今依旧繁荣。

    History is evident in Kaifeng , the ancient capital of seven dynasties . The Imperial Street of the Song Dynasty is still prosperous .

  5. 劳伦从中场到了右后卫,图雷从中场到了中卫,亨利,皮雷,永贝里,宋都是如此。

    Lauren from midfield to right back , Tour é from midfield to centre back , Henry , P í res , Ljungberg , Song and it goes on .

  6. 此时,金兵已到达黄河岸边,直逼宋都开封,宋徽宗逃至金陵(今南京)。

    The Jin 's army has arrived at the bank of the Yellow River , threatening the Song 's capital , Kaifeng . Huizong fled to Jinling ( now Nanjing ) .

  7. 广电总局的数据显示,河南的动漫产量已居中部第一,开封宋都也刚刚被文化部列入第三批文化产业示范园区。

    SARFT figures , Henan , central animation production ranks first , Kaifeng Song have also just been included in the third installment of the Ministry of Culture cultural industry demonstration zone .

  8. 辽宋都继承了唐朝在民族地区设置羁縻府州的政策,奉行因俗而治的方针,在边疆民族地区设立了具有民族特点的行政建置。

    Both the Liao and Song dynasties carry on the Tang policy toward the nationalities of establishing the Jimi division in the minority nationality region and pursuing the principle of administrating according to different customs .

  9. 商业市场打破了旧的格局,大小城镇贸易盛况空前,都市商业十分兴旺繁荣,十万户以上的城市达四十多个,而宋都开封更成为全国的商业中心。

    The old patterns of the trade were broken which resulted in the prosperous business situation in the cities . There were a-bout 40 cities with population over 100 000 family households and Kaifeng became a commercial center of the Northern Song .

  10. 中国古代经济中心移动引发的思考&两宋定都作为总变化轨迹上一个关键点

    Thoughts Posed by the Transposition of Ancient Chinese Economic Centre & Establishing Capital of Song Dynasty Was the Key Point of the Tendency of the Position 's Transformation

  11. 王充进而通过对先贤人性思想的批判和吸收,形成了自己的性三品说,这对随后的魏晋玄学,以及后来的宋明理学都有着深刻的影响。

    Wang in turn passed on the sages of human nature and absorb the critical thinking , and form their own , said of the third grade , which is followed by the Wei and Jin dynasties , and later Neo-Confucianism has a profound impact .

  12. 宋代理学家几乎都是借易学建立自己的理学体系,经学研究因而呈现出予学的特征。

    Almost all the Neo-Confucians then established their Neo-Confucian system through interpreting the Change and thus the studies of this Classic appeared as particular thinker 's learning .

  13. 宋朝是我国古代社会比较重要的一个转型期,而北宋时期则是处于宋朝形成与发展的阶段,对两宋社会乃至后世都产生了极为重要的影响。

    Song Dynasty is an important transitional period in ancient China . The Northern Song Dynasty , which is in the formation and development stage of Song Dynasty , has exerted a very significant social influence on Song Dynasty and even later generations .