
  1. 相对于宏大的宏观经济计划,我们更需要许多微观经济行动。

    Rather than grand macroeconomic plans , we need many microeconomic actions .

  2. 国有企业过度负债、资本结构失衡的问题集中地发生在我国宏观经济从计划转向市场的转轨时期,笔者认为是国有企业的治理结构和外部社会投融资体系的变迁共同决定了国有企业资本结构。

    Since the problem of unbalanced capital structure occurred mainly in the transferring period , I think the capital structure of state-owned enterprises was the co-result of both corporate governance and the transference of social investment and financing system through the above analysis .

  3. 日本宏观调控中经济计划和产业政策的反思

    Reflection on the economic plans and industrial policies in Japan 's macro - regulation

  4. 事实上,有几十亿美元的宏观的经济刺激计划就像清洁海洋一样毫无意义。

    In fact , there are billions in the stimulus package for environmental stuff like clean oceans .