
  • 网络raising funds from targeted sources
  1. 定向募集公司股份流通

    The Circulation of stocks of companies with money raised

  2. 定向募集公司分析及其解决思路

    The Analysis and Ideas for Solving the Stock Company of a Fixed Direct Collection

  3. 我国定向募集公司产权交易研究

    Research on Property Rights Dealing of China Stock Company of a Fixed Direct Collection

  4. 距最近一次定向募集股份的时间不少于十二个月;

    Not less than twelve months shall have elapsed since the preceding private placement of shares ;

  5. 内部职工股:指原定向募集股份有限公司的内部职工认购的股票。

    Internal staff shares : refer to the shares subscribed by the internal staff of the joint stock limited company that raises fund from targeted sources originally .

  6. 本论文提出改造地方产权市场,建立场外交易市场进行定向募集公司产权交易,完善证券市场层次结构,实现产权市场与证券市场的统一。

    This paper promotes to reform local property rights markets , and set up over the counter market for dealing stocks of stock company of a fixed direct collection , in order to perfect levels of securities business .

  7. 截止到2000年末,我国有各种股份制公司9000多家,这其中定向募集股份有限公司将近6000家,占已有股份制公司近70%的比例。

    Until the end of 2000 , there are 9,000 joint-stock companies in china . Among them , there are nearly 6000 stock companies of a fixed direct collection , accounting for almost 70 per cent of existing stock companies .