
  • 网络Private Placement;equity private placement
  1. 根据国内外学者研究成果,与公开增发伴随的负的公告效应相反的是,定向增发消息的公布往往伴随着正的公告效应。

    According to research scholars , be opposite to the negative effects of announcement of the public offerings , private placement announcement often generates positive stock price effect .

  2. 该部分包括以下内容:一、我国定向增发概述。

    This part will include : 1.The summary of Chinese private placement .

  3. 其次,本文对当今资本市场上整体上市模式进行总结,并分为三种模式:定向增发模式、换股IPO模式和换股吸收合并模式。

    Secondly , this article summarizes the model of list in integrity and classify it to three : directional add-issuance , IPO convertible , convertible merger .

  4. 凯雷持有艾瑞泰克(ChinaAgritech)股份,公开资料显示这些股份是凯雷两家关联实体通过2009年定向增发购入的。

    Carlyle owns a stake in China AGRITECH ( cagc ) , a stock it acquired through a 2009 private placement made through two carlyle-affiliated entities , according to public records .

  5. 去年5月,大宗商品交易商嘉能可(Glencore)通过首次公开发行筹资100亿美元,此次交通银行定向增发是自那以来规模最大的一起融资行动。

    It was the single biggest capital raising since the $ 10bn initial public offering by Glencore , the commodities trader , last May .

  6. 定向增发的过程具有信息不对称的性质。

    The process has the additional directional information asymmetry in nature .

  7. 我国A股市场定向增发定价的实证研究

    Empirical Pricing Research of Private Placement in A-share Market of China

  8. 定向增发与整体上市的利益路径分析

    The Interest Path Analysis of Directional Seasoned Offering and Overall Listing

  9. 大股东控制下的定向增发和财富转移&来自中国上市公司的经验证据

    Private Placement under the Control of Major Shareholder and Wealth Tunneling

  10. 发行对象、市场行情与定向增发折扣

    Investment Identity , Securities Market Quotation , and Private Placement Discount

  11. 加强对定向增发企业定向增发规模的监管。

    Strengthen supervision of the private placement size . 3 .

  12. 定向增发&企业战略扩张的新方式

    Directional add-issuance & the new way of strategic expansion

  13. 我国上市公司定向增发新股前盈余管理的实证研究

    Empirical Research on Earning Management before Private Equity Placement by Chinese Listed Companies

  14. 在整个定向增发过程中,最核心的就是折扣率,鉴于此,本文主要研究内容为折扣率影响因素以及其与发行后破发之间关系。

    And the core factor is discount rate during the whole private placement .

  15. 本文的研究有助于我国上市公司更好地利用定向增发进行再融资。

    This research will help listed companies for better use of private placement .

  16. 基于股权对价的房地产上市公司定向增发相关问题研究

    Research on Directional Add-issuance of Real Estate Listed Companies Based on Equity Consideration

  17. 控股股东整体上市与定向增发的短期财富效应

    The Short-term Wealth Effect of E-Stockholders ' Complete Listing

  18. 我国上市公司定向增发公告效应研究

    Research on Announcement Effect of Private Placements in China

  19. 我国A股上市公司定向增发经营绩效实证研究

    The Empirical Study on the Operating Performance of Chinese A-Share Listed Companies with Private Placement

  20. 定向增发作为再融资手段的一种,在上市公司再融资方式中占重要地位。

    Private offering plays an important role as a means of refinancing for listed companies .

  21. 现实的数据说明了定向增发这种融资方式的重要地位。

    The data illustrate the reality of this private placement financing of an important position .

  22. 这可能是由于在不同的市场中,投资者对股市的参与程度不同,对定向增发信息的看法也不同引起的。

    It may due to investors ' different opinions and participation degrees in different situations .

  23. 之后,对增发新股的方式和特点作了简要介绍。特别是对于公开增发、定向增发和配股这三种再融资方式作了比较研究,分析了定向增发的特点和优势。

    This paper also analyzes the advantages of directional add-issuance after comparing three refinancing methods .

  24. 研究发现控制权因素是影响定向增发选择的主要因素。

    The result indicates that control consideration is the main factor that affect the choice .

  25. 定向增发与国外的股票私募类似,在国外无论是实际应用还是理论研究都较为成熟。

    Either the practical application or the theory research of private placements is more mature abroad .

  26. 定向增发公告效应国外的研究成果中,定向增发公告效应均为正。

    Directed additional announcement effect of foreign research results , directed issuance announcement effect are positive .

  27. 然后分析了我国上市公司公开增发与定向增发的发展现状。

    Secondly , we analyze the development status of public offering and private placement in China .

  28. 中国上市公司定向增发与公开发行选择的动因研究

    A Research on the Choice between Private Placement and Public Offering of Listed Companies in China

  29. 前半部分主要是相关案例公司的介绍以及此次定向增发的简介。

    The first half of part will introduce company of case and overview of private placement .

  30. 正是在此时,定向增发制度被正式引入中国。

    It is in this case , equity private placement system was formally introduced into China .