
  • 网络orienteering;directed motion
  1. 农村中小学开展定向运动教学的探讨

    Discussion on Orienteering Teaching in Rural Primary and Middle Schools

  2. 高校定向运动教学实践研究

    Research on Teaching Practice of Orienteering in Universities and Colleges

  3. GPS技术在定向运动中运用的研究

    Research on the Application of GPS in Orienteering

  4. GIS在定向运动中的应用

    Application of GIS in orienteering

  5. Cooper对质心定向运动速度的研究

    A Research On The Motion Velocity In The Centre Of Mass For Cooper Pairs

  6. 分子马达是生物体内具有特异性的一类蛋白质。当催化ATP水解时可以产生定向运动。

    Molecular motor is a kind of proteins that can move along the filaments in the definite directions while ATP is hydrolyzed .

  7. 分子马达通过催化三磷酸腺苷分子(ATP)水解,将化学能转化为机械能产生自身的定向运动。

    During hydrolization of ATP , conformational changes occur within the motor protein ( a mechanochemical process ), and mechanical work is done .

  8. 趋化因子(chemokine)是一类一级结构相似,以对白细胞等多种细胞具有趋化定向运动作用为特征的小分子蛋白。

    Chemokine is a group of small molecular proteins with similarily primary structure and chemotaxis activity .

  9. 毛细管电泳(capillaryelectrophoresis,CE)是指荷电粒子或离子依靠直流电场驱动力作用,在毛细管中以不同速度定向运动的行为。

    Capillary electrophoresis is refer to the charged particle or ion depends on the high voltage electric field drive , directional movement behavior at different speeds in the capillary .

  10. 该纳米泵可以把电荷振荡的能量转化为水分子的定向运动,流量最大时比细胞膜上的水通道蛋白(AQP-1)还要大。

    The nano pump can convert the energy of the oscillating charge into the unidirectional transport of the water molecules . The maximal value of the water flux even exceeds the measured value for aquaporin-1 ( AQP-1 ) .

  11. 普通高校开展定向运动好处多

    On the Benefits of Carrying Out the Directive Sports In Colleges

  12. 浅谈定向运动在我国开展的前景

    A Discussion on the Prospect of Directed Movement in Our Country

  13. 定向运动课程模块化教学设计与实践研究

    Research on Modular Design and Practice of Teaching in Orienteering Course

  14. 定向运动在高校体育教育中的价值

    The Value of Directional Movement for PE of Colleges and Universities

  15. 分子马达定向运动的物质结构基础

    Physical and Structural Bases of the Directed Motion of Molecular Motors

  16. 学校体育课程中开发定向运动内容的可行性研究

    On feasibility of developing directional movement in school physical education curriculum

  17. 在体育课中引入定向运动的可行性分析&以石家庄职业技术学院为例

    A feasibility analysis of beamed sports in Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute

  18. 论多元智能理论在定向运动训练中的应用

    Comment on Multiple Intelligence Theory Application in Training of Orientation Motion

  19. 温州高校体育课程增设定向运动探讨

    On Adding Orienteering to the Sport Curriculum in Wenzhou Colleges

  20. 定向运动比赛中基本技能的运用研究

    The Research on the Basic Skills Applied in Orienteering Competition

  21. 高校定向运动课程教学内容模块化设计研究

    On the Design of the Teaching Content of Directional Game in Universities

  22. 定向运动在我国学校体育中的开展现状及发展对策研究

    Research on Present Situation and Development Strategies of Orienteering in School PE

  23. 定向运动与大学体育课程的创新

    The Innovation of Directional Sport and University Physical Education Course

  24. 基于蚁群算法的定向运动问题求解研究

    Research on solution to directional movement based on ant colony optimization algorithm

  25. 构象耦合模型下驱动蛋白定向运动机制的研究

    The Study on the Directional Motion of Kinesin under Coupled Conformational Model

  26. 成都市高校开设《定向运动》课程现状分析

    Analysis of the Status Quo of Orienteering Courses in Colleges in Chengdu

  27. 广东省定向运动裁判员现状的调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis of Orienteering Referee Teams in Guangdong Province

  28. 定向运动提高女大学生身心健康的实验研究

    On physical and psychological health development of female students by orientate sports

  29. 但是,在广西,开展定向运动的学校不多。

    However , in Guangxi , carry out Orienteering limited .

  30. 定向运动是体力与智力相结合的一项新兴体育项目。

    Directional movement is physical and mental combination of a new sport .