
dìnɡ liànɡ zī liào
  • quantitative data
  1. 有关定量资料,采用卡方检验,ridit分析,logistic回归等方法。

    The quantitative data was analyzing by using Chi-squared test , ridit analysis and logistic regression .

  2. 对橄榄石单晶体[110]c方向的三个蠕变机制进行研究,这些新的高温实验成果第一次为研究中国东部岩石圈动力学提供了有意义的定量资料。

    Further explication of three creep mechanisms of olivine single crystals along the [ 110 ] c direction . These results have an insight into study dynamics in the lithosphere and provide significant quantitative data of the rheology .

  3. 定量资料用SAS软件分析。

    The data obtained were analyzed by using software SAS .

  4. 用NOAA气象卫星AVHRR的定量资料计算冬小麦种植面积的两种方法

    Two methods in Calculating winter wheat area with NOAA / AVHRR Digital Data

  5. 对定量资料的统计学分析显示:CAH组检测的基因拷贝数较CPH组基因拷贝数明显增高,两者具有统计学差异(P<0.05)。

    Quantitatively , the copies of CAH group are significantly higher than those in CPH group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 本文提出了用NOAA气象卫星AVHRR的定量资料计算冬小麦种植面积的方法,即绿度指数法和单通道法。

    The green index method and the single channel method are presented in this papr to calculate the Area of winter wheat with the NOAA / AVHRR digital data .

  7. 对四格表排列、数据库录入以及ROC命令默认设置提出应用或改变建议;举例说明定性、定量资料的ROC分析方法;

    The arrange method of fourfold table , data input and the changing of default setting of ROC command were suggested Taking examples to illustrate the application method of ROC analysis , including qualitative and quantitative data ;

  8. 对农村卫生服务机构一般情况、居民卫生服务需要、需求及利用现状采用定量资料统计描述,多因素logistic回归分析影响农村居民卫生服务利用的主要因素。

    The data include general information of health service organizations and rural household health as well . Descriptive analysis is applied for resident health need , demand and utilization , and multi-variable logistic regression is used to analyze the factor impacting on health service use of rural people .

  9. 组间比较定量资料采用t检验和秩和检验,ANOVA方差分析,计数资料的比较采用χ2检验。

    The t test , rank sum test and analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) were applied in the intergroup comparison of measurement data , and the χ 2 test was used in the comparison of enumeration data .

  10. 对收集到的定量资料,首先进行审查、核实资料的可靠性、完整性等,采用EP工6.12软件由专人进行双份录入,采用SAS软件进行资料处理分析。

    For those collected quantity data , first , we checked and verified the reliability and completeness of the data , then we used EPI 6.12 software to enter the data twice by designated persons , and finally used SAS software for data management and analysis .

  11. 对定量资料分析采用描述性统计分析,单因素统计分析。

    The quantitative data analysis use descriptive statistical analysis , single factor analysis .

  12. 随后进行总结归纳与分析,对定量资料进行补充。

    Followed by a summary and analysis , to complement the quantitative data .

  13. 论文中常见统计学问题的分析&定量资料的一般性统计分析

    Analysis on common statistical problems occurred in theses : general statistical analysis of quantitative data

  14. 均匀设计定量资料有多个应变量时的分析方法

    An Analytic Method of Many Independent Variables in Arranging Experiment By Uniform Design in Developing Medicine

  15. 方法:对发表在医学期刊上医学论文中定量资料假设检验方法的常见错误进行分析。

    Methods : The common mistakes of significance test of quantitative data in medical papers were analyzed .

  16. 前言:目的:分析医学论文中定量资料假设检验方法的常见错误。

    Aim : To Analyze the common mistakes of significance test of quantitative data in medical papers .

  17. 三组对比分析:定性资料采用卡方检验,定量资料用t检验。

    Comparative analysis of three groups : qualitative data using chi-square test , t test with quantitative data .

  18. 二是采取实证调查,获得定量资料,支撑全文基本理论。

    Secondly , quantitative information is gathered by taking empirical researches to support the basic theories of this paper .

  19. 主要采用描述性统计分析、单因素分析和多因素分析方法,对定量资料进行分析。

    Descriptive statistical analysis , single factor analysis and multivariate analysis method were mainly used to analyze the quantitative data .

  20. 在这种岩相古地理图中,各古地理单元的确定都有确切的定量资料和单因素图为依据。

    In such palaeogeography map , the definition of each palaeogeographic unit is based on quantitative data and quantitative single factor maps .

  21. 两组对比分析,定性资料采用卡方检验;定量资料采用t检验。结果:1.综合疗效判定比较。

    In evaluating significance , the chi-square test was used for qualitative data and t-test for quantitative data . Results : 1 .

  22. 采用问卷调查、参与式观察、半格式化访谈等调查方法,收集了定量资料与定性资料。

    Questionnaire survey , participatory observation and semi-structured interview were used during the survey . The quantitative data and qualitative data were collected .

  23. 外部评估结果对根据实际调查的定量资料得出的评估结果有一定的参考意义。

    The results from the external evaluation can be for reference to the evaluation based on the data collected from the each institute .

  24. 定量资料符合正态分布和方差齐性的采用单因素方差分析,定性资料采用卡方检验。

    Quantitative data and in accordance with normal distribution and homogeneity of variance using ANOVA analysis of qualitative data using the chi-square test .

  25. 但有关坡地景观尺度土壤侵蚀速率的定量资料却相对较少。

    However , little has been studied on quantitative assessment of spatial variability of soil erosion at different landscape scales in this area .

  26. 所获得的数字化可视人体大脑主要结构的体积等测量数据真实可靠,为构建大脑解剖模型积累了定量资料。

    The volume data of the main structure of cerebrum is real and exact , and contributes to the quantitative data accumulation of the cerebral anatomic model .

  27. 方法:采用现场调查、访谈和现有定性、定量资料分析相结合的方法,了解上海闸北区临汾社区卫生服务中心实行委托经营管理的过程。

    Methods : Key informant interviews and existing quantitative and qualitative data were integrated to find out the process of mandatory management in Linfen community health service center .

  28. 通过对活动断裂定量资料和地震活动性的分析对比,认为完整地震轮回包括特征地震和特征地震之间的次级地震;

    Based on the comparative analysis on the quantitative data of active faults , it is supposed that a completive recurrence period should include characteristic earthquakes and sub-strong earthquakes .

  29. 本研究考虑到研究对象的特殊性,研究者采用行动研究的方法,在整个调查中不仅使用问卷法搜集定量资料,还通过大量的访谈和参与式观察搜集了宝贵的定性资料。

    In the entire survey , not only use questionnaires to collect quantitative data , but also adopt a lot of interviews and participant observation to collect precious qualitative data .

  30. 定量资料的一般性统计分析中比较常用的方法就是t检验、方差分析与秩和检验,看起来简单,却容易出错。

    The common methods of statistical analysis for quantitative data have t test , analysis of variance and rank test . They seem simple , but are liable to be misused .