
bǎo jiàn
  • a double-edged sword;a treasured sword
宝剑 [bǎo jiàn]
  • [a double-edged sword] 原来指罕见而贵重的剑,后泛指普通剑

宝剑[bǎo jiàn]
  1. 这家人把宝剑捐赠给了博物馆。

    The sword was presented by the family to the museum .

  2. 它是一把精美的上古宝剑,名字由单词“nail(钉)”演变而来。

    Deriving from the word for " nail , " Naegling was often described as a fine and ancient sword .

  3. 不过如果是Leap,用户可以用一根手指或铅笔、书签之类的东西,将其当做宝剑使劲挥舞。

    With the leap , users use a finger or an item like a pen or marker , waving it around like a sword .

  4. 不过,直接采用SOA并不能保证项目成功(ESB并不是企业的尚方宝剑!),有些项目根本就不应该采用SOA方法。

    However , simply adopting SOA alone doesn 't guarantee a successful project ( ESB does not stand for enterprise silver bullet !), and some projects should not adopt an SOA approach at all .

  5. 据Netflix方面证实,《卧虎藏龙之青冥宝剑》将于明年2月8日正式在Netflix和中国影院上映。

    The Netflix-backed " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon : Sword of Destiny " will premiere on February 8th next year , both on Netflix and in Chinese theatres .

  6. 该片名为《卧虎藏龙2:青冥宝剑》(CrouchingTiger,HiddenDragon:TheGreenDestiny),它出自独立制片公司温斯坦公司,而非大型电影公司,成本相对较低。

    The film , called " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon : The Green Destiny , " is a production of the independent Weinstein Company , not a major movie studio , and has a relatively modest budget .

  7. 《青冥宝剑》是Netflix投拍的第三部原创片——前两部是《无境之兽》(BeastsofNoNation)与《滑稽六人组》(TheRidiculous6)——它并没有从前作中继承太多情节。

    The third Netflix original feature ( after " Beasts of No Nation " and " The Ridiculous 6 " ) , " Sword of Destiny " lifts what little plot it has from the earlier film .

  8. 《卧虎藏龙:青冥宝剑》是《卧虎藏龙》的续集,基本上非常无趣,周五在Netflix上演。此片唯一令人惊讶之处就是竟然有人觉得有拍摄这样一部片子的需要。

    The only surprise about " Crouching Tiger , Hidden Dragon : Sword of Destiny , " the thoroughly unexciting sequel that became available on Netflix on Friday , is that anyone thought it needed to be made .

  9. 在拥护马克尔的骑士座位上,一群美国名人坐在一排排中世纪宝剑和头盔的下面,其中包括奥普拉·温弗瑞(OprahWinfrey),她开放和情感坦率的天赋让她已成为黑人女性的偶像。

    In the knight 's stalls supporting Ms. Markle , beneath rows of medieval swords and helmets , sat a constellation of American celebrities , among them Oprah Winfrey who , with a great gift for openness and emotional candor , has become an icon for black women .

  10. 但在第一个回合中,宝剑就裂成碎片了。

    But it shivered into pieces on its very first trial ;

  11. 这个习俗始于男子佩戴宝剑的时代。

    The custom dates from the time when men wore swords .

  12. 那把剑并非你认为的那把宝剑。

    That sword is not the secret sword you think it is .

  13. 王子走到篱笆那里举起他的宝剑。

    The Prince went to the hedge and held up his sword .

  14. 大家都试过了,但是那把宝剑仍留在石头内。

    They all tried , but the sword stayed in the rock .

  15. 想要宝剑,到这来找我。

    You want that sword , you meet me there .

  16. 我从这里跳下去,就能把宝剑捞上来。”

    I will jump down from here to retrieve my sword . "

  17. 雕刻在盔甲上不就是宝剑吗?

    Isn 't that the sword engraved on the plate ?

  18. 其结果就是一把造型巨大却无比轻盈的宝剑。

    The result is an incredibly light sword despite its impressive size .

  19. 好脑筋需要书本,就如同宝剑需要磨刀石。

    And a mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone .

  20. 他帮助我找到了宝剑。

    And he did help me find the sword .

  21. 怕的是得到了宝剑,就射不中靶心了。

    What if he gets the sword and stops hitting the bull 's-eye ?

  22. “尚方宝剑”也要慎用。

    sword " we should do it with prudence .

  23. 这把宝剑是用最优质的钢材铸成的。

    This sword is forged from the finest steel .

  24. 我们必须先拿到宝剑。

    We need to get to that sword first .

  25. 宝剑辊锻成形工艺研究

    Roll forging process on the double ─ edged sword

  26. 老哥有他的宝剑,我则有我的脑袋瓜。

    Well , my brother has his sword and I have my mind .

  27. 你已把你的宝剑给我佩带。

    Thou hast given me thy sword for adornment .

  28. 我会修补盔甲和磨砺宝剑。

    I can mend armour and sharpen swords .

  29. 大司马雇用了一位专门为他打造宝剑的铁匠。

    The minister of war hired a forger especially to make sword for him .

  30. 干掉那狗的唯一办法就是拿到宝剑。

    The only way to take down that beast is to use the sword .