
  • 网络gem diamond;gem grade diamond
  1. 高温高压生长宝石级金刚石单晶的表面特征研究

    Study on Surface Characters of Gem Diamond Crystals Grown by HPHT

  2. 宝石级金刚石的生长速度与晶体品质的关系

    Relationship between gem diamond quality and growth rate

  3. 实验表明合成无色Ⅱa型宝石级金刚石合适的Ti(Cu)掺入量为1.8wt%。

    Experiments show that the appropriate amount of Ti ( Cu ) is 1.8 wt % in the synthesis of the colorless type ⅱ a gem diamonds .

  4. 在Fe-Al-C系统中合成优质IIa型宝石级金刚石单晶

    Growth of high-quality type IIa gem diamonds in Fe-Al-C system

  5. 所以在用Al做除氮剂生长Ⅱa型宝石级金刚石时,为获得优质单晶,应以较低的生长速度在低温区生长晶体。

    Based on the above research results , it is suggested that when growing high quality diamonds using Al as nitrogen getter , lower temperature and at lower growth rate should be adopted .

  6. 宝石级金刚石的培育技术比较有效的方法是美国GE公司首创的HPHT温差法。

    The more efficient produce technology of gem-grade diamond is HPHT temperature difference method which was created by American GE Corporation .

  7. 最终将优质宝石级金刚石单晶的生长速度提高了4倍之多,由原来的1.1mg/h提高到了4.5mg/h。

    Fast-growing of high-quality gem diamond under HP-HT is realized , and the growth rate at the beginning period ( 12 hours ) has been increased from 1.1 mg / h to about 4.5mg/h .

  8. 触媒在合成宝石级金刚石中的作用及影响

    The function and effect of catalyst in synthesizing Gem Diamond Process

  9. 沅江流域宝石级金刚石砂矿特征

    Characteristics of the jewel grade placer diamond deposit in Yuanjiang River Valley

  10. 利用不同籽晶面生长优质宝石级金刚石单晶

    Growth of High-quality Gem Diamonds with Different Seed Facets

  11. 高温高压温度梯度法是一种有效的合成宝石级金刚石单晶的方法。

    HPHT gradient temperature method is an effective technique to grow gem diamonds .

  12. 宝石级金刚石材料研究的进展

    Advance in Research of Gemological Diamond Materials

  13. 本文通过提高腔体内的温度梯度,实现了优质宝石级金刚石单晶的可重复性快速生长;

    In order to realize the fast-growing of high-quality gem diamond under HPHT , in this article , the temperature gradient is increased by specially designed reaction cells .

  14. 优质Ⅱa型宝石级金刚石的高温高压合成及机理研究高温高压生长宝石级金刚石单晶的实验与理论研究

    Growth of Large High-quality Type ⅱ a Diamond Crystals and Research of the Mechanism under HPHT The Experimental and Theoretical Study about Synthesis of Diamond Single Crystal under HPHT

  15. 从晶体中包裹体的存在形式来看,为了获得优质Ⅱa型宝石级金刚石单晶,在触媒中人为地添加除氮剂给晶体生长过程中的排杂过程带来了很大的难度。

    From the present forms of metal inclusions in the crystals , it can be found that the impurity-removing process becomes more difficult , because of the artificial addition of nitrogen-getters into the metal catalyst .

  16. 高温高压温度梯度法生长宝石级金刚石单晶的过程中,尽管处在金刚石稳定区内,却经常发现,有亚稳态的再结晶石墨存在。

    During the process of gemological class diamond growing by temperature grads method at high temperature and high pressure , metastable re-crystallized graphite often has been found in the area though it is in a diamond stable area .

  17. 本文详细研究了在生长Ⅱa型宝石级金刚石过程中所产生的黑色微晶石墨粉末对金刚石晶体生长的影响及其产生机理。

    The effect of black micro-crystal graphite on the crystal growth and the producing mechanism of micro-crystal graphite , which was producing in the course of growing type ⅱ a large diamonds , have been researched . 6 .

  18. 采用1000℃烧结的纯叶蜡石管,叶蜡石氧化镁混合管与石英管做反应容器材料,分别进行了宝石级金刚石的合成研究。

    The synthesis experiments of growing gem diamond are carried out with three kinds of ( reaction ) - cell container , namely pure pyrophyllite tube sintered under 1000 ℃, powder-mixture tube of ( pyrophyllite ) and MgO , and quartz tube .

  19. 本研究发现,作为一种晶体,大量再结晶石墨的析出和生长对宝石级金刚石单晶的生长速度有较为明显的抑制作用,并且再结晶石墨更容易在较高温度合成区内出现。

    The research has found that as a crystal , the separation and growth of large amount of re-crystallized graphite would have obviously restrained the growing speed of the gemological class single diamond crystal and the re-crystallized graphite tends to occur in a relatively high temperature synthetic area .

  20. 宝石级原生金刚石的形成条件及成因

    On the Forming Conditions and the Origin of Natural Diamond

  21. 钻石的合成方法宝石级合成金刚石中的包裹体研究

    Synthetic Method of Diamand Study on Inclusion in Synthetic Diamond

  22. 所以研究宝石级人造Ⅱ型金刚石是非常重要的。

    So it is important to study synthetic large diamond .

  23. 国际工业金刚石行业发展形势与动态所以研究宝石级人造Ⅱ型金刚石是非常重要的。

    SITUATION AND DEVELOPMENTS IN INDUSTRIAL DIAMOND INDUSTRY ; So it is important to study synthetic large diamond .

  24. 金刚钻是一种宝石。高温高压生长宝石级金刚石单晶的实验与理论研究

    The Experimental and Theoretical Study about Synthesis of Diamond Single Crystal under HPHT

  25. 特殊宝石材料的加工工艺探索宝石级金刚石材料研究的进展

    STUDY ON CUTTING OF SPECIAL MATERIALS OF GEMSTONE Advance in Research of Gemological Diamond Materials