
shí xiàng
  • real image
实像 [shí xiàng]
  • [real image] 光线被凹面镜反射或透过凸透镜折射后汇合在一起所成的影像,可以显现在屏幕上,所以叫实像。光源在主焦点以外时才能产生实像

实像[shí xiàng]
  1. 解读线性空间中植物意境审美的实像与虚像

    Analysis of the real image and the ideal image of plant artistic conception in linear space

  2. 应用全息理论,分析了全息图的记录和像的再现规律,分析了虚像与实像(共轭像)的关系,虚像与虚像的关系,实像与实像关系。

    By using holographic theory , the analysis of the law of recording and reconstructing was made , the relationship of virtual image and real image ( Conjugate Image ), real image and real image , virtual image and virtual image was given .

  3. 利用Fraunhofer全息图的再现实像测量孔的椭圆度

    Using the Reconstructed Real Image of the Hologram to Measure the Deep Hole Ellipticity

  4. 对于由N个分立点组成的物体,从两个条纹箱可以得到由N~2个点组成的像.其中N个点是物的格实像点,N(N&1)个是交叉项点。

    When an object is composed of N discrete points , the image , N2 points , can be obtained from the two fringe boxes , consisting of the N correct ones and N ( N - 1 ) false reconstructions .

  5. 听着确确实实像是一个巨大的计划,对吗?

    Sure sounds like a big project , doesn 't it ?

  6. 其一是球幕实像投影的非线性失真校正问题。

    The Invention of Ball One is nonlinear distortion correction .

  7. 其实他是没有看清事物、是非为一组合体的实像。

    In fact he doesn 't understand the real image of thing .

  8. 这确确实实像是个“欢乐调频家庭”。

    It does really feel like a Joy-FM Family .

  9. 其次,深入研究了实像球幕投影显示系统的关键技术。

    Second , the key technologies about global screen projective system are studied deeply .

  10. 不过,他看起来倒确实像个优等民族的人,我俩不由得笑起来了。

    We laughed over the fact that he really looked the part , though .

  11. 我确实像第一个捕鱼人一样,是由于需要的缘故才捕鱼的。

    I have actually fished from the same kind of necessity that the first fishers did .

  12. 在飞行模拟器视景显示系统中,常用的显示方式有实像显示方式和虚像显示方式两大类。

    In visual display system of flight simulator , there are two display means : real-displays and collimated-displays .

  13. 通过滤波消除零级衍射及共轭像的影响,获得了所需要的实像并提高了像质。

    Through frequency filtering , the zero order diffraction and twin image can be suppressed , and the quality of the reconstructed image is improved .

  14. 光束经凹透镜折射后发散,不能形成实像,因此不能直接测量凹透镜的焦距。

    Light beams scatter through refraction of concave mirror , and can not form true image , hence we can not measure the focus of concave mirror directly .

  15. -1级衍射光可成实像,也可成虚像.成像情况下再现光源、参考光源和被摄物到干板的距离有关;

    For the - 1 diffraction light , a real or virtual image can be formed , and its configuration depends on the distances between the positions of the source of the recurrent light and the reference light , and the position of the optical film ;

  16. 分析了在不同条件下产生0级、+1级、-1级衍射波的情况,解释了全息图再现时产生虚像和实像的机理以及像点位置坐标的变化情况。

    Some situations of producing diffraction wave of grade 0 , + 1 , - 1 are analyzed in different conditions . The mechanism of producing real image and virtual image is explained as reconstructing hologram , and the variation of these images ' coordinate is explained .

  17. 采用计算机对普通离轴计算全息图及博奇型修正离轴参考光计算全息图进行数字化滤波操作,可在频域将零级及孪生像消除,从而得到单一的清晰实像或虚像。

    Digital filtering method for frequency domain is employed to process conventional and modified off-axis reference beam computer generated holograms , then the spatial spectra of zero order image and one twin image can be eliminated , and single clear virtual image or real image can be reconstructed numerically .