- substantive examination

Study on Chinese Substantive Examination Standard on Concentration of Undertakings from an International Perspective
Should be the substantive examination standard ?
Administrative action can be divided into avoid and not - avoid .
Writing on commission patent application documents and handling re-examination and other related affairs ;
Establishing Essential Review Standards for Legal Aid
Fee for substantial examination of an application for a patent for invention and re-examination fee ;
Antitrust in the study of vertical integration , the real standard of review is the core problem .
Such as substantive review system , established an registration system for giving notice and registration-office registration system .
The reform direction of Chinese civil prosecution system is changing the prosecution substantive examination to the form examination .
We should adopt the substantive examination system to the real estate registration to strengthen the registration institution 's responsibility .
Meanwhile the state should guarantee the business of real estate by lawmaking and implement essential examination to real estates'rights records .
Therefore , Precise understanding for these two words will help to make the substantive examination of three-dimension trademark unification and standardization .
The key points of substantive examination is the examination of distinctiveness and functionality of the color or color combination applied for registration .
No Office of a Contracting Party may , for the purposes of effecting the renewal , examine the registration as to substance .
The formal review and real review can not resolve complex situations , so the eclectic departure has a relatively practical rationality from realism .
The judgment standard is more and more important . Essentially , it depends on the concentration of business operators of substantive examination standard .
Registration agencies execute formal examination , sometimes substantive examination , at the registration , to ensure data facticity in registration system as accurate as possible .
Described real property registration Effectiveness ' legislative system . And the main substantive examination , the form of review , supplemented by the review form .
Thesis bases on the above of theoretical analysis , from the concentration examination as to substance of the relevant considerations , to analyze the basic judgment .
Scholars make every effort to distinguish them , like substantive review of the " actual impact " and reconstruction of the plaintiff qualifications , but all failed .
In the field of account receivable pledge , pledge registration avoids shortages of material examination without public faith . It is not very harmful to security of dealing .
Moreover , a long time , whether academic or practical departments for business registration , in the nature of substantive examination or review of the form remains controversy .
Article 36 . When the applicant for a patent for invention requests examination as to substance , he or lit shall furnish pre-filing date reference materials concerning the invention .
The notary authority has the advantages of registry in both ability and convenience to exercise the function , and it 's also the stream of system reform of our government .
This dissertation examines how the US court reviews the decision made by the Special Litigation Committee and finds three kinds of reviews : formal review , substantive review and independence review .
As our country adopts registration validity doctrine , the registration authorities has high authority and credibility . So they should proceed to examine any application for registration as to its substance .
Hence , the present censorship for enterprise registration should be reformed and develop from substantive examination to mixed examination as a transition until the final judicial examination by the courts is established .
In examination as to form , a revision procedure was added , and in examination as to substance , a written comment system was established to provide convenience for registered trademark applicants .
The appeal for coercive dividend distribution shall abide by the following principles , i.e. cautious intervention into business judgment , exhaustion of internal relief , formal examination first and substantive examination second .
The current law in our country has not yet clearly stipulated whether the authority of the registry agency will adopt the essential examination pattern of registration or the formal examination pattern of registration .