
  1. 构建刑事诉讼法基本原则体系的一种思路&以公正审判原则为核心

    A Proposal on Constructing the System of Criminal Procedure Law 's Basic Principles

  2. 乃至该书中涉及到的证据的运用,审判原则与技巧。

    The book involves the use of evidence , judge principles and skills .

  3. 首先,笔者回顾了独立审判原则的渊源及其理论基础。其次,论述了西方国家独立审判的内容:法院的独立和法官的独立。

    Next , elaborated the content of independent adjudication in western nation : Court independence and judge 's independence .

  4. 阻碍司法独立的主要因素得以解决,司法终于在实践中实现独立,成为一种司法审判原则和政治原则。

    The main factor holding up the judicial independence was resolved . The justice finally realized its independence , becoming a principle of judicial adjudication and politics .

  5. 在刑事审判原则体系中具有重要地位,是审判公开原则、集中审理原则、辩论原则赖以发生作用并体现其价值的前提,是刑事审判阶段的核心原则。

    Important in the system of criminal trial principles , the Principle is the core principle in criminal trial stage and the basis of the Public Trial Principle , Combined Trial Principle and Debating Principle .

  6. 作为一项司法审判原则,确保着司法机关对审判权的公正行使,防止在司法审判过程中受到来自外界的不正当干扰和影响。

    Being a principle of judicial judgement , it can still ensure whether such institutions can use the justifiable trial power and avoid being influenced by the the interruptions outside during the course of the trial .

  7. 法官审判独立原则的确立与保障

    Establishing and Protecting of the Independent Principle of Judge 's Judgment

  8. 第二章是审判独立原则。

    The first chapter is general principles .

  9. 实施审判独立原则之辨思

    On the Implementation of Judicial Independence

  10. 一方面,刑事二审简化审虽然在形式上贯彻体现了审判公开原则,但是它也直接导致了诉讼效率的降低及司法资源的紧张。

    Firstly , it embodies public hearing system , but it also reduces the efficiency of litigation and judicature resources .

  11. 审判独立原则是当今世界各国普遍承认和遵守的一项法律原则。

    The principle of independent trial is a law principle generally recognized and observed in all countries of the world .

  12. 同时,他极力主张引入西方刑事诉讼中的直接、言词原则,控辩平等原则,律师辩护原则和审判公开原则。

    He partly introduced direct and oral principle equal principle defense of lawyers principle trial in public principle of the west into our country .

  13. 文章认为,审判公开原则的基本意义在于创造了社会监督的条件,促进了审判程序公正和裁判结果公正。

    The value of open trial is that it create the condition of social supervision and make contribution to the justice of trial procedure and judgment .

  14. 例如,公民适用法律平等原则、法院独立行使审判权原则、公开审判原则、辩护制度等等。

    For example , civil law applicable to the principle of equality , the principle of independence of the courts to exercise jurisdiction , the principle of public trial , defense systems and so on .

  15. 因此,有必要明确民事检察监督制度的法理基础,厘清其与审判独立原则、司法最终裁决原则和当事人行使处分权利的关系。

    Therefore , it is necessary to clear the civil prosecutorial supervision system of legal basis , clarify the principle of judicial independence and judgment , the final award principle and party to exercise right relationship .

  16. 其次对审判独立原则的产生、过程及其发展作了简要介绍,即法官审判独立探源。

    Secondly , there is a brief introduction to production , process and development of the independence principle of trial , in other words , we seek the origin of the judge 's independence of trial .

  17. 主要从理论上对刑事证人出庭作证制度进行探讨,寻求刑事证人出庭作证制度的理论支撑,包括直接言词原则、公平原则、公正与效率原则、审判公开原则。

    Mainly from the theoretical system of criminal witness to testify in court , witnesses for the criminal system of theoretical support , including direct verbal principles of fairness , justice and efficiency principle , the principle of open trial .

  18. 我国法律仅是确定了法院独立审判的原则,而对于法官独立审判则未在立法上加以明确,法官法规定的法官各项权利也未落到实处。

    Chinese law only established the principle of judicial independence of the courts , while the judges ' independent in the trial were not clearly set in the legislation , Justice Act provisions of the rights of judges have not implement .

  19. 论刑事审判集中审理原则

    The Principle of Centralized Hearing in Criminal Procedure

  20. 根据刑事审判集中审理原则,刑事案件的审判应当不间断地持续进行直到审理完毕。

    According to the principle of centralized hearing in criminal procedure , the hearing should continue uninterruptedly till it ends .

  21. 意思自治精神一般要求法官在民事纠纷审判过程中原则上只是在双方意见不一致而提出请求裁定申请时才进行介入。

    The intention autonomy spirit ask the judge to interrupt in the civil dispute only when the two parties disagree with each other .

  22. 主要从缺席审判确立的原则、案件适用的范围和程序来具体构建我国的刑事缺席审判制度。

    Mainly from the principles established in the absence of the trial , the scope and procedures for the case to the specific build of the criminal proceedings in absentia .

  23. 后者如司法审判中不利解释原则的适用。

    The latter provides , such as interpretation rules in judicial process .

  24. 论我国民事审判方式改革的原则及重点

    On the Principle and Emphasis of the Reform of the Civil Trial Styles

  25. 参与原则是刑事诉讼法的一项基础性原则,但为迅速终结诉讼、提高诉讼效益,各国均规定了缺席审判程序作为参与原则之例外。

    The principle of participation is a basic principle of the criminal procedure .

  26. 该条既是审判权独立行使原则在宪法层面的最高诠释,也是我国各级审判组织开展司法审判活动的最高原则和依据。

    It is the highest principle of the exercise of judicial independence and also is our highest principle and basis for trial activities .

  27. 并且需要完善诸如法官独立审判、直接言词原则、证据规则、证明标准等各种制度。

    Such as the judge needs to perfect independent trial , the principle of direct verbal trial , evidence rules , standards of proof , etc.

  28. 判例法是人类法律的重要组成部分,判例法的生成是法官审判的制度性原则的逻辑延伸。

    The case-law is an important constituent of the human law . The emergence of case-law is the logic extension of institutional principle which was used by judge .

  29. 该部分论述了我国诉之撤回制度改革完善时应遵循体现处分权与审判权均衡制约原则、诉讼权利平等原则、程序安定原则、程序效益原则。

    This part argues for the principles of the balance of powers and restricting the jurisdiction , equal right of action , stable procedures and effective procedures guarding the reform of lawsuit withdrawal system .

  30. 该部分首先确定了完善我国独任审判制度的基本原则,呼吁从法院独立过渡到法官独立,提出要在保证公正的前提下,尽可能地促进诉讼效率。

    The inner value of sole judge system is repositioned . The transformation from court independency to judge independency is proposed by the author so that the litigation efficiency is improved providing with the justice .