
  • 网络customization;Customize;customizing;custom
  1. 虽然VR在产品视觉化客制化范围内已经被发展完成,但仍有一些企图使用VR技术用来做市场研究或决策研究。

    Although VR has been implemented within customization for effective visualization of products , there have been only a few attempts to use VR technology for market research or decision-making research .

  2. 3PLS物流设施网络有别于以往传统的物流网络,它具有整合性、模糊性、客制化等特点,直接关系到企业的运作效率与竞争力。

    Logistics facility network is crucial for 3PLS to improve the operational efficiency and build up the competence , which differs from the traditional logistics networks with integration , fuzziness and customization of the logistics facility network .

  3. QRCode和帄台的客制化可以为不同族群带来更便利的生活,也带来各种潜在商业价值。

    QR code and customized platform bring more convenient life for different groups in society and also for every kind of potential business value .

  4. 高功率LED平面光源模组,可选购驱动模组。可依不同需求予以客制化。客户需求驱动的多层物流网络选址规划模型与算法

    High power LED lighting matrix . Driving module is available . Customer design is possible . A Location-allocation Model and Its Algorithm of Multi-echelon Logistics Systems Based on Customer Demand

  5. 近年来已有局部膝关节置换术通过FDA认证,但这些植入物并非客制化品。

    In recent years , FDA had approved implants for partial knee replacement . However , these implants are not customer-made .

  6. 我们在论文中会分析在APO启发式演算法里,有哪些资料是必须要被作一致性的检验?以提供使用者想在非APO系统中执行客制化演算法时参考。

    In this paper , we analysis the standard heuristic algorithm of APO system , and we discuss how to check the data consistency when we execute the heuristic algorithm in APO system .

  7. 客制化服务以满足我们客户的需求。

    Customized service to meet the needs of our valued customers .

  8. 基于三维人体扫描的客制化产品工效学评价技术与应用

    Customized Product Ergonomics Evaluation Technology and Application Based on 3D Body Scanning

  9. 邮件管理是用来编辑和建立客制化邮件。

    The Email Manager is used for editing and creating Custom Emails .

  10. 我们提供客制化服务来满足您的需求。

    We offer customized service to suit your needs .

  11. 他们按月认购各式各样的客制化方案,来满足他们的驾驶需求。

    They subscribe to various monthly plans tailored to best suit their driving needs .

  12. 这期客制化杂志定价10.99美元。

    The customized issue costs $ 10.99 .

  13. 我们对新应用和产品提供前瞻性,灵活性及客制化服务以满足客户的需求。

    We offer flexibility , customization and insight into new applications and products to satisfy customers'needs .

  14. 亦有客制化设计、代工与代制作礼盒服务。

    The company also renders custom designing , OEM , and custom designing of gift packs .

  15. 客制化服务品质数值为零时,制造商直销通路的零售价格和需求量不受价格敏感度影响。

    When customized service is irreplaceable , price-sensitivity can not affect retail price and quantity demand .

  16. 本文将三维人体扫描技术和工效学评价方法引入“客制化产品”设计领域。

    In this dissertation , 3D body scanning technology and ergonomics evaluation was introduced into customized product 's field .

  17. 太阳能电池薄膜量测;软性显示面板量测;霍尔效应量测;以及客制化的量测需求。

    It also applies to Solar Cell measurement , Flexible Display Measurement , Hall Effect Measurement , and customized measurement .

  18. 但是企业则希望它们独特的、客制化的需求能够被满足,系统与需求的差异因此而产生。

    But enterprises hope their unique , customized needs can be met , the difference of system and demand was lead .

  19. 第一种方式是在样板中注册物件,然后透过类似客制化函式的语法方式取得物件。

    One way is to register objects to the template , then use access them via syntax similar to custom functions .

  20. 如果您为产品定义了额外的客制化字段,那么可以利用这个标识符根据名称进行读取。

    If your product has additional , custom fields defined , then these can be accessed by name using this tag .

  21. 目前汽车企业为了满足大量客制化的要求,大多采用了混流装配的生产方式。

    In order to meet the requirements of the Mass Customization , most of the auto companies have adopted the mixed model assembly line .

  22. 快捷半导体不断聆听、发掘及回应客户的需要,透过提供客制化的矽解决方案,使客户能够维持竞争优势。

    Fairchild listens to , anticipates and responds to the needs of our customers with customized silicon solutions that enable them to maintain a competitive advantage .

  23. 一种使用以预设档案为基础的快取机制的方法是定义一个客制化快取处理函式,而此一函式将用来读取、写入、与清除快取档案。

    As an alternative to using the default file-based caching mechanism , you can specify a custom cache handling function that will be used to read , write and clear cached files .

  24. 其余部分的问题,以及一个没有客制化封面的报摊版本,将会用《国家地理》通常使用的凹版印刷和卷筒纸胶印服务。

    The remaining parts of the issue , as well as a newsstand version that does not have a customized cover , will be printed using National Geographic 's usual gravure and web offset service .

  25. 本研究除能利用于计算机产业外,亦能应用于产品功能类似、生命周期短与大量客制化特质的产业,如手机、数位相机等信息产业。

    This research can not only apply to PC industries , but also to similar products , with characteristics of short product life , and mass customization , such as cellular phone , digital camera * etc.