
  1. 在这个客户端游戏引擎的渲染是在客户机上(最终用户的计算机),并通过服务器片面的多用户支持,很多球员可以定位在一个场景中,在同一时间。

    In this client game engine the rendering is performed on the client machine ( the end-users computer ) and via server sided multiuser support , lots of players can navigate in one scene at the same time .

  2. 腾讯凭借英雄联盟以及世界足球在线3等电脑客户端游戏获得的收益略占多数,且同比增长了24%,达141亿元(20亿美元)。

    PC client games contributed a slim majority of that revenue , growing 24 % year-on-year to ¥ 14.1 billion ( $ 2 billion ) on the strength of titles like League of Legends and FIFA Online 3 .

  3. 通过该协议,实现了基于MIDP手机平台与PC服务器的连接,客户端的游戏规则判断由服务器完成。

    By Using the protocol , the connection of MIDP mobile phone platforms and PC server connectivity has been realized , then the rules of the game is judged by the server .

  4. 该技术使用在客户端读取游戏数据文件,比如怪物、任务文件。

    The technology used in the client to read the game data files , such as the monster , the task file .

  5. 传统的游戏运营是在游戏客户端中集成所有游戏资源,这种方式不仅使得新游戏资源发布速度慢且难度大,而且不可避免会使得客户端变得无比庞大。

    In traditionally , all game resources is integrated in game client , this kind of means not only make the new game resources released slowly and difficulty , and inevitably the client will be very large .