
  • 网络house-elf;house elfs;Kreacher
  1. 家养小精灵是一种矮小,有着像蝙蝠一样的大耳朵和巨大的眼睛的生物。

    A house-elf is a short creature with large bat-like ears and enormous eyes .

  2. 家养小精灵瞪着两只网球般的大眼睛,在黑暗中打量着哈利。

    The house-elf ' s goggling tennis ball eyes were peering at Harry through the darkness .

  3. 在霍格沃茨有上百个家养小精灵,是英国居住数量最多的地方(F12)。

    There are over a hundred house-elves at Hogwarts , the largest number in any dwelling in Britain ( GF12 ) .

  4. 英国文学虽然在精神上大体属于英国,也逐渐地反映许多别的国家的风格。在霍格沃茨有上百个家养小精灵,是英国居住数量最多的地方(F12)。

    English literature , though largely English in inspiration , came in time to mirror many other national fashions . There are over a hundred house-elves at Hogwarts , the largest number in any dwelling in Britain ( GF12 ) .

  5. 家养小精灵的角色和职责十分重要。

    The role or function of the house-elves is very important .

  6. 干嘛没见过家养小精灵吗

    What ? Ain 't you ever seen a houseelf before ?

  7. 不当然不是我爱死家养小精灵了

    No , no , of course I have . I love houseelves .

  8. 人们像对待害虫一样对待我们这些家养小精灵,先生!

    We house-elves were treated like vermin , sir !

  9. 然而,一个叫多比的为马尔福一家服务的家养小精灵有着更开明的看法。

    However , a house-elf named dobby , who served the Malfoy family , took a more enlightened view .

  10. 可是——此刻在我的卧室里接待一位家养小精灵有些不太合适。”

    but - this isn 't a great time for me to have a house-elf in my bedroom . "

  11. 家养小精灵显然对于这样的安排很高兴,它们认为的忠心耿耿,从不背叛它们的主人是值得骄傲的。

    House-elves are apparently very happy with this arrangement and consider it a matter of pride that they serve faithfully and do not betray their families .

  12. 哈利:我不想无礼,可现在不该是我卧室里有家养小精灵的时候。

    Harry : Not to be rude or anything , but this isn 't a great time for me to have a house elf in my bedroom .

  13. 你可以去掉第一集中罗恩打魁地奇的场景,你可以去掉赫敏的S.P.E.W&家养小精灵权益促进会,你可以去掉那些次要剧情

    You can remove scenes of Ron playing quidditch from the fifth book , and you can remove Hermione and S.P.E.W. [ Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare ] and those subplots

  14. 庄园的家养小精灵发现了之后,把它弄平整了,放在了休息室的一个抽屉里,和其他同样的羊皮纸放在了一起。

    The Manor house elves found it , smoothed it out and put it in one of the drawers of the parlour escritoire , along with a number of other similar pieces of parchment .