
jiā tínɡ jié ɡòu
  • family structure
  1. 弗洛伊德的病人的典型家庭结构是父母二人和两个孩子。

    The typical family structure of Freud 's patients involved two parents and two children

  2. 哈佛大学经济学家拉吉·切蒂认为可能的因素包括:经济和种族隔离、社区密度、社区中产阶级规模、学校质量、社区宗教信仰和家庭结构。他认为家庭结构是影响"向上流动"的最有力因素。

    Harvard economist Raj Chetty has pointed to economic and racial segregation , community density , the size of a community 's middle class , the quality of schools , community religiosity , and family structure , which he calls the " single strongest correlate of upward mobility . "

  3. 家庭结构在动摇,进而分崩离析。

    Family structures are weakening and breaking up .

  4. 非条件Logistic回归分析结果提示,抑郁情绪与家庭结构、同伴关系、家庭关系、年级及学校类型等变量有关。

    Logistic regression analysis revealed that depression was associated with family structure , peer relationship , family relationship , grade and type of school .

  5. 结果:(1)精神发展指数(MDI)与HOME评分显著相关,与家庭结构、经济收入、父母亲受教育程度关系不明显;

    Results : ( 1 ) While there was significant relationship between MDI and HOME scores , no reliable relationships was found between MDI and home structure , economic state , or parental education .

  6. 当代朝鲜族家庭结构及其伦理的嬗变

    Transformation of Family Structure and Ethic of Korean People in China

  7. 明代析产合户的家庭结构

    Family pattern , household division and register in the Ming dynasty

  8. 600例离退休老年人家庭结构与健康的调查

    Family Constitution and Health After Retirement : Investigation of 600 Cases

  9. 当代中国家庭结构变动分析

    The Changing Family Structure in Contemporary China : An Analysis

  10. 晋中商人的家庭结构与晋中社会

    The Structure of the Merchants ' Families and Society of Jin-Zhong Prefecture

  11. 20世纪西欧家庭结构的发展

    The Development of Western European Family Structure in Twentieth Century

  12. 二是家庭结构和功能。

    Another is the structure and function of the family .

  13. 现代中国城市家庭结构变化研究

    A Study on the Changes of Urban Family Structure in Present China

  14. 家庭结构变迁对养老模式的影响

    Effects of Family Structure Change On the Elderly Security System

  15. 我国家庭结构的统计研究

    A Statistic Study on the Family Structure of Our Country

  16. 孩子们需要稳定的家庭结构才会有安全感。

    Children need a stable family structure to feel secure .

  17. 不同家庭结构类型人际关系存在显著性差异;

    There are significant differences on personal relationship of different family structures .

  18. 近代以来日本家庭结构与功能的变迁

    Changes in Japanese Family Structure and Functions in Modern times

  19. 农村家庭结构对子女基础教育的影响

    The Influence of Rural Family 's Structure to Their Children 's Education

  20. 穷人中的家庭结构也在逐渐恶化。

    Then there is deteriorating family structure among the poor .

  21. 家庭结构和双亲角色都有清楚的界定。

    Family structures and parental roles were clearly defined .

  22. 三是家庭结构小型化,家庭支持力量较弱。

    Third , the family structure miniaturization , family support power is weak .

  23. 重庆市家庭结构变迁研究

    Research on the Changes of Chongqing 's Family Structure

  24. 家庭结构与功能的变革对儿童发展与教育的影响

    The Influences of Family Structure and Function Changes on the Development of Children

  25. 流动人口的家庭结构&以北京市为例

    A Study on the Family Structure of Floating People

  26. 我觉得中国的家庭结构是支持型的。

    I think family structure in China is verysupportive .

  27. 江苏农村地区家庭结构现状及区域差异

    An Analysis of Present Rural Family Structure and Regional Disparity in Jiangsu Province

  28. 随着社会进步,现代家庭结构发生变化,体育在家庭中的作用越来越重要。

    The modern family structure has undertaken changes with the progress of the society .

  29. 家庭结构对农村学前儿童性格特点的影响

    The influence of family structure on personality traits in pre-school children in suburban areas

  30. 老年教育的发展不仅是时代发展的必然结果,而且也是老年人自身需求变化的结果,例如家庭结构、生理需求、观念和经济条件等。

    Senior education is based on the demands of the era and the old .