
fù háo
  • plutocrat;magnate;rich and powerful people;nabob
富豪 [fù háo]
  • (1) [rich and powerful people]∶指有钱又有权势的人

  • (2) [pultocrat]∶财阀富家统治集团成员

富豪[fù háo]
  1. 每位城市富豪,都需要一张资本的名片。

    Each city rich and powerful people need a name card of the capital .

  2. 巴黎——借着又一批海量文件的外泄,记者们再度克尽职责,揭露了世界各地利用离岸公司隐藏财产的富豪与政要的名单。

    PARIS - Journalists have done their job , again , with another enormous leak of documents outing a global list of rich and powerful people who hid their wealth in offshore companies .

  3. 这对穿梭于各国的富豪夫妇经常出现在八卦专栏。

    The jet-setting couple made frequent appearances in the gossip columns .

  4. 在富豪当政的国家里,人们见利忘义。

    Financial , not moral , considerations will prevail in a plutocracy .

  5. 冬季运动吸引了英格兰的富豪们。

    The winter sports bring the jet set from England .

  6. 当然,在如今邀买人心的美国政界,唯一比代表富人的候选人更糟糕的就是代表超级富豪的候选人。

    Of course , in today 's populist politics , the only thing worse than being the candidate of the wealthy is being the candidate of the super wealthy .

  7. 他指出,如今印象派作品中复制品最多的往往是19世纪末五六位有影响力的富豪收藏家购买的。

    He points out that the most reproduced works of impressionism today tend to have been bought by five or six wealthy and influential collectors in the late 19th century .

  8. Squeezedmiddle所指的人群既不属于那些靠政府福利补助的低收入者,也不是金融危机也无法撼动的大富豪。

    The term squeezed middle refers to those people who neither fall into the lowest income category , where they might get support from the welfare state , nor count among the country 's top earners , for whom financial cutbacks have little personal impact .

  9. 如果对方是个十亿富豪,我们就可以说“他有三个逗号”。

    In case of a billionaire , we can use three commas .

  10. 我们能在各种场合见到那个富豪。

    We can see the rich man on sundry occasions .

  11. 揭发富豪统治集团的作家中,最多产的是古斯塔夫斯·迈尔斯。

    The most prolific of the debunkers of the plutocracy was Gustavus Myers .

  12. 著名物理学家史蒂芬·霍金和俄罗斯亿万富豪尤里·米尔纳的联合将外星人搜索推向了一个全新的高度。

    Renowned1 physicist2 Stephen Hawking3 and Russian billionaire Yuri Milner are pushing the search for extraterrestrial life into higher gear .

  13. 即使你有能力成为一个大富豪,如果没有一夜暴富也不要悲伤。

    Even though you have the ability to become a multimillionaire , don 't get upset if it doesn 't happen overnight .

  14. 周四(10月13日)发布的行业研究报告显示,去年,中国的造富能力在亚洲处于领先地位,同时将经历首个亿万富豪财富代际移交。

    China led Asia in creating billionaires last year and is set to undergo its first inter-generational billionaire wealth transfer , industrial research showed Thursday .

  15. 例句:他们是大人物,我们是微不足道的小人物。对大多数人来说,花2000美元买任何东西都是一大笔钱,但对这个国家的超级富豪来说却微不足道。

    To most people , $ 2000 is a lot to spend on anything , but it 's small potatoes to the country 's mega rich .

  16. 胡润富豪消费价格指数9年来首次下降,该指数每年发布一次,主要估算中国高端人群的消费水平。

    The Hurun Luxury Consumer Price Index , an annual study that gauges1 levels of top-end individual spending in China , has contracted for the first time in nine years .

  17. 胡润报告显示,由于豪宅、出境游和奢侈品价格降低,2015年富豪消费价格指数比上年下降1.8%。

    The LCPI 2015 dropped 1.8 percent year-on-year , said wealth researcher The Hurun Report which compiles the study , due to price declines in luxury properties , overseas trips and products .

  18. 由瑞银与普华永道联合编撰的亿万富豪报告显示,在亚洲几乎每三日诞生一位亿万富豪,多数来自中国。2015年,中国的亿万富豪财富增长了5.4%。

    Led by China , Asia is creating a billionaire every three days , and China 's billionaires wealth rose by 5.4 percent in 2015 , according to a report released by international investment bank UBS and global accounting1 firm PwC .

  19. 贾跃亭在2016年胡润中国富豪排行榜(HurunReportChinaRichList)上位列第31位,总财富估计达63亿美元。

    Mr Jia ranked 31st on the 2016 Hurun Report China Rich List with estimated wealth of $ 6.3bn .

  20. 苹果公司的CEO蒂姆库克日前也加入到了愿意捐出全部财富的富豪行列。

    Apple Inc Chief Executive Tim Cook is joining the roster of the very rich who are giving away their wealth .

  21. 据报道,第九城市(The9Limited)总裁、一度荣登中国富豪榜的富翁朱骏正在洽谈购买利物浦足球俱乐部(LiverpoolFootballClub)。

    Zhu Jun , chairman of The9 Limited and onetime China rich lister , is reportedly in talks to buy the Liverpool Football Club .

  22. 这位乌克兰富豪用一家名为WaterPropertyHoldings的海外公司买下了该豪华公寓,公寓占地3层,毗邻著名的骑士街。

    The Ukrainian used an offshore company called Water Property Holdings to buy the flat , which covers the top three floors in the Richard Rogers designed complex next to Knightsbridge .

  23. 《星期日泰晤士报》富豪榜(SundayTimesRichList)上榜者中,至少有40人拥有英格兰足球超级联赛(PremierLeague)或者英格兰冠军联赛(Championship)俱乐部。可想而知,对这些人而言,这些俱乐部基本上是玩物,而非生意。

    At least 40 members of the Sunday Times Rich List own Premier League or Championship clubs - mostly , one assumes , as toys rather than business undertakings .

  24. 凯悦酒店公寓位于北京中央商务区(CentralBusinessDistrict,CBD)中心位置,周围高楼林立,高档商铺与夜总会云集,是各路富豪觊觎的黄金地段。

    Situated in the middle of the central business district ( CBD ) among skyscrapers , upscale shops and clubs , the area is a coveted hub for the moneyed classes .

  25. 一位渣打银行(StandardChartered)的富豪客户涉嫌从中国某国有银行窃取资金,作为警方对此案调查的一部分,一名渣打员工已被中国警方拘留。

    A Standard Chartered banker has been detained by police in China as part of an investigation into a wealthy client who allegedly stole money from a state-owned bank .

  26. 在中国古代瓷器收藏圈里,鲜有藏品能够像明成化“鸡缸杯”(chickencup)那样引得一众富豪收藏家趋之若鹜。

    Among the deep-pocketed collectors of Chinese antique ceramics , few pieces arouse as much excitement as the small Ming dynasty-era bowls commonly known as the ' chicken cups . '

  27. 《福布斯》杂志(forbes)的数据显示,在全球排名前100位的富豪中,有39人是美国人。

    Thirty nine of the 100 richest people in the world , according to Forbes , are Americans .

  28. 据PhilanthropyUK称,15年以前,《星期日泰晤士报》富豪榜(SundayTimesRichList)上有75%的人财富是继承来的,25%的人靠的是自力更生。

    Fifteen years ago , 75 per cent of the individuals on the Sunday Times Rich List had inherited their wealth while 25 per cent were self-made , according to Philanthropy UK .

  29. 根据英国财政部(treasury)正在拟定的一项影响深远的法案,居住在英国的外国富豪们将要为他们在英国境内的资产缴纳巨额资本利得税。

    An elite of wealthy foreigners living in Britain faces paying billions of pounds in capital gains tax on UK-based assets , under far-reaching legislation being drawn up by the Treasury .

  30. 这种封禁技术由以色列初创企业Shine公司开发。亚洲富豪李嘉诚创办的投资基金HorizonVentures也是该公司股东之一。

    The blocking technology was developed by Shine , an Israeli start-up whose shareholders include Horizon Ventures , the investment fund of Li Ka-shing , Asia 's richest person .