
ɡuǎ tóu lǒnɡ duàn
  • oligopoly
  1. PC行业和空调行业经过十多年的快速发展之后,目前已呈现出寡头垄断的格局。

    After the introduction and fast-developing stage in several decades , the PC industry and air conditioner industry have showed the characteristics of an oligopoly structure .

  2. 按照产业组织理论的市场结构(S)市场行为(C)市场绩效(P)分析框架,本文以多个指标计算了中国银行卡产业的市场集中度,认为中国银行卡市场属于寡头垄断型市场。

    This article applies the market structure - market conduct - market performance paradigm to the analysis of Chinese bank card industry . With the concentration data of bank card industry , it is concluded that the bank card market consists an oligopoly .

  3. 最后,本文运用Swarm平台对寡头垄断厂商定价决策系统进行了实证研究。

    At last , we have studied the price-making decision system of the oligarch monopolize firm with the help of the Swarm .

  4. 寡头垄断市场Stackelberg模型的进一步修正

    A Improvement of Stackelberg 's Model in Oligopoly Monopolized Market

  5. 首先通过对绝对集中度指标CRn的计算判断中国民航业目前属于寡头垄断型市场结构。

    Firstly , 1 judge the industry belongs to oligarch monopoly market by accounting the " CRn " .

  6. 结果表明:中国、印度具有全球总CDM潜力的70%左右,若形成寡头垄断,则对碳市场有重要影响;

    The results show that China and India together share around 70 % of the global CDM potential , so they can have a large impact on the market .

  7. 英国已经在这样做了。英国上议院(HouseofLords)一个委员会在6月份宣称,大公司的审计被寡头垄断所主导,这种局面充满了危险。

    This is already under way in the UK , where a House of Lords committee declared in June that the auditing of large companies is dominated by an oligopoly with all the dangers that go with that .

  8. 针对寡头垄断市场结构的复杂性,将复杂适应系统理论引入寡头垄断市场的研究中,提出了一种基于多智能体的寡头垄断市场模型,并在Swarm平台上进行了仿真。

    Aiming at the complexity of oligopoly market , according to the theory of complex adaptive system , the authors propose a model of the oligopoly market based on multi-agent , and make a simulation on Swarm platform .

  9. 之后,本文在前人研究的基础上,以Black-Scholes模型为基础,运用模糊数学知识,建立了信息不对称情况下的双寡头垄断模型。

    After that , based on the previous research by others , I establish model between two asymmetric firms under uncertainty , which based on the model of Black-Scholes and fuzzy theory .

  10. 这是波音和中国商飞的首次合作。中国商飞正在开发一种单通道窄体客机,可能有助于打破波音及其竞争对手空客(Airbus)长期以来对窄体飞机市场的双寡头垄断。

    It is the first partnership between Boeing and Comac , which is developing a single-aisle passenger aircraft that could help break the longstanding duopoly in the narrow-body market enjoyed by the US manufacturer and Airbus , its European competitor .

  11. 本文通过市场结构-行为-绩效(SCP)范式对我国中、高级轿车行业产业组织进行分析,认为现阶段我国的轿车市场属于寡头垄断市场结构。

    By means of the SCP model , the industrial organization of domestic advanced Sedan car industrial market is analysed . On the basis of the analysis , a conclusion is made that the structure of this industry is an oligopoly one .

  12. 中国移动通讯市场是双寡头垄断市场,但它们的表现就像是有10家企业在进行竞争,”电信咨询公司bdachina董事总经理邓肯克拉克(duncanclark)昨日表示,“中国移动仍决意提高其市场份额

    The China mobile market is a duopoly , but they act as if there are 10 competitors fighting it out , " Duncan Clark , managing director of telecommunications consultancy BDA China , said yesterday . " China Mobile is still determined to grow its market share

  13. 接着在多维bertrand模型进行分析的基础上进一步扩展了二维信号博弈模型,利用博弈设计理论来分析寡头垄断市场中的领导者企业在单一市场结构下和多元化市场结构条件下的价格竞争策略;

    Then expand two-dimensional signal gambling model on the basis of utilizing multi-dimensional Bertrand model to analyze the price competition , design the enterprise 's price competitive strategy under single market structure and pluralistic market by using the game theory ;

  14. 我国的移动通信市场是典型的寡头垄断市场,由中国移动、中国联通和中国电信构成了三寡头垄断的局面,并且通过技术创新由原来的2G时代迈入了3G通信时代,竞争非常激烈。

    China mobile communications market is the typical oligopolistic market , by China mobile , China Unicom and China telecom constitute the three monopoly situation , and through technological innovation it enter into 3G mobile communication era from the 2G era , and the competition is fierce .

  15. 建立了一个Kopel双寡头垄断广告竞争模型,发现企业的广告行为将引起市场的不稳定甚至混沌。

    A Kopel duopoly model for competition in advertisement is developed , and it is found that the advertising behavior of enterprises may result in the instability or even chaos of the market .

  16. 寡头垄断条件下的排污权交易博弈模型

    A Game Model of Tradable Emission Permits under Conditions of Duopoly

  17. 寡头垄断企业战略投资期权博弈模型

    Option games model of firm ′ s investment strategy in oligopoly

  18. 国内寡头垄断性企业技术创新惰性分析

    Analysis of Inertia in Technical Innovation of National Oligarch Monopoly Enterprises

  19. 寡头垄断条件下环境污染税收的博弈分析

    A Model of Competition with Environmental Tax under Conditions of Duopoly

  20. 三是生产和资本的集中正在形成全球寡头垄断市场;

    The concentration of production and capital forms global monopoly market ;

  21. 寡头垄断竞争中车险价格行为的实证研究

    Experimental Study on Motor Insurance Pricing in an Oligopoly Competition Market

  22. 垄断竞争和寡头垄断条件下的出版市场分析

    Publishing Markets in the Conditions of Monopolistic Competition and Collusive Oligopoly

  23. 具有产能约束的网络型寡头垄断产业链中企业决策模型研究

    Decision Research of Network Oligopoly Market Industry Chain with Capacity Restraint

  24. 寡头垄断市场下量本利复杂性分析

    Complexity analysis about cost , sales volume and profit in duopoly

  25. 寡头垄断竞争管制的博弈模型

    The Game Model of Oligopoly Competition Regulation Regulation and Control

  26. 寡头垄断条件下的要素禀赋理论

    A Factor Endowment Theory of International Trade under Oligopolistic Competition

  27. 价格战主要存在于寡头垄断行业。

    The price war must be in the oligopolistic markets .

  28. 双寡头垄断市场下的企业广告竞争分析

    Advertisement competition decision making analysis for double oligarchies monopolization market

  29. 寡头垄断市场中企业兼并的一般均衡分析

    General Equilibrium Analysis of Mergers and Acquisition in Oligopolistic Market

  30. 中国移动通信市场:寡头垄断,价格战不可取

    Duopoly Market , Unwise Price Battle : China Mobile & China Unicom