
duì dài jǐ fù
  • reciprocal payment against delivery
  1. 行政法领域正当联结的存在样态表现为行政目的与行政手段的联结、行政主体的给付与行政相对人的对待给付的联结、行政裁量中考虑相关因素的联结及公共利益考虑联结。

    Rational relationship in the field of administrative law is manifested by the relationship between administrative purposes and means , and the relationship of public interests etc.

  2. 市场经济条件下,物权变动中常常出现出卖人交付动产标的物而买受人未为对待给付;

    Under the economic market , transfer of real right often occurs that , the seller sold the movable object but the buyer didn 't pay for it .

  3. 对于加害给付的救济并非只能依据合同法第122条规定的责任竞合来处理,而应根据加害给付侵害的利益区别对待。对加害给付概念与救济的再思考

    Not all the remedies for injury performance should be dealt with in accordance with Article 122 , but be treated differently according to the injury performance infringing the rights Reconsideration on Concept and Remedy for Injury Performance