
  • 网络agonistic behavior;antagonistie aetlon;the act competing
  1. 记录各实验组中布氏田鼠在观察箱内(两个大小为37cm×27cm×17cm的有机塑料箱合并而成)10min内发生的非对抗行为频次和对抗行为频次。

    The non-agnostic and agnostic behavior of the voles were observed for ten minutes in an observation box which was made by placing two boxes together ( each box was 37 cm × 27 cm × 17 cm ) .

  2. 北韩方面可能最终会认为这是诽谤和对抗行为。

    He says Pyongyang could eventually view such behavior as slanderous and antagonistic .

  3. 尽管许多人承认兄弟姐妹之间存在着一些挥之不去的对抗行为,

    Although most people admitted to some lingering rivalry ,

  4. 群际冲突是人们把自己看作不同社会群体的成员而非单独个体而发生的外显或内隐的对抗行为。

    Intergroup conflict refers the explicit or implicit against behavior among different social groups rather than individuals .

  5. 半夏厚朴汤加味能够对抗行为绝望模型小鼠引起的脾脏细胞形态的改变。

    Supplemented Banxia Houpu Decoction can confront the changes of spleen cells morphology of little mice behaving desperation . 3 .

  6. 针对她的消极对抗行为,拉斐尔与她当面对质,但得到的回答却让她瞠目结舌:她说她只不过是同情这只狗。

    Lafair confronted the employee about her passive aggressive behavior and received a wide-eyed response : she just felt sorry for the dog .

  7. 如果初步的努力未能阻止员工的消极对抗行为,老板可以在他们未能实现目标的时候施加影响。

    If these first efforts fail to stop the passive aggressive behavior , you can try to impose consequences when they don 't meet their goals .

  8. 国际斗争中存在的电子对抗行为引发了各种国际法律问题,涉及到战争法、电磁资源利用、国家安全和主权等方面。

    The electronic countermeasure which has existed caused all kinds of international legal issue that involves the laws of war , the utilization of electromagnetic sources , national sovereignty and security .

  9. 对这两种处理中不同对抗行为的比较表明,个体大小相同处理组中的发声、咬、以及总体对抗行为发生得更为频繁。

    A comparison of different agonistic behaviours of the fish under both treatments showed that sound producing , biting and total agonistic behaviours were found more frequently among the size-matched fish .

  10. 开会迟到,还坐在后排跟同事窃窃私语,这都是典型的消极对抗行为。

    An employee who shows up late to meetings , sits in the back of the room , and mutters to colleagues is displaying some of the classic signs of passive aggressive behavior .

  11. 奥巴马在星期日的讲话中敦促中国不要再对朝鲜在核项目问题上的对抗行为视而不见,而要利用其影响力节制朝鲜的核野心。

    In remarks Sunday , Mr. Obama had urged China to stop turning a blind eye to North Korea 's nuclear defiance and use its influence to rein in Pyongyang 's nuclear ambitions .

  12. 反侦查是犯罪人或其他人为了使作案人避免被发现、证实与抓获而采取的掩盖、伪装、躲避和对抗行为的总称。

    Counter-investigation is the collectivity of the behaviors that the perpetrator or the other person tries to conceal , disguise , escape and resist in order to make the offender avoid being discovered , confirmed or captured .

  13. 该模式首次提出:把消除利益受损者的抗拒作为必须实施的一个步骤,有利于有效减少实施过程中的对抗行为;

    That mode first time submission : Resist a step that the conduct and actions must carry out to the one who wipe - out avail damaged , be advantageous to the valid reduction implementation process amid of combat the action ;

  14. 通过工人进行破坏性罢工的对抗性行为。

    Confrontational activities intended to break up a strike by workers .

  15. 对抗竞争行为,如为了利益或奖品;敌对。

    The act of competing , as for profit or a prize ; rivalry .

  16. 一种框架体系结构的舰空对抗智能行为设计研究

    Design and Research of framework system on Intelligent Behavior Simulation Framework of Anti-air rivalry

  17. 所以,要对抗这种行为,你应该为你的男人制造一点儿风险。

    So to counter that behaviour you just have to create risks for your man .

  18. 但为了对抗短期行为而安排差别投票权,可能是一把危险的双刃剑。

    But differential voting plans can be a dangerous , double-edged tool for countering this .

  19. 没人可以否认,我们由心发射出的“自然和平”的状态,我们从未与你们表现出对抗的行为。

    No one can deny that we have shown ourselves to be of a peaceful nature , and we have never been involved in any confrontation with you .

  20. 道德恐慌是社会冲突理论的重要概念,揭示了人们在社会交换中的对抗性行为和关系,维系着脆弱的社会平衡。

    Moral Panic is the important concept of the social conflict theory , which makes exposure to the antagonistic behavior of human beings in the social exchange and the maintenance of the weak balance of the society .

  21. 在上市公司收购与敌意收购概念基础上,本文把反收购概念界定为:目标公司为防止其控制权转移而采取的旨在预防或阻止收购人收购本公司股份的对抗性行为。

    Based on the concepts of takeover and hostile takeover of listed companies , this essay defines the concept of anti-takeover to be : the acts conducted by the target company to prevent transfer of its control right and prevent the purchaser from taking over the company .

  22. 但是任何对抗公司的行为都可能扩大造成对中国所有互联网股票的影响。

    But any move against them could have broad repercussions for all Chinese internet stocks .

  23. 在曼谷出台的新举措将被应用到对抗数字盗版行为的斗争中去。

    New measures put in place in Bangkok go some way to countering digital piracy .

  24. 记者在曼谷出台的新举措将被应用到对抗数字盗版行为的斗争中去。

    CORRESPONDENT New measures put in place in Bangkok go some way to countering digital piracy .

  25. 对抗对抗的行为或对抗的状态,尤指面对面的遭遇。

    The act of confronting or the state of being confronted , especially a meeting face to face .

  26. 两个女孩对抗成人毁灭行为的斗争既有趣又振奋人心,每一帧画面都是艺术。《菊石》

    The girls ' battles against destructive adults are exhilarating fun , and every frame is a work of art .

  27. 美国国会的一监督机构昨日表示,国会应当通过立法,赋予美国公司一个对抗中国汇率操纵行为的新工具,并向白宫施压,迫使其在世贸组织(WTO)中采取行动。

    Congress should pass legislation giving US companies a new tool to fight China 's currency manipulation and also put pressure on the White House to take action at the World Trade Organization , a congressional watchdog panel said yesterday .

  28. 他说,漫画甚至可以成为“对抗绝望和激进行为的软实力工具”。

    Manga he says , could even be " a tool of soft power against despair and radicalisation . "

  29. 人道边境执行董事胡安妮塔·莫利纳表示他们的组织包括帮助那些愿意助移民一臂之力的人对抗收到的破坏行为和死亡威胁。

    The group 's actions have included vandalism and death threats against those willing to help immigrants , says Humane Borders executive director Juanita Molina .

  30. 所以,当29年联储局加息以对抗股市的投机行为时,很多其他国家被迫跟随,否则基于资金逐利的原理,不跟随的国家会迅速流失黄金储备。

    Hence , when the Federal Reserve raised interest rates in1928 to fight stock market speculation , it inadvertently forced tightening of monetary policy in many other countries as well .