
duì jiǎo xiàn
  • diagonal;diagonal line;slanting stitch;arriswise
对角线 [duì jiǎo xiàn]
  • [diagonal line] 连接多边形任意两个不相邻顶点的直线,或者连接多面体任意两个不在同一面上的顶点的直线

对角线[duì jiǎo xiàn]
  1. 完全多部图的G-分解,G为有一条对角线的四边形

    G - decomposition of complete multipartite graph Kn ( g ) where G is a quadrilateral with one diagonal

  2. 其作用之一是改进两个具有正则Gδ-对角线空间的度量化定理。

    One of the functions of the space is to improve two metrization theorems of regular G_ δ - diagonal space .

  3. 在对角线上等距地标出5点。

    Mark five points an equal distance apart along the diagonals .

  4. 长对角线法实现GIS中矢量地图面状地物汉字注记的自动配置

    Automatic Placement of GIS Vector Map Annotation in Area Feature by Long-Diagonal

  5. 用n阶半幻方造n~2阶泛对角线幻方

    Constructing A Set of n ~ 2-orders Pandiagonal Magic Square by Using a N-orders Semi Magic Square

  6. 基于CCD的墙地砖对角线测量系统的研究

    Research on Measurement System Based on CCD used for Measuring Diagonal Length of Wall and Floor Tiles

  7. 低码率视频编码中基于对角线抽样的混合DCT算法

    A Novel DS-Based Hybrid DCT for Low Bit-Rate Video Coding

  8. 循环空间的对角线能根据“Flag”画中的直线很好地工作。

    The diagonal lines of cyclic space work well against the straight lines in the " Flag " paintings .

  9. iPhone13先进的双摄系统有了新变化,两个镜头呈对角线摆放。

    iPhone 13 has a new look for the advanced dual-camera system with the lenses arranged diagonally .

  10. 约束Delaunay三角剖分中强行嵌入约束边的多对角线交换算法

    Multiple diagonal exchanging algorithm for inserting constrained boundary in constrained Delaunay triangulation

  11. 线段GH是一条对角线。

    The line GH is a diagonal line .

  12. 可方便的运用Fisher准则函数在二维特征直方图的对角线找到最佳分割点。

    It is convenient to use Fisher function to search the optimal point on the diagonal of the histogram .

  13. 并基于QuaPA编码原理论述了GTP顶点ID的编码步骤,给出了GTP模型引入对角线后在地质体三维平面剖切显示中的应用。

    Moreover , the three-dimensional clipping on geological entities after diagonal generation in GTP model is introduced .

  14. 介绍了采用CCD摄像机作为传感器墙地砖对角线实时测量系统的工作原理及软硬件组成。

    Software , hardware and the basic operational principle of CCD sensor on-line measuring system for the diagonal of wall and floor tile are discussed in this paper .

  15. 数集构成4n阶泛对角线幻方的充分条件

    Sufficient condition of number set constructing pandiagonal magic square of order 4N

  16. 本文用C-程序实现行等和矩阵的构造,并利用行等和矩阵构造阶数为n(n≠4t+2,12t)的全对角线幻方。

    A C-program composition method is given to construct pandiagonal magic square . In this paper we define row sum-equal matrix to construct pandiagonal magic square of order n ( n ≠ 4t + 2,12t ) .

  17. 该原理将CMOS图像器件获得的分别在横向、纵向和对角线方向存在半个像素错位的四幅图像用软件合成一幅高分辨率图像。

    The principle composes four CMOS images taken staggeringly in half pixel offset in directions of horizontal , vertical and diagonal into a new reconstructed high resolution image .

  18. 在这一章中,我们对任意阶数n找到了能使Hadamard乘法封闭的一些逆M-矩阵的特殊类型,包括三对角线逆M-矩阵和五对角线逆M-矩阵等重要情况。

    We found some special types of inverse M-matrices which are closed under Hadamard product for the order n , tridiagonal inverse M-matrices and five-diagonal inverse M-matrices included .

  19. 还证明了等边凸六边形当任一对角线长不小于边长时,μn的最大值为12+63。

    We also show that in the case of a equilateral convex 6-gon , when none of the diagonals is shorter than the lengths of edges , the greatest value of μ 6 is 12 + 63 .

  20. Kappa检验主要检验配对计数资料C×C表主对角线上的计数值是否显著地大于其期望值。

    Kappa statistics focuses on the counts in the major diagonal of the C × C table , testing if the diagonal counts were significantly higher than those expected ( by chance alone ) .

  21. 道路多项式Pk(λ)是上,下对角线元素是1,其它元素为0的k阶方阵的特征多项式,k≥1;

    The path polynomial P k (λ), k ≥ 1 , is the characteristic polynomial of the tridiagonal matrix with 1 ′ s on the super and subdiagonals and zeros elsewhere ;

  22. 并且随着Co原子含量的增加,Co原子优先占据中心的位置,其次为对角线或邻近顶点的位置,最后为顶点和棱的位置。

    The simulation results show that Co atoms occupy firstly the central site , then diagonal lines or adjacent vertices positions , finally the vertices and edges as the increase of Co mole fraction . 2 .

  23. 上周推出的这两款新iPhone都比过去的型号大很多,iPhone6屏幕对角线尺寸有4.7英寸,而iPhone6Plus屏幕尺寸则为5.5英寸。

    Both new iPhones unveiled last week are significantly larger than previous models . The iPhone 6 screen measures 4.7 inches diagonally and the iPhone 6 Plus screen measures 5.5 inches .

  24. 已知平行四边形两邻边a、b(a≤b)及对角线夹角α(0°<α<90°)求其面积是一类常见习题。

    It is the type of common problems that the area of a parallelogram is computed , if two adjacent sides a , b ( a ≤ b ) and included angle a ( 0 ° diagonal lines of the parallelogram are known .

  25. Schur向量法的关键在于交换伪上三角形矩阵对角线上的对角块的位置。

    The key of schur method is to exchange the diagonal blocks in the upper pseudo - triangular matrix .

  26. 该PAPC方法使QR分解后的R矩阵具有等对角线元素的性质,同时也最大化自由距离的下限。

    The PAPC approach makes the matrix R have equal-diagonal elements and maximizes the lower bound of the free distance at the same time .

  27. 当前,在大量的双边投资条约(BITs)中一般都规定了对角线条款,即投资者可以依据条约对投资东道国提起国际仲裁。

    Nowadays , in most bilateral investment treaties ( BITs ), the diagonal clause has been inserted according to which the covered investor would be able to bring arbitration against the host country .

  28. 内置硬度计算器,可通过输入压痕对角线长度,直接在LCD屏幕上显示硬度值。

    The inside places the degree of hardness calculator , can pass the importation press the diagonal line length , direct the manifestation degree of hardness is worth in LCD holding the act .

  29. GTP模型中对角线引入的最小顶点标识(SVID)法

    Diagonal Generation by Smallest Vertex Identifier in GTP Model

  30. 利用空气间隙技术、方形贴片对角线馈电技术和正交开槽的方法,设计了具有微机电系统(MEMS)开关控制特性的宽频带圆极化可重构的毫米波微带天线。

    By exploiting techniques of air gap , vertical slots and diagonal feeding of square patch , a broadband and circularly polarized reconfigurable antenna with characteristic of micro-electromechanical system ( MEMS ) switches is presented .