
shòu mìng
  • life;lifetime;life cycle;life span;age
寿命 [shòu mìng]
  • (1) [life-span;life]

  • (2) 生命的年限

  • 狗的正常寿命估计是十二年

  • (3) 比喻事物存在或有效使用的期限

  • 机器寿命

寿命[shòu mìng]
  1. 世界各地人类的预期寿命均有所延长。

    They have extended the potential life span of humanity everywhere .

  2. 这些电池的寿命为6小时。

    The batteries had a life span of six hours

  3. 精心保养可延长汽车寿命。

    Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car .

  4. 许多笼中鸟比野外同类鸟的寿命长。

    Many caged birds live longer than their fellows in the wild .

  5. 意大利每届政府的平均寿命是十一个月。

    In Italy the average life of a government is eleven months .

  6. 他们假定塑料容器的寿命为500年。

    They postulated a 500-year lifespan for a plastic container .

  7. 蠕虫的寿命为几个月。

    Worms have a lifespan of a few months .

  8. 诸多社会因素左右着人的预期寿命。

    A number of social factors influence life expectancy .

  9. 平均预期寿命从70岁左右降到了67岁。

    Average life expectancy went down from about 70 to 67 .

  10. 在老年群体中女性占大多数,因为男性的寿命往往较短。

    In older age groups women predominate because men tend to die younger

  11. 他们比上一辈人的预期寿命要长。

    They had longer life expectancies than their parents .

  12. 言外之意是,这种电池的寿命是其他品牌电池的两倍。

    The implication is that this battery lasts twice as long as other batteries

  13. 如果汽车采用更多塑料元件,寿命会更长一些。

    If you build more plastics into cars , the car lasts longer .

  14. 15年的寿命对狗而言是比较常见的。

    A 15-year lifespan is not uncommon for a dog

  15. 维修既没有使设备增值,也没有延长其使用寿命。

    The repairs did not increase the value or the life of the equipment .

  16. 《圣经》中说人的寿命是70年。

    The Bible states that the life of man is three score and ten .

  17. 平均期望寿命曾是40岁。

    The average life expectancy was 40

  18. 当然,影响一棵苹果树寿命的因素有很多。

    Of course , a number of factors will dictate how long an apple tree can survive

  19. 吸烟会缩短你的寿命。

    Smoking can shorten your life

  20. 人们的寿命比以前任何时候都长了,所以即便到了65岁或70岁,余下的光阴也还很长。

    People are living longer than ever before , so even people who are 65 or 70 have a surprising amount of time left

  21. 调查表明现在人们的预期寿命更长。

    The survey shows that people now have a higher life expectancy .

  22. 小事故会缩短汽车寿命。

    Minor accidents can shorten the life of a car .

  23. 他的公司的寿命是兔子尾巴长不了。

    His corporate 's life will be as short as a rabbit 's tail .

  24. 低负荷运行具有能延长物理寿命的优点。

    Underrating has the advantage of increasing physical life .

  25. 节省时间等于延长寿命。

    To save time is to prolong life .

  26. 短寿命意味着质量不确定。

    Short lifetime means uncertain mass .

  27. 区域卫生改革试点项目为降低婴儿死亡率、增加人口预期寿命作出了贡献。

    Regional pilot health reform project contributes to decrease in infant mortality , increase in life expectancy .

  28. 只要你适当地注意,你完全可能享有很高的寿命。

    Provided that you exercise due care , there is no reason why you shouldn 't live to a great age .

  29. 然而,这种对比方法忽略了其他相关因素:休闲时间、预期寿命和经济不平等。

    However , that comparison omits other relevant factors : leisure time , life expectancy , and economic inequality .

  30. 我们能源系统的主要组成部分,例如燃料生产、燃料精炼、发电和配电,用的都是使用寿命很长的昂贵设备。

    The major components of our energy systems , such as fuel production , refining , electrical generation and distribution , are costly installations that have lengthy life spans .