
shèn tòu zuò yònɡ
  • osmosis;permeation
  1. MEG钻井液与地层作用的整个过程大致可以分为自由扩散作用、吸附作用和渗透作用三个作用阶段。

    The reaction process between MEG drilling fluid and formation may include diffusion , absorption and osmosis .

  2. 若肾功能衰退,可通过渗透作用使血液净化

    Blood can be clean by osmosis If the kidney have fail

  3. PCS对羊毛纤维有一定的渗透作用,渗透力与溶液pH值和温度基本无关。

    Penetrant test shows that PCS has penetration for wool , and its penetration power is almost independent of temperature and pH value of its solution .

  4. 目的探讨抗心律失常药盐酸普萘洛尔(PL·HCL)在猪口腔颊黏膜上的渗透作用及药物经口颊黏膜吸收的影响因素。

    Purpose To investigate the permeation of model drug , propranolol hydrochloride , through the excised porcine buccal mucosa . To study the influences of various factors on the buccal absorption also studied .

  5. 不含助渗剂的对照组24h透皮吸收率为20.7±4.4%。提示樟脑对水杨酸和氟尿嘧啶有促皮渗透作用。

    Respectively , while that of 5-Fu alone was 20.7 ± 4.4 % , These data indicate that the camphor has the effect of pentration enhancer on skin permeation of salicylic acid and 5-Fu .

  6. 结果表明,动物种属及皮肤部位均可影响TNT经皮肤的渗透作用;化学或机械的皮肤损伤均明显增加TNT的经皮渗透量和渗透速度。

    The results showed that the percutaneous permeability of TNT can be effected by the animal species and different part of skin , The penetration of TNT through the injured skin was much easier compared with the intact skin .

  7. 结论:茶碱贴片体外经皮渗透作用较好。

    Conclusion : Theophylline transdermal patch has good permeation in vitro .

  8. 然而一个逆渗透作用水处理系统有它的限制。

    However a reverse osmosis water treatment system has its limitations .

  9. 文中简述了聚乙二醇钻井液页岩抑制机理:浊点行为、协同作用、渗透作用。

    The shale inhibition mechanisms of water-base polyethylene glycol drilling fluid , i.

  10. 超常量扩张促进皮肤软组织扩张器内利多卡因的渗透作用

    Effect of over-volume expansion on the permeability of skin expander to Lidocaine

  11. 混合胶团增溶的环孢素A经小鼠皮肤的渗透作用

    Transdermal delivery of cyclosporin a solubilized in mixed micelles through mice skin

  12. N-三甲基壳聚糖对环孢素经皮渗透作用的试验研究

    Study on the penetration effect of N-trimethyl chitosan on Cyclosporin

  13. 薄荷脑促进氯霉素经皮渗透作用研究

    Study on the menthol to increase skin permeation of chloramphenicol in vitro

  14. 促透剂对青藤碱凝胶经皮渗透作用的研究

    Penetration of transdermal enhancers on percutaneous permeation of Sinomenine Gels in vitro

  15. 审美教育在人才素质培养中的渗透作用

    On the Permeability of Aesthetic Education in Cultivating Talent Quality

  16. 氮酮促进复方替硝唑凝胶经皮渗透作用研究

    Study of Azone in Percutaneous Permeation of Compound Tinidazole Gel

  17. 但是,渗透作用也会引起一些动物体内的严重问题。

    However osmosis can also cause some very serious problems in animal cells .

  18. 其产生是由于细胞通过渗透作用吸收大量水分引起的。

    It results from the uptake of water into the cell by osmosis .

  19. 大豆卵磷脂促进胰岛素透口腔粘膜渗透作用研究

    Investigation of Soybean Phosphatidylcholine Enhancing Insulin Across Buccal Mucosa

  20. 上述特征同水的渗透作用有密切关系。

    It is inferred that these characteristics are contributed to the penetration of water .

  21. 论宗教对民族心理的渗透作用

    On the Osmosis of Religion to National Mentality

  22. 薄荷醇促渗透作用的研究进展

    Advanced Research on Penetration Enhancing Effect of Menthol

  23. 因此,海水去盐逆向渗透作用减少了能量的消耗。

    As a result , the energy use for reverse-osmosis seawater desalination has fallen .

  24. 水分渗透作用和再分配密云水库油松水源保护林降水再分配特征研究

    Study on Characteristics of Rainfall Redistribution by Pinus Tabulaeformis Water Protection Forest in Miyun Reservoir

  25. 喷昔洛韦固体脂质纳米粒的制备及其经皮渗透作用

    Penciclovir-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles for topical delivery

  26. 减少污水进水量及渗透作用的全港研究

    Territorial Sewerage Inflow and Infiltration Reduction Strategy

  27. 冠状毛细血管长度非线性变化及渗透作用下的毛细血管血液流动

    Blood Flow in a Coronary Capillary Considering Influence of Vessel Nonlinear Length Change and Infiltration

  28. 同时剖析了湖南酒业的发展对促进湖南经济的渗透作用。

    It also elaborates the economic penetration effect of wine industry development on Hunan 's economy .

  29. 这一过程被称为渗透作用。对细菌和霉菌来说,这可能是致命的。

    This process is called osmosis , and it can be deadly for bacteria and mold .

  30. 精油类促进剂对非诺洛芬钙经皮渗透作用的研究

    Study on Enhancing Effect of Essential Oils upon the Penetration of Fenoprofen Calcium through Mouse Skin